Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 491: The Third Master Is Fishing

"The current situation in Aolai country is very unclear, and the information we can grasp is not all, so we need a variable to help us draw out all the unstable elements in Aolai country."

Master Banyan said slowly, it can be seen that the other party has been planning for a long time.

Li Xiaobai thought about this action in his heart. This is a job to attract hatred. It can gain a lot of attribute points, and it can also open a shop to earn spirit stones. It seems very good, but there is also a crisis in it.

Within the East China Sea, there are not a few monks who can break through their own defenses. Although what Master Rong said is very nice, who knows if he is telling the truth?

If a thousand-year-old monster popped out of any corner, he would be the first to suffer.

"If these families are wiped out, there will be no obstacles in Aolai Kingdom, and Mr. Li can open a shop and earn spirit stones with peace of mind."

"This will be a big wave of income. Could it be that Mr. Li is willing to do this?"

Seeing that Li Xiaobai did not reply for a long time, Master Banyan continued, still talking about Lingshi.

"Since the three masters have spoken, it's hard for me to refuse. It's just that I'm penniless now, so I'm afraid it's hard to gain a firm foothold if I rashly enter those big families."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and rubbed his teeth, he had already made a decision in his heart, he already knew the secrets of this proud country, on the surface the three masters were asking for his opinion, but in fact he had no choice at all.

From the moment I heard these secrets, I was destined to help others.

It's just that even if you want to be a gunman for others, you can't work for nothing. If you don't see the spirit stone, you won't take any action.

I'm a monk, I can't wait for tomorrow if I take advantage of it!

"Hehe, Mr. Li is willing to cooperate, and we will naturally not treat you badly. How much start-up capital does Mr. Li want?"

Master Banyan smiled lightly, everything is under her control, Li Xiaobai really has a soft spot for Lingshi.

"Then simply get 10 million top-quality spirit stones first, which is not too much. In the East China Sea, it can only be regarded as a free leg."

Li Xiaobai rubbed his hands together, and said lightly, as if it was a matter of course.

Master Banyan and Huo Hua had black lines all over their foreheads, and the lion said that they had never seen it before, but they took it for granted that they were extorting money, which was the only one in the world.

That expression, that tone of voice, looked very rich, if they didn't know each other well, I'm afraid they really thought that Li Xiaobai usually started talking about spirit stones at the level of tens of millions.

Ten million top-grade spirit stones can only be regarded as barely stretching your legs. How long are your legs?

Are you an ancient giant?

Huo Hua glanced at Liu Ren, who was concentrating on dealing with the fruit plate on the table, and was quite speechless. As soon as his second sister got home, he gave up thinking, except for fighting and cooking, and didn't care about the content of the conversation at all.

"Ten million is ten million. For Mr. Li, this price is just right. It's just that the spirit stone is taken away. In the future, please pay more attention to the affairs of Aolai country."

Master Banyan's eyes flickered brightly, and he didn't intend to counter-offer. With a shake of his hand, he shot out a space ring.

Li Xiaobai glanced at it, feeling a little regretful in his heart, the other party took the Lingshi so simply, it meant that his asking price was too low, he should have asked for more, or the layout was too small.

"Senior Rong, you might as well just tell me what you want me to do."

Li Xiaobai said seriously.

"Nowadays in Aolai country, there is a declining family. Because it was once glorious and prosperous, it has been suppressed by other families. It has become a marginalized small family. It may be destroyed at any time. What Mr. Li has to do is to join this family. A family as a breakthrough, just muddy the water."

Master Banyan rested his chin and spoke slowly.

"But that family?"

Li Xiaobai's expression changed, and he remembered what he heard when he was at the port, so he couldn't help asking.

"That's right, it is the Zong family. The current Zong family is already a candle in the wind. It only needs the last straw to crush this dying camel to death. The existence that is looked down upon by all ethnic groups is the most suitable breakthrough. "

Master Banyan was a little surprised, he didn't expect Li Xiaobai to have heard of the Zong family.

"When I came here, I had contact with Situ's family. How is this family?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"The Situ family's ambitions are not small. In recent years, they have become even more ambitious. They have absorbed many small and medium-sized families, and they have a faint tendency to become the number one family. At the same time, they are also a party that I have friendly relations with on the surface."

"Nowadays, there are rumors in the outside world that I am at odds with the big sister and intend to compete for the position of Aolai King. Many families with ambitions are ready to move and show their favor to me one after another, wanting to help me overthrow the Aolai Kingdom in the East China Sea in one fell swoop. The Situ family is the most active party."

"However, judging from his usual style, it is not difficult to find that there are still many forces hiding in the dark in this proud country, standing in line silently, watching the changes. What Mr. Li needs to do is to make a big fuss and hurt people." And the interests of the major families, so that we can test out how many forces have evil intentions."

Master Banyan smiled slightly and said lightly.

"Then dare to ask this rumor..."

Li Xiaobai looked at Huahuo and Rongshi, as if he had noticed something.

"Of course it's my little sister's idea. The so-called power struggle is all the news released by this palace. I didn't expect these stupid people to really bite the bait."

"They thought they had found a new backer and hoped to make the family stronger, but they never thought that all of this is just a complete set."

Huahuo snorted coldly, with a cold light in his eyes, and said in a dark voice.

She didn't have the slightest liking for these families.

"I see, I see."

Li Xiaobai's heart trembled, his feeling was right, it really was a huge conspiracy vortex, and everything was directed and acted by the third master.

This fucking is fishing for law enforcement!

Pretend to be fighting for power and position, lure those ready to move fish to the bait, and then catch them all in one go. The whole plan framework is not complicated, but the target of implementation is Aolai country's own people, this child grandmother His psychological methods are not ordinary ruthless.

Recalling the appearance of Uncle Ying when he begged for mercy, it is no wonder that the second master didn't take action to punish him severely immediately. It turned out that there was such a relationship in the middle.

"In this case, from now on, Mr. Li is the young genius invited by the second sister from the frontier. He made a special trip to exchange ideas with the young talents from the Aolai country. Today we have a good chat. In the next few days, Mr. Li can go on his own. Have some fun in Aolai's country."

"A few days later, Aolai will hold a competition among young talents in the National Assembly. Mr. Li must be present at that time."

Master Rong covered his face and smiled lightly, as if talking happily, as if all the confidential events mentioned before had been forgotten.

Li Xiaobai clasped his fists and clasped his hands, with a respectful look, "It's an honor to compete with the young Tianjiao from the proud country!"

He knew that today's matter would not be mentioned again after leaving this door.

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