There is a kind of family demeanor in every gesture, which cannot be raised by ordinary people, and should come from a certain big family.

Moreover, this girl is delicate and a bit shy of strangers. It seems that she has never been in the world and grew up in the favor of a big family.

Such a monk is as pure as a piece of white paper, has never experienced the darkness of the practice world, and is 100% a big fat sheep. People will believe whatever they say. As long as they operate properly, they can definitely make a lot of money.

It's just a pity that the sixth senior brother is not here. If two people play tricks to deceive this group of monks, it will be easy to catch. Now that I am alone, I should spend more time.

"But I only have 800 top-grade spirit stones on me."

The girl in the white skirt seemed a little anxious, her eyes were fixed on Yu Ruyi on the booth, as if it had run away.

Li Xiaobai was overjoyed, this girl was here to bargain for feelings, but unfortunately he didn't know what it means to be sympathetic and cherish jade, he only recognizes spirit stones but not beauties.

"Hehe, since there are no spirit stones, I can only sell this jade to others. If you really want it, you can ask your parents to bring more spirit stones. After all, treasures during the tribulation period may cause looting and bidding. Not impossible."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"But I came here alone. The elders of the clan are all in the East China Sea. Can the boss be flexible and sell this treasure to the little girl?"

The woman in the white skirt begged, her beautiful eyes were full of pleading, which made people feel pity.

However, the monks around him quit, they licked blood all the year round, and they would not hand over treasures to others just because they were cute.

"Go away if you don't have any money. This jade ruyi has the effect of gathering spiritual energy. Even a high-level monk in the tribulation period will not give up using it. Let alone 800 pieces, even if you have 8,000 pieces You may not be able to buy it!"

"That's right, if you don't have money, you still come to join in the fun. Where do you come from the family's children, who don't know any rules, what about your face?"

"A pretty girl, why are you so thick-skinned?"

"Mr. Li, this old man bids one thousand, let me wrap it up!"

"Fuck off, you're not ashamed, why are you so shameless, you want to take away a thousand yuan, and I'll give you two thousand!"

"Three thousand..."

Before Li Xiaobai could react, a group of monks in the Tribulation Period immediately pushed the girl in white skirt aside and started bidding.

Li Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, then immediately came back to his senses and said with a pleasant smile, "Come one by one, the one with the highest price will get it."

Seeing that his routine has worked, Li Xiaobai's heart can be said to be overjoyed, and he knows exactly how much the magic weapon used by the monks during the tribulation period is worth.

The reason why the price is set so low is that we want more monks to participate in the bidding in the early stage. There are so many people, and a large number of monks participate in the bidding. Take a wave.

And with the fierce bidding from the group of monks in front, the final price of these treasures will only get higher and higher.

The girl in the white skirt who was pushed into the corner was so anxious that she almost cried. It will be her mother's birthday in two days. She came to the port to try her luck just to choose gifts. I can't even afford the treasures.

At this moment, she felt extremely regretful in her heart. If she knew this, she should not just bring her small treasury, but should ask the clan elder for more.

She deliberately squeezed back cheekily, but when she saw the evil spirit emanating from these monks, she was startled and shivered, and her protruding feet retracted again.

Seeing the fierce competition of a group of people, her complexion changed for a while, she suddenly made up her mind, and said loudly through gritted teeth.

"Fellow daoists, my daughter is the eldest daughter of the clan of the Aolai Kingdom in the East China Sea. This time, I came here to choose a gift for my mother's birthday. Please give me some noodles and give this treasure to my daughter!"

As soon as this remark came out, the monks in the field were stunned for a moment, and they blinked and looked at the girl in the white skirt. Many monks around whispered.

"Zong family, which clan is it?"

"Of course it's that clan, how many clans can there be in Aolai Country?"

"I didn't expect this girl to be the eldest daughter of the Zong family. It doesn't look like it. How can this silly Baitian have the courage to be powerful?"

"You don't know this. The former clan was a famous family. It's a pity that they offended people who shouldn't be offended. Now they are suppressed to the point of failure."

"It turned out to be like this..."

Hearing the surrounding monks' glances and words, the girl in the white dress blushed to her ears, her eyes were filled with shame and anger, she just felt that it was a shameful act for her to bring out the family power behind her.

Not only did he lose his own face today, but he might also lose his family's face.

Li Xiaobai was very interested. It seemed that the identity of this girl in white was not simple. She dared to declare her family in front of everyone. This family should be a powerful force in the East China Sea.

The good girl who came out of the big power is definitely a real fat sheep, the fat and oily kind!

However, Li Xiaobai didn't make a sound immediately, because he clearly saw a group of young people in the crowd watching the girl in the white dress. nice.

One fat sheep leads to several other fat sheep, which is a good deal.

Several masters in the Transcending Tribulation Stage looked at each other, a hint of surprise flickered in their eyes, but then their expressions became more serious.

Looking at the girl in the white dress, she said coldly, "The eldest daughter of the clan? It's nothing more than a broken family that has declined. Why do you want to have a big birthday? Beware of a happy event turning into a funeral!"

"If you want to rely on the power of your family to eat the overlord's meal, is your family all of this kind of virtue? It's getting more and more outrageous!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of several strong men in the tribulation period. The Zong family was indeed a big family before, but now it is just a declining small family force. It may have some background, and it is no problem to deter ordinary monks.

But they are the masters of the Tribulation Period, they were born out of life and death, and a mere clan name can't shake them.

"It's not like that, I just..."

After being stared at by a few people, the girl in the white dress had tears in her eyes, and she was about to cry, half anxious and half frightened.

"No matter how lonely the Zong family is, it's not up to you rubbish to point fingers, right?"

At this time, in the crowd, a group of people walked in from left to right.

This is a group of young people, all in their twenties, followed by an old man in black, his eyes narrowed slightly, flashing a dangerous light.

The leading young man had a mocking smile on his mouth at the moment, despising the casual cultivators during the Tribulation Transcendence Period.

"Kneel down, apologize, don't let me say it a second time."

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