Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 519: Zong Family’S Birthday

Before the Li family mansion, Zongdao and his party were stunned.

At this moment, the original plaque with the characters of Zhang family has been replaced by the characters of Li family. All the clan disciples inside the mansion are in a hurry, and every building is undergoing drastic reform and construction.

Needless to say what to change, the plaque in front of the door is enough to explain the problem.

"Good guy, Mr. Li has really brought down the Zhang family. Judging from the situation, he wants to turn the entire Zhang family into Tang Neng Yipin!"

Zong Dao stared blankly at the busy people in front of him.

"The patriarch is here!"

"Hi Patriarch Zong, I heard that tomorrow is Mrs. Zong's birthday. I wish Mrs. Zong a blessing like the East China Sea and a longer life than Nanshan!"

"Yes, yes, in the blink of an eye, Hu'er has grown so big, he's become a man!"


Seeing Zong Dao, many monks greeted Zong Dao very warmly, made friends, and even took the initiative to hand some small gifts to Zong Hu's juniors, looking very familiar, which made him a little flattered.

You know, these familiar faces used to overwhelm others and take advantage of his family before, but now they all nodded and bowed to him, looking very humble, but a little uncomfortable.

"Patriarch, how does this place feel, is it a lot more spacious?"

Seeing the Zong family and his group, Li Xiaobai walked over with a smile and said.

"Uncle Zong, I just said that Boss Li is fine. Once the head of the Zhang family dies, it can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people!"

"Yes, Daddy, brother Li is the best!"

Seeing Li Xiaobai, the younger generations of the Zong family also had bright eyes. Although they haven't been in contact for a long time, the other party can give them a sense of trust.

It seems that as long as the other party is there, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

All of this is naturally due to the mysterious aura emanating from Li Xiaobai, the unpredictable cultivation background, the amazing treasures of cultivation, and the eternally poisonous tongue and calm attitude, which make people feel inexplicably convinced.

"Young Master Li, what is your cultivation?"

"The Patriarch of the Zhang family is not an ordinary monk. You were able to kill him. Could it be that you are already a high-level monk?"

Zongdao's eyes were still flickering with shock, and he found that he couldn't see through the other party at all.

Not only is their cultivation strong, but a treasure they take out can make them break through again and again. If it weren't for the fact that they were too young, he would have believed that they were seniors in the Mahayana period.

"Hehe, it's nothing more than a trivial skill, the mere Patriarch of the Zhang family can easily destroy you."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said calmly.

"If you don't dislike it, the Li family will be your foothold in the future."

"I will continue to practice the resources. On the contrary, I want to completely transform the original Zongfu into a Tangneng Yipin store and expand the scale of profit."

"What does the patriarch think?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"This... my family can also live here?"

Zong Dao asked in disbelief, they were not related to Li Xiaobai, but they got to know each other because of Zong Hu, why did the other party help each other so much?

Is it just because you want to use the Zongfu to open a store?

Although there is nothing wrong with this reason, he still has some uneasiness in his heart, and always feels that Li Xiaobai has a deeper purpose.

"Hehe, it's natural. I want to use the Zongjia as the first store opened in Aolai Country. Naturally, it is to solve your housing problem. If the Zongjia owner agrees, this mansion will be the Zongjia's home in the future. Everything is up to the clan to decide.”

Li Xiaobai said slowly, for the sect that has fallen to the extreme, such conditions are already a huge temptation.

Whether it is the disciples of the Zhang family or the surrounding environment, they are countless times stronger than the Zong family. Only such a mansion can truly be called a family.

If the Zong family wanted to restore their former glory, they would naturally not refuse such a benefit.

"Father, we can live here in the future!"

Zong Hu cheered happily, his face was full of excitement. This yard is much larger than the one-third-acre land before, and there are all kinds of servants and servants. This is the standard configuration that a family should have.

Moreover, the original home was lent to Li Xiaobai to operate as a store, so there is no need to deal with it, and you can go back and have a look when you miss it.

"Yes, father, if my mother's birthday can be held here tomorrow, it will definitely be very popular!"

Zong Yao also said, her eyes were full of joy, she was really surprised that Li Xiaobai took down the Zhang family and didn't mean to monopolize it.

"It's just that behind this family is the Situ family. Mr. Li killed the head of the Zhang family and took the Zhang family as his own. I'm afraid the Situ family will not agree."

Mrs. Zong said worriedly, killing the Zhang family doesn't mean the Zong family will be safe.

The Situ family behind them, and those families hidden in the dark, will not just watch the Zong family live a good life.

And if they kill the subordinates of the Situ family, the other party must want revenge. Can they resist the anger of the Situ family?

"It doesn't matter, on Madam's birthday tomorrow, the son of Situ's family will also come over. At that time, Zong can say a few nice words, and just accept a few soft words."

Zong Dao also had a sad expression on his face. Now that they are tied to Li Xiaobai, his family is also to blame for something wrong with the Zhang family.

"You two, you worry too much. Since I'm here, nothing you worry about will happen. In this mansion, you can just take a bath to improve your cultivation, and you don't need to worry about anything else."

Li Xiaobai said calmly.

People in this family just like to think about it, and they haven't realized what a towering mountain is standing in front of them.

"Yes, Boss Li is here, Uncle Zong, don't worry, the sky is falling and the tall ones are standing up, and even if we want to draw a clear line now, the Situ family will not let us go, it's better to be safe and secure Let’s improve my cultivation base, and watch my niece show off her skills in the Grand Competition!"

Zong Ya also comforted her, then turned her eyes to Li Xiaobai.

"Boss, where's the bathroom?"

"My girl wants to become stronger, quickly take me to the bath!"

"Ahem, that's the bamboo building over there."

Embarrassed, Li Xiaobai pointed to the bamboo building next to him and said.

This little girl didn't realize the ambiguity in her words, and left in a hurry. She must seize all the time to improve her cultivation.

"That's it, please trouble Mr. Li. If Zong is useful, just open your mouth. Today's great kindness will never be forgotten!"

Zong Dao saluted and bowed to Li Xiaobai, saying seriously.

One yard counts for one yard. Although he was worried about the invasion of the Situ family, Li Xiaobai not only saved their family, but also killed the enemy of the Zong family and gave the Zong family a shelter. This is a great kindness.

Even if he was destroyed by the Situ family later, he would not blame Li Xiaobai.

"It's nothing more than a little effort, it's not worth exposing."

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