Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 542 Fairy, What Do You Play?

What everyone didn't know was that Long Xue's behavior this time was entirely for Li Xiaobai. If he told them the truth, he might have the intention to kill someone.

At this moment, Li Xiaobai was carefully taking off the ring on the finger of the fat man in white beside him, and then moved the treasure inside to his own ring.

Looking around, I felt that the atmosphere in the field was a bit weird.

Although I don't understand the sound of the piano, I can still hear that the piece played by the little dragon seems to be changing all the time, and the change between the pieces is very blunt, without any connection, as if it suddenly stopped playing halfway through the playing .

The current song is even more outrageous, it actually contains a murderous spirit, and it is coming to him, and the value on the system's attribute point panel starts to jump.

Attribute point +300...

Attribute point +400...

Attribute point +500...

Something is wrong, could it be that the other party sensed his intentions, so he played this song specially to remind himself not to make small moves?

It's very possible, the more Li Xiaobai thinks about it, the more he thinks about it, otherwise, why this little dragonman switches tracks frequently, I'm afraid it's because he wants to save face for himself, lest he won't come down after the Dongchuang incident.

With some doubts in his eyes, he glanced at Long Xue on the stage. It was only for a moment, when the four eyes met, Li Xiaobai immediately shifted his eyes, and it was confirmed that the other party was also observing him.

It seems that he has discovered his little tricks.

But it doesn't matter, Fatty's interspatial ring is determined to be obtained, so many monks who took advantage of it in front of Chunxiu Tower must have accumulated a lot of treasures.

Quickly glanced at his interspatial ring, Li Xiaobai's complexion instantly became gloomy.

The space ring is empty, only a piece of paper is floating.

"Hehe, I want to steal your grandfather's interspatial ring, in my next life."

"Want baby?"

"Call me Daddy, let's see who can call me bigger!"

Ma De, was shown, this dead fat man is undoubtedly the sixth senior brother Liu Jinshui, with such a style, there is no other person besides his own sixth senior brother.

Glancing at Long Xue on the stage again, Li Xiaobai was still staring at him intently, Li Xiaobai didn't panic, smiled politely, and put the ring back on the fat man's finger without any trace.

On the high platform.

Long Xue was very excited at the moment, her piano sound finally touched Li Xiaobai, this guy finally began to listen to her piano sound seriously.

She glanced at her twice before and after, obviously surprised by her piano skills. For some reason, she actually felt a long-lost sense of accomplishment in this ordinary-looking young man.

You must know that every year, countless young talents praise her for its wonderful piano sound, which is uncanny, but she is almost numb, or even feels nothing, and at this moment, the young man's eyes are just two eyes, which makes her feel There is a sense of satisfaction that I have finally been recognized.

It's really unbelievable, the last time I had this kind of emotion, it seems to be when I was praised by my grandfather after I started practicing.

But just when she was a little complacent, she suddenly discovered that Li Xiaobai had once again sneakily reached out to the banana, and then broke off one, and began to taste it carefully, with a look of enjoyment on her face again .

Anger flashed in Long Xue's eyes, and he decided that he must convince this person today.

The fingertips moved together, plucking the strings, and the backhand made a triplet. The sound of the piano suddenly changed, starting and ending, and a picture of a mountain dwelling was presented in front of everyone.

Singing birds and fragrant flowers, singing and laughing happily, this is the way of nature.

Looking at Li Xiaobai, there was no response.

Change again!

The sound of the piano is flowing, the magic mountain and the demons roll!

Looking at Li Xiaobai again, there was still no response.

Change again!

Hundred ghosts at night map!

no response.

Change again!


Tianpin Dragon King Festival!

He changed more than a dozen songs in a row, and even brought out the best move, Dragon King Sacrifice, but Li Xiaobai still didn't respond at all.

If there is a reaction, it should only be that his face has become a little bit shocked, and there is no feeling of indulging in the sound of the piano at all.

Long Xuemei's eyes were full of excitement and urgency. What she didn't know was that Li Xiaobai didn't know how to practice at all, so naturally she didn't need to learn some cultivation methods from her songs.

The movements of his hands remained unabated, and he continued to switch songs. No matter what type of music, as long as Li Xiaobai didn't respond, he would immediately change and play the next one.

This also means that she only plays one or two lines of each piece before switching to the next one, and the switching speed is jaw-dropping.

The monks who originally thought that Yuyubao was ready for a lifetime of comprehension also woke up from the state of comprehension at this moment, staring at the light blue elegant figure on the stage with a little dumbfounded.

No matter how slow the reaction was, at this moment, something was wrong.

"Why does Fairy Longxue keep staring at Li Xiaobai?"

"I can't figure out the way, it seems that the two sides are competing!"

"Could it be that the reason why this fairy has been switching songs is because of that kid?"

After careful observation for a while, the monks immediately came to a conclusion that the fairy played the piano today not to benefit them, but to play for Li Xiaobai!

How can this kid be so favored by the fairy!

And it seems that this kid doesn't appreciate it, he keeps eating there, he doesn't pay attention to the sound of the fairy's piano at all, that fairy who doesn't eat mortal fireworks, seems to be upside down?

The monks were furious. The fairies belonged to the entire East China Sea, not just one person. They should always be dignified and generous. How could they make such a gesture?

Among the crowd, Situ Guixiong's eyes showed a gloomy look, this Li Xiaobai really didn't know what to do, he ruined his younger brother, and now he actually loves the goddess in his heart in front of him.

"Let you jump around for another two days, and soon, you will only become a prisoner of my Situ family."

"Damn, I didn't expect Mr. Li to be able to catch Miss Long's eyes. I've never seen her like this before!"

Dongfang Mingyue had some horror in her eyes, as if she had discovered a new continent.

"The difference between these words, Mr. Li's cultivation is unfathomable, and it is normal for him to be able to attract the attention of the fairies."

Beichen Shixi said lightly.

"Hehe, Mr. Li is a real master, how could he fall in love with this woman?"

The surrounding men all circled around that Longxue, Nangong Wan was extremely upset.

The fat man in white and his group were also surprised, looking at Li Xiaobai and secretly giving him a thumbs up. As expected of his junior brother, the fairy seemed to have been taken down before he even started to show off.

If you want to say who is the most confused in the field, it must be Li Xiaobai.

From the beginning, he asked with his mind full. Although the repertoire played by the little dragon was changing at the beginning, it was still more or less coherent, and the melody and rhythm could be heard.

But playing until now, it feels completely chaotic. Li Xiaobai can't tell that the other party is playing a section from every classic piece. He just feels that the sound of the piano is very noisy and scary. big.

And why is this woman staring at him all the time?

Could it be because of his little action just now?

You don't have to punish yourself like this, do you?

Looking at the little dragon man on the high platform who was still playing the piano persistently, Li Xiaobai scratched his head, and couldn't help asking, "Fairy, what are you playing?"

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