Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 483: The Boy Who Gives Money


Mo Lao coughed up blood, and was attracted to Li Xiaobai like a kite with a broken string. His knees gave way and he knelt firmly on the ground.

There was a turbulent wave in his heart. Just now when he was using his kung fu with all his strength, the spiritual power in his dantian was suddenly interrupted, causing severe backlash in his body. If he didn't recuperate in time, he might damage his foundation.

What kind of cultivation is this Li Xiaobai, even a cultivator like him who has passed through the Tribulation Period and Dzogchen can be forcibly controlled?

"Demon law, it's demon law!"

"Why did even Situ's family kneel? Isn't Situ Renjie also a master of the tribulation period?"

"Let's not talk about Situ Renjie, even Mr. Mo is kneeling!"

"Then what kind of cultivation is Li Xiaobai, and what kind of demon method is he using?"

The monks turned pale with fright. No matter how they struggled, they could not escape the fate of kneeling down. They could only kneel obediently on the ground, raised their hands high, and worshiped.

Zong Yao was also in a daze at the moment. She originally thought that she was on the side with Li Xiaobai, and facing Mo Lao's offensive, the other party should protect her, but at this moment she was no different from everyone else, honest and honest. Knelt on the ground, unable to move.

The boss actually beat her together?

"Old Mo, what's going on, why did we kneel down!"

Situ Renjie roared sharply, his face full of shame and indignation. Since he was a child, he has only been admired by others. Whoever dares to disrespect himself will destroy his whole family. This is the rule of Situ's family education.

But now he is kneeling in front of that young man, unable to move, which is a great humiliation.

"My lord, this kid is weird, the old man can't see his strength, presumably it's the sword in his hand that is causing the trouble!"

Old Mo said with stern eyes, Li Xiaobai alone would never be able to do this, the most likely thing is the long sword in his hand.

Although it looks like an ordinary long sword from the outside, but in front of them, these masters of the tribulation period, who would really fight with a pile of broken copper and rotten iron?

This long sword is definitely some kind of treasure, simple and majestic, with restrained charm, mediocre in appearance, but extraordinary in reality.

"Boy, if you dare to attack my Donghai Situ family, you will never have a place to live in the proud country!"

Situ Renjie said with a distorted face.

"Hehe, bragging, bragging, no matter how awesome the Situ family is, you are the one kneeling here after all."

Li Xiaobai got up and walked towards the crowd with a smile.

"What are you going to do, I warn you not to mess around, Donghai does not allow private struggles! Not to mention Donghai's Criminal Law Hall, even the elders of my clan will not let you go!"

Situ Renjie became frightened instinctively. This feeling of losing control of his body gave him the illusion that he was a fish on a chopping board and could only be slaughtered.

The body is out of control, and the spiritual power in the dantian does not seem to belong to him. This situation is indeed not much different from a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Hey, do you know that there is a thing called automatic payment for hard work money?"

Li Xiaobai smiled, and took the space ring from Situ Renjie's hand very naturally and smoothly.

Then he took out a jade ruyi and threw it at Zong Yao's feet, "This is yours, I have always paid money for goods."

"As for you, the interspatial ring in your hand is considered as your hard-earned money."

"you dare!"

Old Mo's expression was ferocious, and he roared.

"Boy, my Situ family can be regarded as a famous family in Aolai country. If you oppress us like this, aren't you afraid of retaliation?"

"Not to mention anything else, just revealing your whereabouts and letting the ancestors of all ethnic groups in Zhongzhou order you to hunt down is enough for you to drink a pot!"

Old Mo's expression was cold. As a master of the Situ family, he was always treated with respect wherever he went, and he had never enjoyed such treatment before.

In his interspatial ring, he stored most of his life's savings and family property, if it was taken away, he would even have the heart to abolish his cultivation.

"Hehe, it seems that you didn't listen to me. The arrest warrants of the ancestors of various clans are just a piece of waste paper, and I have never paid attention to them."

Li Xiaobai reached out with a smile and took off the space ring from Mo Lao's hand, then groped for a while on his body, and took out several space rings again.

The reason why this old man is so nervous is because he wants to mislead himself into thinking that he only has one ring and abandons his pawns to save the car. I have seen this method too many times.

At this stage of practice, let alone living for dozens of years, how can there be monks showing happiness and anger on their faces?

There is definitely a conspiracy.


Elder Mo was completely panicked, Li Xiaobai took over almost all of his family property, not even a hair was left to him.

Li Xiaobai shook his head, there are always some monks who don't have eyesight who like to be a money-giving boy, so of course he will not be polite and accept everything.

The same goes for the rest of the people who eat melons. One person present counts as one, and all of them were looted.

"Master Li, this is none of our business!"

"That's right, it has nothing to do with the Situ family making things difficult for the young master?"

The monks had a bitter face, blood dripping from their hearts, and the little wealth they worked so hard for was all turned into hard-earned money.

"During an avalanche, not a single snowflake is innocent. When you encounter this kind of injustice, you stand by and do nothing. This is a sin in itself. I have accepted your life money today, and I will not embarrass you again in the future."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

The monks "..."

It was the first time I saw someone talk about robbery in such a fresh and refined way. The logic was so strong that they even thought it made sense...

"It seems that Mr. Li really wants to make an enemy of our Situ family. Very good, I will write down what happened today, and I will definitely pay back a hundred times in the future!"

Situ Renjie said slowly, he has nothing to do with the opponent, but he doesn't have to be afraid, there are countless masters in the clan, and his eldest brother is even the pride of heaven, not a genius who came out of such a mere barbarian place to compare .

"get out."

Li Xiaobai withdrew his sword, put his hands behind his back, and said calmly.

My goal has been achieved, and I have offended a big power that looks good before entering the Aolai country, so I don't have to worry about the attribute points in the future.

"Very good, junior, I remember you."

Old Mo's tone was serious, his eyes gleaming coldly, he didn't dare to make a big noise here, but as long as the other party set foot on the land of Aolai country, he would have a way to make his life worse than death.

"Let's go."

Situ Renjie embraced Zong Yao, took a deep look at Li Xiaobai, and was about to leave. Today's matter, if he is not ready, let it go.

"Brother Situ, go on your own. Today's incident, you are disappointing me too much. I didn't expect the Situ family to act like this. It's better for us to meet less in the future."

Zong Yao broke free from Situ Renjie's big hand, and said angrily.

He bowed to Li Xiaobai, then turned and left without looking back.

Situ Renjie's cold eyes became even colder, "This bitch!"

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