Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 482: Short-Sightedness Is Not Your Fault

Zong Yao's expression was extremely anxious. She never expected that Situ Renjie would be so arrogant that he would actually eat the overlord's meal. Wouldn't this be embarrassing for her?

"Yao'er, it's one thing to give money, but it's another thing for this kid to despise the majesty of our Situ family. Anyway, I have to teach him a lesson today!"

Situ Renjie waved his hand, and Mo Lao who was beside him gave a grinning grin, and stretched out a hand to shake Li Xiaobai away. In just a split second, the whole booth was tightly gripped.

The powerful coercion descended, deterring the surrounding people who eat melons.

"This is the peak powerhouse of the Transcendence Tribulation Period!"

"I'm afraid I have already half-stepped into the realm of Mahayana!"

"Donghai proudly came to Situ's family, I said, how could this young man bring such a super expert with him, it turned out to be a monk from Situ's family!"

"The owner of this stall is probably dead. If he dares to contradict the second son of the Situ family, even if he is in the port, he will suffer a lot."

The monks around were terrified. For them, the masters at the peak of the tribulation period are out of reach. Such monks are elder-level existences in any force, but at this moment they are just following others slave.

A disciple of a great power really has a solid background!

"Boy, dare to insult my Situ family, court death, and kneel down to this old man!"

Old Mo's face was ferocious, his hands were constantly exerting force, and the powerful air machine continued to shoot out, scattering and splashing in all directions. The surrounding monks scattered like frightened birds, and quickly retreated.

Li Xiaobai was calm and composed, he didn't take the other party to heart at all, looking at the values ​​flickering on the attribute value panel in front of him, the corner of his mouth curled into a strange arc.

Attribute point +5000...

Attribute point +5000...

Attribute point +5000...

This old guy's attack power is a bit weak, and the attribute points given to him are very limited. He is also at the peak of the tribulation stage, but he is more than a star and a half weaker than the big sister.

"Are all members of the Situ family so arrogant and domineering?"

Li Xiaobai sat cross-legged on the ground, with his back straight and motionless,

I have already made up my mind, if I dare to make trouble for myself, it is absolutely impossible to end so simply, I must report it!

Not only must it be published in the newspapers, but it must also be widely publicized, so that the Situ family of Lao Shizi will lose face!

I finally wanted to sell some things without causing trouble, but I ran into such a group of idiots. It's really a decline in the world.

Mo Lao's eyes changed. He used quite a lot of cultivation, but the power he released was like a bull in mud, and there was no ripple after touching Li Xiaobai's figure.

"As expected of a young man, he has some tricks, but in the face of absolute strength, small tricks are useless."

The dantian swelled, and a powerful aura burst out suddenly. An invisible giant hand covered the sky and suddenly grabbed Li Xiaobai.

Attribute point +7000...

It's a real skill, but it's a pity that the attribute points are still not enough. Compared with the elder sister, it is really far behind.

Picking his ears, Li Xiaobai said flatly, "Mr. Mo, his strength is a bit weak. With this level, how can he protect your young master?"


"What is your cultivation level? Among today's juvenile arrogance, the strongest is only the fourth floor of the Tribulation Stage. Why can you resist the old man's attack!"

"It must be the treasure on your body that is causing trouble!"

Mo Lao's expression completely changed. He used his real strength, but he still didn't move at all. This was too weird. He had never encountered such a situation.

He didn't feel the slightest danger, nor did he sense the fluctuation of spiritual power, but the opponent really blocked his attack. Compared with the strength of his cultivation, he believed that Li Xiaobai was relying on the treasure to fight against him .

"Enough, Brother Situ, how can my family in Donghai use power to overwhelm others? This is not only discrediting yourself, but also discrediting the reputation of the Situ family and my clan!"

Zong Yao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly broke out and ran towards Li Xiaobai regardless.

Mo Lao's complexion changed, and he quickly withdrew his momentum, and the scene returned to calm again.

"Mr. Li, these are my spirit stones. There are a total of 10,000 top-grade spirit stones, all of which are given to you. Let it be regarded as my clan's apology for you."

"I'm really sorry about what happened today. I didn't expect Brother Situ to do such a thing. Please don't take it to heart, Mr. Li!"

Zong Yao said sincerely.

"Actually, I just wanted to do a serious business once. I didn't expect it to be so difficult. It's hard to do a serious business."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed.

"Yao'er, step back. My Situ family does not allow others to blaspheme. This person must pay the price today. Mr. Mo, capture this person and bring him back to the clan!"

Situ Renjie said with a gloomy expression, Zong Yao's move was undoubtedly slapping him in the face.

This stinky bitch simply doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, she treats her kindly, but she doesn't appreciate it, your family is no longer in such a state, what a shame!

If it weren't for the support of the Situ family, the Zong family would have been kicked out long ago.

"Hehe, boy, no matter what treasure you have, you have to spit it out for the old man today!"

"Miss Yao'er, I have wronged you for the time being, and I will apologize to you after the old man captures this kid!"

Old Mo's expression turned fierce, and his body skills were running crazily. He was about to forcibly suppress Li Xiaobai and take him away. With all his strength, he was confident that he would be able to bring Li Xiaobai to the surface of the sea and kill him in just a moment.

"Maybe you think you are absolutely safe at the port, that's why you are so confident, but I want to tell you, there are some people in this world who can override the rules."

Situ Renjie's eyes were gloomy. As long as Mr. Mo moved fast enough, even if he violated the rules, no one would be able to catch him.

"Old Mo, you guys!"

Zong Yao's complexion changed, she didn't expect that the other party wanted to suppress it together with her.

"Young master, hurry up, Mr. Mo is a strong man who has completed the Great Consummation of the Tribulation Period, you are no match!"

"It's not your fault that you are short-sighted, but it's your fault if you come out and wander around. You don't know anything about the power of genius!"

Li Xiaobai chuckled, flipped his wrist and took out a long sword, raised it above his head, and slashed forward at will, smoothly and smoothly.

In just a split second, everyone in the field, whether it was Situ Renjie or Mo Lao, or the surrounding monks who were watching, all felt their bodies uncontrollably rushing forward, knelt down on the ground, raised their hands above their heads, and worshiped .

"What's going on, why is my body out of control!"

"Why do I have the urge to kneel down and receive the sword?"

"One sword fixes the body, the evil sword, this is the demon sword Li Xiaobai's demon method!"

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