Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 490: The Conspiracy Of Aolai Country

On the wilderness, the wind and the clouds are surging, and the aura of fireworks is approaching Li Xiaobai, and a terrifying light bursts out from his eyes, revealing his fierce look.

Attribute points +3000...

Attribute points +4000...

Attribute point +5000...

As expected of being the head of the East China Sea, his cultivation and strength are also unfathomable, but his aura and eyes make his attribute points soar in a straight line.

No wonder it is said that a real strong man can kill an enemy with a single look. With such an oppressive aura, like the old Mo whom he met before, he would probably explode and die in just one look, right?

None of the powerhouses in the half-step fairyland are fuel-efficient lamps, so terrifying!

After staring at it for a while, Huahuo suddenly withdrew her gaze and regained her composure. She remembered the little sister's advice before.

Li Xiaobai's talent cannot be described as monstrous. As long as such a genius does not die young, he will definitely be able to soar into the sky.

It is far more meaningful to befriend him than to kill a genius.

This is an investment, befriend Li Xiaobai today, and bet that if he ascends to heaven in the future, Donghai will also be blessed.

Seeing that Huahuo regained his momentum, Li Xiaobai was also relieved. Just now, he was ready to exchange for the instant talisman from the mall and ran away, but he didn't expect that the master was willing to let him go.

Liu Ren and Rong Shi also smiled lightly at the moment, it seems that their big sister figured out the key to it.

What kind of attitude should Donghai take towards Li Xiaobai, a genius like Li Xiaobai? The two of them have the same idea. The two were the ones who didn't say anything to stop their big sister's oppression.

But at the moment, it seems that Big Sister has already made his own decision, which is the correct choice.

"Mr. Li's son Hua is so miraculous that even I, I almost couldn't help but want to kill you to search for your soul."

"However, if you can travel thousands of miles to tell me these secrets about Donghai, and talk about cooperation with sincerity, I, Donghai, naturally have no reason to disappoint the guests."

"About Tang Neng Yipin and Liangpin Store, I will give my full support. How does Mr. Li want to cooperate?"

Taking a sip of the tea, Huahuo said lightly, letting Li Xiaobai go, she also had a strong inner struggle, for the future of Donghai, she was willing to gamble big.

"It's very simple. In Aolaiguo's place, I have the resources to open a store, and I get 10% of the monthly income for Aolaiguo. How about it?"

Li Xiaobai calmed down and said with a smile.


Huahuo thought, this number is actually quite a lot, but she felt that there was still room for manipulation.

"Mr. Li, to be honest, we can accept 10% of the income, but if you open a store now, the places that Aolai Country can have are very limited, and the income you get will not be too ideal, but if Mr. Li can help me Aolai Country a small Busy, I can guarantee that Tangneng Yipin and BESTORE will open all over the East China Sea in the future!"

The banyan master at the side knocked on the table and said.

Huahuo froze for a moment, "Little sister, what do you mean..."

She suddenly thought of the pawn that Master Rong had mentioned earlier, could it be that her little sister wanted Li Xiaobai to be a pawn to disrupt the Aolai family?

"The five-color altar, which communicates with the upper realm, is very likely to become a channel to communicate with the two realms. If this is the case, many things may have to be put on the agenda in advance."

Banyan master took a sip of Huazi and said slowly.

"My little sister said..."

Huahuo changed his expression and asked.

"Naturally, it is a matter of those aristocratic families. The history is too long, and many people have forgotten that they are living at the foot of Tai Sui."

Banyan Master said lightly.

"Seniors, can you make it clearer? I'm stupid, and I've always acted cautiously. If something happens in Aolai Country, it won't be a problem to open a few less stores."

Li Xiaobai instinctively sensed that something was wrong. Hearing the conversation between the two masters, he felt as if he had inadvertently been involved in a huge vortex.

How could it be possible to casually talk about the family aristocratic issue in the East China Sea in front of an outsider like myself?

These two people must have a conspiracy, no matter what they want to do by themselves, it will definitely not be a good thing.

"Hehe, but Mr. Li has to understand one thing. If you open fewer stores, your income will decrease, and my Aolai Country's income will also decrease. At that time, what we will draw will not be one, but three floors. Mr. Li is willing?"

Master Banyan smiled lightly, she knew Li Xiao quite well, she was not close to women, she didn't like power, the only thing she was interested in was Lingshi, even the benefit of Sesame Laughter would not be easily let go.

I don't believe that the other party will do it and watch the spirit stones earned decrease little by little.


Li Xiaobai frowned slightly, and the other party opened his mouth, asking for three levels of his own income. You must know that whether it is Tangneng Yipin or BESTORE, the monthly income is a fairly objective figure.

And as long as the store is opened, the supply will definitely exceed the demand in the first one or two months, how can it be possible to give up the third-tier income in vain.

But thinking about it from another angle, what Aolaiguo wants to do for himself is actually more profitable than the third level. It is definitely not a simple matter.

This child elder is determined to eat herself!

"Senior Rong might as well first talk about how you can help me. If I can help you, I will definitely help you."

Li Xiaobai said seriously, first find out the details of the other party, and then make plans.

"Gao Yi, Mr. Li, is actually not a big deal. As long as there are big forces, you will encounter these problems more or less."

"I believe that Mr. Li also discovered when he crossed the fairy land. Nowadays, among the many big sects and big forces, there will be some deep-rooted old family forces. These forces are old and stubborn. The power has a lot of origins, so I forget my surname and name, which really makes people feel a little headache."

"What I want Mr. Li to do is to enter into these family forces and muddy the water. When the time is right, we will wipe out all these family forces."

Master Banyan took a sip of the tea, and frowned slightly. She found that after smoking Huazi, drinking tea felt a bit dull.

"So that's what happened."

Li Xiaobai nodded, knowing in his heart that this was a problem with some families in the Aolai country, and it was too jumpy, which attracted the attention of the three heads.

For example, the Situ family before that should belong to this list.

"Among these family forces, are there any monks who have half-stepped into the realm of human immortality?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"No, the highest one is only the existence at the peak of the Mahayana period. I can suppress it at will. Mr. Li doesn't need to worry about safety issues. If something happens, I will protect you later."

Banyan master said.

Li Xiaobai pondered for a while and said, "The last question, since you all know that these families have problems, why don't you just take action and uproot them?"

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