Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 480 A Somewhat Pretended Youth

"Hahaha, what a joke, I didn't even ask about it. In the name of Xue Ba, the Mad Saber, someone dared to threaten me in this sea area. Boy, no matter who you are today, you will die here!"

Some of the casual cultivators were furious. They were all outlaws, and they had never met such arrogant family members.

Just one sentence wants to make them kneel here, what a big tone!

"Old Mo, the port must follow the rules of the East China Sea, and a little punishment is enough."

The young man in the lead smiled lightly and said lightly.


Mo Lao stretched out a hand and pressed lightly in the void, appearing calm and casual.

In just a split second, the ground under the feet of the talking mad knife Xue Ba cracked inch by inch, his knees softened, and two deep pits were formed on the ground, his lower body sank deep into the ground, leaving only his head Still writhing on the ground.


"Who are you guys!"

Not only the people around were shocked, but even Xue Ba himself was shocked. He met a master and pushed him into the ground casually, without the slightest ability to fight back.

It was as if a mountain was pressing down on his body, preventing him from moving. This kind of powerful strength and precise control were definitely beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage.

You know, he is a fourth-level existence in the Tribulation Transcendence Period, and it is absolutely impossible for monks on the sixth and seventh floors to suppress him so easily.

Could it be that the other party is...

Thinking of this, the pupils of Xue Ba's eyes suddenly shrank, and the words Transcending Tribulation Period Dzogchen instantly occupied his mind. The old man next to this young man is actually a master at the peak of Transcending Tribulation Period?

"Noisy! The name of my young master is also something that lowly people like you can inquire about?"

Elder Mo's face was gloomy and cold, and with a slight force in his hands, he directly crushed Xue Ba's hands into powder.


A hoarse roar resounded through the port.

"That's enough, Mo Lao, the rules of the East China Sea, outside the sea area, don't go too far."

The young man waved his hand, signaling the old man to step back.

Mr. Mo glanced at Xue Ba contemptuously, "My son is kind-hearted, I will let you go today, and walk outside in the future. You have a lot of eyes, some people are not something you can offend."

"Yes, I understand. I took the liberty of today's matter and surprised the girl. I am willing to offer three thousand top-quality spirit stones as compensation."

Xue Ba was terrified, and he didn't dare to speak provocatively anymore. He was not someone who could offend a family member who was a peak slave in the Transcendence Tribulation Period.

"Girl, I waited wrong and surprised you. It's a small thing, it's not a respect!"

The rest of the people immediately knelt down on their knees and immediately presented thousands of top-quality spirit stones, appearing crisp and neat.

They are the ones who understand the survival rules of this world best, the strong are respected, it's as simple as that, when you should kneel, you have to kneel, when you have to confess, you have to confess, nothing is more important than a small life.

The girl in the white skirt was already dumbfounded. She didn't expect the sudden change in the style of painting. The few people who were fierce and fierce before unexpectedly knelt down and begged for mercy, and even gave them spirit stones.

In just a few minutes, her net worth jumped from 800 top-grade spirit stones to over 10,000 yuan, and she was a little uncomfortable for a while.

"No, no, I was wrong. I shouldn't have used my identity to snatch it from you."

The girl in the white dress was so frightened that she waved her hands again and again, as if she was about to return the spirit stone in her hand.

The complexions of the people kneeling on the ground changed instantly. In their view, this was the malicious revenge of the little girl, who deliberately pretended to be stupid and ungrateful, but in fact wanted them to take out more of their wealth.

He yelled at the girl in his heart, but on the surface he was still smiling, and he gritted his teeth and took out a batch of treasures and offered them with both hands.

"Girl, this is what I got from fighting a monster in the underwater world for several days. I gave it to the girl today. Please don't take today's matter to heart!"

"Yes, girl, this is from me. The mere top-quality spirit stone really does not reflect my apology. Please keep it well!"

"Thousand-year-old deep-sea ganoderma, I got it after a narrow escape, please accept it..."

Seeing the actions of several people, the girl in the white skirt was even more panicked, and waved her hands again and again.

"No, no, it's my fault. Originally, buying and selling items cost spirit stones. If I want to buy them at a low price, I broke the rules. Get up quickly, I'm going to ask Brother Situ to let you go!"

Seeing the other party like this, a look of doubt appeared on the faces of several casual cultivators. Could it be that they were thinking too much, this little girl is not black-bellied?

In this world, is there really such a simple monk?

"Hehe, Yao'er, put it away, they offended you, you deserve all of this."

The young monk surnamed Situ shook the feather fan in his hand and said with a faint smile.

It's just that when he looked at the girl in the white skirt, a hot light flashed in his eyes. Even though it was well concealed, it was still discovered by Li Xiaobai.

This young man is acting like this because he is interested in this girl, but he doesn't know if the other party is willing to spend a lot of money to win the girl's favor.


"No, brother Situ, my mother said that when you go out, you will not be rewarded for no merit, and you can't take money from others at will."

The girl said seriously.

"Look, Yaoer, these people are sincerely apologizing to you. If you don't accept their kindness, they will live in guilt instead."

The young man said lightly.

The few people who were kneeling on the ground showed a smile that was uglier than crying and said, "Yes, yes, we are all from the bottom of our hearts, please accept it, Miss Yaoer, these are not valuable things."

Just kidding, this is their hard-earned money. If this little girl doesn't accept it, it may be difficult for them to show up at sea alive.

The girl in the white dress looked confused, but finally nodded, and took the space rings from several people.

"Take it as my loan from you, and I will return it to you later!"

"That's right."

The young man smiled slightly, turned his head to look at Li Xiaobai's booth, and said, "Is this what you saw just now?"

"That's right, my mother's birthday is approaching, and I want to give her a gift. This jade ruyi just means good luck."

The girl in the white skirt said.

"Well, very good. It's rare that Yao'er is so filial. How about it, boss, wrap up all the leftovers in this stall and take them away with this girl. It's my kindness."

The young man said indifferently to the remaining ten or so magic weapons for crossing the tribulation period on the booth.

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, he was really a fat sheep, he was willing to spend a lot of money to win a smile from a beautiful woman, he confirmed his eyes, he was a rich second generation.

Without further ado, I immediately started packing.

Seeing Li Xiaobai's nimble movements, the young man nodded in satisfaction. The store has a good attitude and is very flattering.

"This...Brother Situ, this gift is too heavy, Yao'er can just buy it herself, there is no need to spend money."

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