Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 521: A Gathering Of Aristocratic Families

The members of the Situ family have arrived!

In an instant, there was no sound in the hall, like dead silence. Everyone felt that a huge boulder was pressing on their hearts, and the festive atmosphere just disappeared without a trace, and some were just dull and depressed.

The Patriarch of the Zhang family has been killed, and everyone knows that the Situ family will never let it go. The reason why they are still willing to stay here is because of the bathhouse on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is a bet that Li Xiaobai can resist the Situ family. anger.

Such a peerless genius, even if he is unable to fight against him, but the family behind him is definitely not simple, and he is a young master invited by the second master. Even the Situ family may have to weigh it carefully.

However, they also had some doubts in their hearts. Why didn't the Situ family come in directly? It stands to reason that the disciples guarding the door should not have the guts to stop the Situ family and would let them go immediately. At this moment, the other party was blocked. What's going on?

"Young Master Li, look..."

Zong Dao looked at Li Xiaobai with a look of questioning in his eyes.

Situ's family chose this time to come here, maybe on the surface to celebrate the birthday, but in fact they came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime. If it is not handled properly, this happy event may really be ruined.

"Hehe, it's okay, let's celebrate ours, let them wait outside now."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said cheerfully.

"This... Patriarch Li, why don't you let the doorkeeper disciple let him in. The Situ family is a big family, and not letting him in is tantamount to humiliating the other party. I'm afraid it will make enemies."

Some elders couldn't help persuading them that they had no idea about the Situ family.

If something goes wrong, Li Xiaobai pats his ass and leaves at worst, but they can't leave.

"The disciples at the door have already been called by me to celebrate their birthdays. Who can blame the Situ family for not coming in by themselves. Could it be that you still want us to go out to greet them on this solemn and joyful day?"

"Today, whose birthday is it?"

Li Xiaobai's complexion darkened, and he said calmly.


Everyone was shocked, Li Xiaobai did this on purpose, knowing that Situ's house would come to the door today to display, but actually removed his disciples, isn't it clear that he wanted to shut the door down?

From the looks of it, the Patriarch of his own family is completely in love with the Situ family.

What enmity and resentment, it seems that there is no direct grievance between the two parties, right?

"Sit down, everyone, what should you do? Soldiers come to cover the water and soil, so there is no need to worry about anything."

Zong Dao raised his glass and said slowly, he believed that Li Xiaobai was prepared.

What's more, the matter has come to this point, the enemy is getting stronger and stronger, and he can only place his hopes on the other party.

"Thank you, Patriarch."

Seeing Zongdao's calm appearance, everyone didn't say anything more, and sat upright, thinking about themselves, silently waiting for the storm to come.

at the same time.

In front of the gate of Li's residence, the carriages and horses stopped, and Situ Renjie sat in the sedan chair, waiting for the clan's family to welcome them.

The people of Situ's family are full of stars wherever they go, and it's the same when they come to this family's family to celebrate their birthdays, but there is no reason for them to walk in alone.

But after waiting for a while, there was no movement in front of the Li residence, not even a single figure was seen.

"What's going on, hasn't the Zong family already moved into the Li residence? Why didn't you come out to greet him?"

"Could it be that the situation has changed, Mrs. Zong's birthday is not here today?"

An old man in front of the sedan chair looked at the mansion with the door open, and frowned.

"Uncle Ying, what do you think?" the young man in the sedan chair asked lightly.

"Renjie, there must be something strange about this matter. There are at least dozens of people gathered in this mansion. They should be celebrating Mrs. Zong's birthday, but no one came out to greet them. Presumably they want to give us a big blow first! "

Uncle Ying's eyes flickered coldly, and he could naturally sense the hot breath in the mansion.

Just now, Elder Mo had spoken out, but no one came out to greet him, which is enough to explain a lot of problems.

The Zong family's wings are hard?

Or is life going too smoothly recently, so it's drifting away?

Even members of his Situ family dared to be ignored. This consequence was not something a mere family in decline could bear.

"Hmph, it must be because of Li Xiaobai. Once he came to the country, he caused troubles in several families, and he was a disaster."

"The Zong family thought that with the support of this person, they would be able to sit on an equal footing with us, Uncle Ying, teach them a lesson!"

There was an angry look in the eyes of the young man in the sedan chair, where Li Xiaobai was, there would be no peace, and today he wanted to cut off the other party no matter what he said, to vent his hatred.

"That's exactly what I want to do. I want to see what kind of virtue and ability this Li Xiaobai has. He can actually make the Zong family have the illusion that they can compete with the Situ family. Do you really think that if you solve two or three kittens, you will be able to go to heaven?"

Uncle Ying's complexion suddenly sank, and a breath so powerful that his soul would burst into the sky rushed towards the mansion in front of him crazily.

All of a sudden, sand and rocks were flying, the wind was strong, many thousand-year-old trees were uprooted, and the entire space was trembling.

He wanted to make the Zong family feel fear, and let these shameless guys come out on their knees to greet them.

But at this moment, in the distant void, there were also several amazing auras that were so powerful that the monk Yuanshen shuddered, piercing the sky, and the power of the Yuanshen swept across, offsetting Uncle Ying's coercion.

At the same time, there was a sudden neighing of people and horses on the street.

There were several congratulations again.

"Aolai Guodong's family came to congratulate Mrs. Zong on her birthday. I wish Mrs. Zong a blessing like the East China Sea and a longer life than Nanshan!"

"The Nangong family from Aolai Country came to congratulate Mrs. Zong on her birthday, wishing Mrs. Zong a blessing like the East Sea, and a longer life than Nanshan!"

"The Beichen family from Aolai Country came to congratulate Mrs. Zong on her birthday, wishing Mrs. Zong a blessing like the East China Sea, and a longer life than Nanshan!"

"Proudly come to the country..."

A convoy of cars came slowly, enveloped in jewels and jewels. Before the people arrived, a bloody masculinity came from the shop. The flags on the carriages were flying, symbolizing the symbols of the big families of the proud country.

"This is... the various families of Aolai Country?"

"How did these families come?"

"Dongfang, Nangong, Beichen, these are big families that can keep pace with Situ's family!"

Looking at the flags waving in the sky, the Situ family and the others were a little dumbfounded. They are all from the ancient family of Aolai country. They are families from the same era as the ancestor of Aolai country. They have continued until now and have not declined. .

The most important thing is that these people are all family monks who stand on the side of the head of the family, and they are not the same as those families who want to disrupt the rule of Aolai country and reshuffle the cards.

From this appearance, it seems that this group of people also came to celebrate the Zong family's wife's birthday?

"Don't act rashly, look at the situation before talking!"

Uncle Ying frowned slightly, and gave a few words of advice.

While speaking, several teams of chariots and horses also drove to the front.

"Hehe, who am I? Isn't this Uncle Ying from Situ's family? You want to steal the limelight on Mrs. Zong's birthday. It's really a great prestige."

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