Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 543 Do You Only Play One Piece Of Music?


As soon as this remark came out, the sound of the piano stopped suddenly, and the visions that had grown up in the void disappeared in an instant, and the inside of the tower returned to the scene when it was covered by the cold moonlight.

There was no sound in the arena, and everyone looked at Li Xiaobai in a daze.

Just now, what did this person say?

Ask what the fairy is playing?

The way of the fairy's piano sound is unparalleled in the world, and today there is such a blind person who asks what it is playing?

Isn't this blatantly slapping the fairy in the face and making trouble?

"Huangkou kid, don't stop talking, the fairy's qin art is at its peak, how can we judge it at will?"

"That's right, you have no fear of fairies at all, who sent you here?"

"Get him out!"

A group of monks looked sullen and their eyes were full of flames. If it weren't for the rules in the city, they would have taken action to kill this arrogant kid who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

How can the fairy's piano sound be judged by others at will?

Long Xue must have his own ideas in playing this way, even if everyone can't understand and feel the implication, they definitely want to praise this song for its magnificence.

How can it be like this sharp-toothed kid who blatantly satirizes the fairy, which is really annoying.

If the fairy is angered, how will it end?

"Young Master just said, what is the little girl playing?"

"My lord thinks that the little girl is playing the piano indiscriminately?"

There was also a look of astonishment on Long Xue's face, he never thought that the other party would say such words, and felt aggrieved in his heart for a moment.

Didn't Cai just react to her piano sound?

Why did you change your face in the blink of an eye?

What exactly went wrong?

Seeing the doubts on Long Xue's face and the unwillingness and loneliness deep in his eyes, the hearts of the monks in the field almost melted.

"Fairy, don't listen to this boy's demonic words, this person doesn't understand rhythm at all, he must have sneaked in!"

"That's right. Just now I saw that this person was staying with the young master of the Beichen family. I thought I was asking Brother Beichen to bring me some insight, but I never thought that he would be such a frivolous person!"

Some monks wanted to divert the disaster to the east, and pointed their finger at Beichen Shixi and his party, in an attempt to cause conflicts between the little dragon girl of the East China Sea and these people.

"The rhythm played by the fairy is the sound of the fairy in the sky. How can you, a mortal, understand it?"

"That's right, this song should only exist in the sky, but it can be heard several times in the world. It's rare for a fairy to play it so seriously. You kid doesn't have the slightest sense of awe. Such a monk is not worthy to sit with us!"

The other monks were also furious, and they verbally criticized Li Xiaobai, wanting to bring Li Xiaobai to justice.

"Brother, why are you so shameless, the one in front is the granddaughter of the old Dragon King."

The fat man in white on the side also whispered, he was also a little surprised by Li Xiaobai's surprising words.

Li Xiaobai looked around, looked at the angry faces, and suddenly smiled, "Once upon a time, I also participated in a gathering among geniuses. At that time, many geniuses asked me, have I ever studied the paintings of master Tang Guohu?" , I said no, so I was ridiculed as an ignorant person."

"Afterwards, I asked everyone if they had practiced Master Yuanguang's brush and ink calligraphy. Almost all the Tianjiao present nodded. .”

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Young master telling such a story, what does it mean?"

"Could it be that you are saying that the way of the little girl's piano sound is just like that of Master Yuan Guang, that is a false sound, not a class?"

On the high platform, Long Xue asked a little urgently, not understanding what Li Xiaobai meant.

"Fairy misunderstood, telling this story below is not aimed at anyone, but to say that everyone present is rubbish!"

"It's a great irony that a group of self-proclaimed, arty, and high-minded people are here to talk about the way of rhythm."

"Everyone's judgment on the way of the piano sound is probably not based on whether it sounds good or not, but who is famous, or who is good-looking, right?"

"For you, even if the fairy farts, you think it is delicious. In my opinion, you hypocrites are the stumbling blocks on the way of the fairy's piano music."

Li Xiaobai looked around and said calmly, not paying attention to the many strong men present here.

As if sitting here, it's really just a bunch of garbage.

"It's nonsense to say such vulgar words in Linglong Pagoda. Fairy, I beg you to throw this guy out of Chunxiu Tower!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar. This Li Xiaobai was so arrogant that he actually despised all of them in public. Don't you know how to write dead words?

Do you still want to gain a foothold in Aolai in the future?

"Please be gentle and calm, gentlemen!"

Long Xue frowned, parted her red lips slightly, raised her hand slightly to stop the crowd, her weak and boneless whispers soothed the hearts and minds of many monks, and calmed down the anger and hostility in the field.

Li Xiaobai couldn't help being a little impressed, Xiaolongren's hands feel very good, and he can make the monks present enter a state of concentration and tranquility in an instant, as expected of the granddaughter of the old dragon king.

"Young master, if you dare to ask the little girl's piano sound, what is wrong with it, I hope you can give me some pointers."

Long Xue bowed her hands, looking very humble and sincere. She really wanted to know why her piano music couldn't move Li Xiaobai, and what was wrong with her.

As for the yellow-mouthed child that many monks talked about, she didn't take it seriously. A person who can remain unmoved by the sound of her piano is definitely not an ordinary person. How could he be ignorant and deliberately find fault?

Hearing this, Li Xiaobai smiled lightly and said, "Actually, at first, the piece played by the fairy sounds pretty good, but I don't understand it as I play it. It's just playing the piano randomly."

"Although I don't know the rhythm, I can hear it. The more you play backwards, the less rhythmic you will be. The more you listen to it, the weirder it becomes. It's like playing a song twice. Stop playing, do you only know one or two lines in each piece?"


Hearing this, Long Xue was at a loss for words for a while, she didn't know how to answer, she couldn't say that she was targeting Li Xiaobai.

But what the other party said was good, she did change the repertoire so frequently that she forgot that the rhythm is the basis of the repertoire.

and many more!


By the way, no matter how amazing the effect of a piece of music is, it is still just a piece of music after all, and rhythm and rhythm are the foundation of it, but she has ignored this point. Could this be the reason why Li Xiaobai cannot be moved?

She really is a genius, and with just a few words, she pointed out the shortcomings in her piano sound. This person is indeed a peerless genius!

Long Xue's eyes became brighter and brighter, as if she had touched her own shackles vaguely, and found a way to break through to the next level!

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