Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Five Hundred And Fortieth One: Music For Dinner

It's not an ordinary melody, but a piano sound that blends into the artistic conception. Just listening to it once, one's own xinxing cultivation has improved a little, this is the terrifying way of the piano sound.

One string can save people, one string can also kill, everything is invisible.

On the high platform, Ling Xue'er was completely integrated with the guqin in her hand, and the melody of the guqin flowed smoothly, turning into an ice-blue phoenix that soared into the sky from between her slender jade fingers, spreading its wings and soaring.

Circles of light blue halos sprinkled down, covering the entire layer, washing away the impurities in the souls of the monks,

"Clang clang!"

With the stirring of the piano sound, the phoenix neighed, spinning and jumping in the air, looking very cheerful.

Li Xiaobai looked left and right, except for himself, all the monks were closing their eyes, silently feeling the emotions conveyed by the phoenix neighing, trying to comprehend something from it, even a few monks who seemed to be his own senior brothers and sisters were no exception.

There was a smile on the corner of Long Xue's mouth at the moment, she was in good condition today, and she did not play a dull and depressing melody.

Outsiders don't know the rhythm, but she knows it well, because she has lived a stereotyped life all year round, and the stereotyped smiling faces and hot eyes make her life boring, so the rhythm she plays is always a depressive song.

It's a pity that none of these arty young masters here can tell that they are all compliments. As time goes by, she is also disappointed.

I didn't expect to meet such strange people as Li Xiaobai today, which shattered her dusty state of mind, truly integrated with the music of the piano, and felt the joy. This is a great opportunity!

It seems that overseas monks are more interesting, at least very real.

She secretly opened one eye and looked at the scene below. Everyone was immersed in the sound of the piano, and she was very satisfied when she felt it carefully, but when her eyes swept over Li Xiaobai, she was stunned.

The young man in front of him had no intention of being moved by her piano sound at all. He kept looking around and rubbed against the fat man in white beside him in a strange manner. Obviously, the other party was not interested in the rhythm she played.

Not even the thought of comprehension.

For a moment, Long Xue's heart was aroused. She learned this way freely, and it can be said that she has entered the room, but now she met a monk who was not moved by his piano music, and she was still a young man. , it is incredible.

You must know that there are only two kinds of people in this world who can not be tempted by the way of rhythm. One is that the cultivation base is so unpredictable that they can no longer feel anything from her piano sound, and they just listen with a pure appreciation attitude.

The other type is a dying person who has experienced ups and downs in his life, disillusioned with the world of mortals, and has a weak heart for fame and fortune. He only appreciates the way of the sound of the piano, and does not try to comprehend the Dao.

The Li Xiaobai in front of him obviously didn't fit any of them, and he was actually unmoved by her piano sound, and had no interest at all.

This is how the same thing?

Thinking of this, Long Xue's fingers fluttered, the rhythm of the piano sound changed suddenly, and the quiet phoenix in the void returned to its nest in an instant, and flew back into the guqin.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

The melodious bells echoed leisurely in the hall.

In the void, a young monk held a scripture scroll and repeatedly struck the golden bell, chanting words, frowning slightly, as if he had encountered some kind of problem.

Everyone was astonished. In the past, Miss Longxue could only play one piece and clicked to finish. Why did she play another piece immediately before finishing one piece today?

Could it be that the extra welfare link is not enough?

"It was Qi Feng Qu just now, but this one should be flowers in front of the Buddha."

"That's right, it looks like the fairy is in a good mood today, and for us, it's also an opportunity, we have to seize it!"

"That's right, the song just now has completely calmed down my mind. At this moment, I have entered the state of a saint. From this song, I will definitely be able to comprehend a good skill and supernatural power!"

The monks looked surprised, and immediately closed their eyes to take a closer look.

Long Xue's zither sound can be said to be good luck, and listening to it for a second will benefit a lot. It is a rare opportunity to feel it at such a close distance. If you can grasp it, it will be a great improvement for your basic strength.

Seeing everyone's reaction, the corners of Long Xue's mouth raised unconsciously, that's right, her piano sound is so superb, no monk can resist the benefits brought by this piano sound.

But when she turned her gaze to Li Xiaobai, she was stunned again.

At this moment, Li Xiaobai unknowingly took a banana from the tray beside him, tasting it with a full face.

Is this... eating with her music?

What is the matter with this person?

The song of presenting flowers before the Buddha is a song with great meaning, which is even better than the Qi Feng song just now. A monk with sufficient qualifications can even comprehend a set of his own practice methods from it.

But Li Xiaobai didn't take it seriously at all. She didn't believe that the other party didn't understand at all, and she was more inclined that the other party didn't care about this insight at all, so she used her piano sound for dinner.

Feeling a little angry in my heart, in a hurry, I turned my fingertips slightly, and the sound of the piano changed again, from melodious and melodious to golden and iron horse.

Wisps of killing air spread out, and the fierce sound of swords and swords lingered in everyone's ears, clanging.

The sound of the piano lingered, and everyone in the field seemed to be on the battlefield, with swords and swords, horse leather shrouded corpses, blood in the body surging, powerful coercion burst out unconsciously, and bloody masculinity rushed to the sky.

"This is the sound of Confucianism and Taoism killing, gold and iron horse?"

"Why did the sound of the piano change again? I was almost able to comprehend it just now."

"I don't know, I think the fairy has her own ideas, first she lived in the phoenix nest, then the flowers in front of the Buddha, and now she has turned into a gold and iron horse, with the spirit of killing, the rhythm of the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism can be said to be at your fingertips." !"

"That's right. In the past, I just heard that the fairy has read a lot of books and can say a few words about the world's classics. I never thought that she would be so erudite!"

"To be able to witness this scene today is our blessing!"

"I've been here several times over the years, and it's the first time I've seen a fairy with such a posture. This melody is like fighting against God. It's my blessing. You can also benefit a lot if you concentrate on comprehending it!"

Seeing Long Xue's crazy show operation on the high platform, the eyes of all the monks flashed with shock.

Today is here, the scene in front of me, even if I spend money on weekdays, I can't see it!

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