Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 522: The Ancient Family Of Aolai Country

The person speaking was an old man from the Dongfang family, with disdain in his eyes, looking at the Situ family members as if seeing flies, with a look of disgust on his face.

"It's really disgusting. You will meet a monk from Situ's family here. Your good mood will be ruined by you!"

"Who says it's not? It seems that you don't come here to celebrate your birthday. Instead, you seem to come to fight. Today is a day of great joy. Don't be an eyesore here, get out!"

An old man headed by Nangong's family was very hot-tempered, and he lashed out at Situ's family.

The monks of Beichen's family looked indifferent, staring at Uncle Ying and the others coldly, and only uttered one word.


"Hehe, it turns out that several big families also came to celebrate the birthday. Looking at the situation, the seniors are familiar with the clan?"

Uncle Ying's face was livid, as if he had eaten a fly, but he forced a smile and asked.

I didn't expect to meet my deadly enemy here. Why did the other party come here?

If it was to celebrate Mrs. Zong's birthday, he would never believe it.

"Otherwise, is it necessary to tell you about our relationship with the Zong family?"

"Don't laugh, you look so ugly when you smile!"

The old man of Nangong's family has a hot temper, and he opened his mouth in a wave of anger, as if he didn't like any part of Uncle Ying's body, no matter what it was.

Uncle Ying's chest heaved violently, trying to calm down, the mouths of these old guys are too bad.

We are all gentlemen, why have we ever been so insulting?

It's just a shrew cursing!

But he still can't talk back, he is a person of status, if he yells like these old men, it will be too cheap.

Fortunately, he didn't say it out. If he let the other families know his thoughts, he might only scold him more fiercely.

"Ahem, seniors, this junior is here today to celebrate the wife of the Zong family's birthday on behalf of the Situ family. Can you temporarily put aside the unpleasantness of the past on this happy day?"

Situ Renjie stepped out of the sedan chair, straightened his clothes, and said with a slight smile.

"What are you, the old man is talking to your Uncle Ying, so there's no place for you to intervene!"

"Situ's family is still the same Situ's family. There are no rules at all. Any cat or dog dares to come out and talk to us. Boy, there is no way to catch the attention of the old man and others!"

"That's right, just a piece of trash in the tribulation period, hurry up, don't be an eyesore!"

Seeing Situ Renjie open his mouth, the elders all stared, and their eyes suddenly became sharp, making Situ Renjie's breathing stagnate, and he took two steps back, his face was bloodshot and red up to his ears.

Clenching his fists tightly, he is the second son of the Situ family, the future pillar of the Situ family, how could he be so humiliated?

It is because of this that he hates the monks of the head of the family. He doesn't know the slightest relationship, and only knows how to recognize people by their strength.

"Everyone, it's too late, what's your face when you attack the junior monks?"

"Today we all come to celebrate birthdays, so there's no need to embarrass each other, right?"

Uncle Ying's expression also completely sank, and he said lightly.

"Heaven, it's alright. Today I'm here to celebrate Mrs. Zong's birthday. Let's not take these reptiles to heart."

In the official sedan chair, a cold voice came out, it was a woman.

"Understood miss, let's go in."

The fiery old man bowed his body and said respectfully.


Situ Renjie's lungs were about to explode, even if the elders of the older generation insulted him, the juniors of the same generation's family didn't care about him, they were all cultivation bases in the tribulation period, and no one was more expensive than anyone else , this woman is really superior.

There was a cold light in Situ Renjie's eyes, and the anger could not be stopped.

Nangong Wan, sooner or later, I will let you cry tenderly on the bed!

"Let's go too. The gate is open. It seems that they are waiting for me. The etiquette is very good."

The rest said the same.

"Is the etiquette in place?"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, this clan deliberately wants me to be rejected. Just now I reported myself to the family, but no one greeted me. It is clear that I want to kill my spirit!"

Uncle Ying snorted coldly. Since the other party was not polite, he didn't have a good face.

It's just that he didn't think of this remark, and the people of several big families looked at him like a fool.

"Uncle Ying, are you alright? The door of Li's mansion is open, which clearly means asking me to wait in. Why do you wait for someone to come and pick you up?"

"Is the face of the Situ family so big?"

In Dongfang's sedan chair, a young man laughed loudly.

"That's right. There are no disciples guarding the gate. I think it's because they all went to celebrate the wife of the Zong family's birthday. This is a loyal and filial person, which shows that the whole mansion is united as one."

"On the other hand, Uncle Ying wants these disciples to come out to meet the monks of the Situ family with the infamy of infidelity. I'm afraid it's Uncle Ying who is not sensible?"

Nangong Wan laughed lightly in the sedan chair, the silver bell-like laughter echoed in everyone's ears, it was extremely ear-piercing.

"Also, Mr. Situ's sedan chair is rough in workmanship and specious. At first glance, it looks like a low-quality imitation. A little knowledge is the most deadly. If you can't afford a good one, don't force yourself into it. There are some circles that you can't get in."

Nangong's blunt words were sharp, and he said that Situ Renjie's complexion turned green and pale, and he had the heart to eat people.

"Sister Nangong, the people of the Situ family are notoriously thick-skinned. No matter what you say, they won't feel ashamed. It's important to get down to business first!"

A handsome young monk walked out of the crowd and led everyone from the Dongfang family into the mansion.

"Uncle Ying, what shall we do?"

Seeing the figures entering the mansion, Situ Renjie looked at Uncle Ying and asked, such a famous family has walked in honestly, do they still have to wait?

"What else can I do, go in!"

"Remember, don't be overwhelmed by those old things. Let's come here today, what should we do? These stubborn forces will be wiped out sooner or later!"

Uncle Ying said coldly.


Li Mansion, inside the main hall.

Several figures slowly walked into the hall.

"I heard about the birthday of the Zong family's wife today, and I'm waiting for several big families to come to congratulate me!"

"My Eastern family has nothing else, a thousand-year-old fire ganoderma, I wish Mrs. Zong a long life!"

"My Nangong family doesn't have many spirit stones. There are 20 shops in the Aolai country. I wish the family a lot of money!"

"My Beichen family has a set of wooden cows and horses. I offer it with both hands. I wish the future of the family will be as smooth as possible!"

Several big families said in unison, and the voice resounded through the palace.

On the high platform, Zong Dao was a little dazed, he didn't understand what happened, didn't Situ's family come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime?

Why did there suddenly appear such a group of bosses?

Dongfang, Beichen, and Nangong are all the oldest families in Aolai Country!

He was a little at a loss at the moment that they would all come here today to celebrate his birthday. He turned his head to look at Li Xiaobai, who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, and was surprised.

Could it be that all of this was arranged by Mr. Li?

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