"Li Xiaobai, Mr. Li?"

"How did Mr. Li become the head of the family? Isn't senior just joking?"

Zong Dao was dumbfounded, he didn't understand what happened at all, the whole family was worried here, and in the end, they became the head of the family without saying a word?

"Sect Patriarch, the previous Patriarch Zhang did a lot of evil. He did evil and harmed many monks. This old man can't stand it for a long time. However, he is not strong enough to make a difference. Now Patriarch Li is angry and beheaded Patriarch Zhang. , our family has also decided to start a new life.”

"From today onwards, the Zhang family has officially changed its name to the Li family. From now on, the purpose of my Li family is to punish rape and eradicate evil. We will never condone such treacherous and evil people. Don't worry, the head of the family. They will send people to send these youngsters to the criminal law hall and deal with them severely!"

"I hope that after seeing the Patriarch, I can say a few words for the old man."

The old man smiled lightly, looking familiar.

"Ahem, the old man has also done a lot of things in secret. If possible, let me say a few words for the old man."

"Hu'er, do you still remember me, I gave you a magic weapon when you were full moon, I will give you another one when I return to Li's house later!"

"Hey hey, I heard Mrs. Zong is going to celebrate her birthday, nothing else, the beauty pill made by Fairy Yuechan herself is offered with both hands, please accept it."

"Yes, yes, we did have a lot of misunderstandings in the past, but the old man believes that there is no knot in this world that cannot be untied. The Zong family is from a famous family, and he is open-minded. I believe he will not haggle with us. .”

All the elders wanted to make a good impression in front of everyone in the clan with every word they said, so they blushed and their necks were thick.

All the people in the field were petrified. These elders who used to be arrogant and arrogant are actually trying to curry favor with the clan at this moment?

And this method of flattery is like children, arguing with each other, just wanting to attract the attention of everyone in the clan.

The young people kneeling on the ground were ashamed. In order to please each other, these elders behaved so humblely, even wanting to send them to the Criminal Law Hall for a testimonial. This time, they lifted a stone and shot themselves in the foot.

"Hahaha, didn't you guys say that you haven't seen the Criminal Law Hall in your life for more than ten years?"

"You'll see you soon!"

Zong Ya laughed out loud. She never thought that the Zong family would have such an elated day. It is not difficult to understand the matter. Boss Li must have convinced the Zhang family.

Even the head of the family was slaughtered, it was really scary, this cultivation was unfathomable.

"Since it's Mr. Li's intention, let's go there. Mr. Li also has his own plans and plans to occupy the Zhang family. Let's go and see if there is anything we can do to help."

"I have received such a great benefit from others, so I have to express it!"

Zong Dao thought for a moment, and immediately made a decision.

"Great goodness!"


At the same time, Aolai Country, Situ's house.

In the main hall, an old man with a stooped figure knelt on the ground, crying.

"Patriarch Situ, my Zhang family has worked hard for the Situ family for so many years, and I have worked hard without credit. I also ask the Situ family to take action and avenge the Patriarch!"

The old man is the elder of the Zhang family, and he rushed to Situ's house as soon as Li Xiaobai let him go, and his resentment became his motivation. He swore that Li Xiaobai must be decapitated, so that Vent the hatred in my heart!

"You said, this Li Xiaobai is a young genius in the first echelon?"

"Even the Patriarch of the Zhang family was killed in one move?"

Patriarch Situ frowned a little, not because he was surprised by Li Xiaobai's cultivation, but because he didn't expect that the Zhang family under him was such a waste.

What about the genius monks in the first echelon?

No matter how strong it is, it is only the fourth floor of the Transcendence Tribulation Stage. The Patriarch of the Zhang family is also the fourth floor of the Transcendence Tribulation Stage. It can be said that they are almost in the same realm, but they were directly given away by others, which is really shameful.

"That's right, that guy has a weird fire weapon that burns everything, and his swordsmanship is really weird to the extreme, making it impossible to guard against."

The stooped old man said hastily.

"Renjie, you have had contact with this person, what do you think?"

Patriarch Situ looked at the young man beside him and asked.

"Reporting to father, this person's cultivation is indeed very strong, even higher than that of a child, but he will never be an opponent of a Mahayana monk. If the second master was not present last time, Uncle Ying would have killed him."

A cold light flashed in Situ Renjie's eyes, it was because of the presence of the second boss, he was able to steal a lot of money, and when he returned to the clan, he was severely scolded by his father.

If they meet next time, he will definitely destroy the other party.

"You have such strength at such a young age. It seems that this person will also appear in the ring competition in a few days."

Patriarch Situ pondered, for him, killing Li Xiaobai is nothing, but the other party is a master invited back by the second master, and his identity and background are definitely not simple.

And at this juncture, there might be a power struggle among several masters involved behind this.

He has to think clearly and take everything into consideration.

"I don't want to restore my cultivation, I just want Patriarch Situ to reward my Patriarch with revenge!"

The stooped old man wailed in a low voice.

"Well, the Zhang family has indeed done their best to assist our Situ family for many years and has done a lot of things. Now that the Zhang family has changed hands, the owner of the family will naturally not sit idly by."

"It's just that, based on your one-sided words, some things are difficult to judge. The head of the family needs to know more details."

Patriarch Situ walked slowly in front of the old man, with a smile on his lips, and lightly placed one hand on the other's head, wisps of black smoke lingered.

The stooped old man's body trembled suddenly, his eyes shone with fear, he couldn't be more clear about what the other party was going to do.

"Situ... Patriarch..."

"Don't worry, this Patriarch will avenge you."

Patriarch Situ said lightly, exerting force with his hands, the power of the primordial spirit invaded, instantly swept through the old man's mind, and read the memory fragments of the other party.

The look in the old man's eyes gradually disappeared, his eyes were empty and lifeless, his body flickered, and he fell to the ground, lifeless.

"So it turns out that this Li Xiaobai is much stronger than expected, but this group of people are too useless, and they haven't tried out their true strength at all,"

"Tomorrow is Mrs. Zong's birthday, Renjie, bring your Uncle Ying to prepare a good gift, and prepare to go to the Zong family to celebrate her birthday."

"One is to celebrate his birthday, and the other is to test Li Xiaobai's strength. It's best to bring him back directly. As for the daughter of the Zong family, if you want to take it, you can take it along. I won't interfere with your private affairs as a father."

Patriarch Situ said.

"Yes, thank you father!"

Situ Renjie's eyes shone with excitement, thinking of Zong Yao's slender figure, his mouth became dry for a while, and he didn't touch this little girl for a long time, just to wait for this day.

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