Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 544 Enterprise-Level Understanding

Long Xue's heartfelt respect arises spontaneously. Here Li Xiaobai seems to be unrestrained, but in fact, she hides her carefulness. She points out her flaws one by one in this subtle way. This is a way that only the two of them know, and it is reserved for her. Face can also make her realize something.

At a glance, one can see the deficiencies in her way of piano sound, it is really extraordinary, the young man in front of her is of extraordinary strength.

Long Xue bowed slightly, wanting to seriously express her gratitude to Li Xiaobai.

One word made her suddenly enlightened, this is a great kindness!

However, just when she was about to bow deeply to express her gratitude, that piercing voice came again.

"The rhythm of the sound of the piano is completely chaotic, playing blindly, isn't it..."

"And the most outrageous thing is that you actually played the sound of killing at this tea party. Do you know that you have hurt me!"

Li Xiaobai spread his hands, and said slowly with a hurt look on his face.

"Ah this..."

Long Xue was stunned, was she hurt?

You were obviously eating with the sound of the piano, okay?

Where did it hurt you, and the murderous aura contained in the sound of the piano is not obvious, it just has a sense of vigilance. If a low-level monk like the Golden Core Stage Foundation Establishment Stage is injured, she can hardly accept it. You Where will the unfathomable boss get hurt?

"Young master, why don't I play another song to heal your wounds?"

Long Xue still had a smile on her face, and her good education allowed her to maintain the most gentle image at all times.

Li Xiaobai waved his hand casually, and said graciously, "No, let's talk about playing the piano after you learn it. Just pay attention in the future, not everyone is as good-tempered as I am."

Long Xue was furious for a moment, her chest heaved violently, all her original gratitude to Li Xiaobai was gone at this moment.

This girl's speech is too ugly, what do you mean by learning to speak?

She's obviously good at playing the piano, okay?

"Shut up, you are so rude to Miss Long, you are a daring lunatic, get out!"

"It's nonsense, it's nonsense, you dare to say that Miss Long is playing the piano randomly, do you know the rhythm?"

"Do you know how to play the piano? You dare to talk nonsense here, talking nonsense. Have you ever heard of what it means to be an axe?"

"Fairy's piano sound, you also deserve to comment?"

A group of monks had black lines all over their foreheads, and their hearts were extremely angry. Their own goddess was targeted by a foreign man in this way. Looking at Gao Taishang's lovely and pitiful figure, their hearts were about to break.

This Li Xiaobai is too arrogant, no matter what his background is, but this is the East China Sea, their territory, and outsiders are never allowed to show off their power here!

Just when everyone was about to team up to throw Li Xiaobai out, Long Xue on the stage stopped them.

"Everyone, what Mr. Li said is actually not at fault. The young girl's playing method is too focused on skills, so that she ignores the essence of a piece of music. After all, a piece of music is just a piece of music. Even if it can evolve visions and lead monks to comprehend many magical techniques , and cannot be separated from the essence of the tune.”

"That is the rhythm and melody. This is the foundation of the foundation, but the little girl is immersed in the artistic conception, so that she ignores the simplest thing. Thank you Mr. Li for reminding me today, otherwise, the little girl may have to go a long way. detour."

Long Xue looked at Li Xiaobai, bowed slightly and saluted with a very serious expression.

This time, not only the other monks around were stunned, but even Li Xiaobai himself was stunned.

What's going on?

I just wanted to cheer up and want to spread a wave of hatred, so why did I suddenly become a pointer to this little dragon?

Li Xiaobai has no self-cultivation, not to mention the way of the piano sound, he doesn't even know the way of cultivation, how can he see the problem between the little dragon's piano sound?

This woman is not easy!

This wave is enterprise-level understanding!

"So Li Xiaobai is right?"

"Fairy actually accepted this Li Xiaobai's advice, and it seems that she has benefited a lot, and even gained a new understanding?"

"It should be just a coincidence, how could this careless guy be a person who is proficient in piano music?"

"It's definitely a coincidence. That's right. The truly elegant people are as flattering as fairies. How could they just say vulgar words casually?"

"That's right, that's right, Li Xiaobai really got lucky, to be favored by the fairy, damn it!"

The faces of all the young talents changed. The fairy recognized Li Xiaobai's strength, and even saluted them in public, which was tantamount to slapping them in the face, and the eyes that looked at Li Xiaobai became even colder.

This son is a great disaster and cannot be left behind!

"Ahem, Fairy's words are serious. I'm just saying it casually. If Fairy agrees, that's of course the best."

Li Xiaobai was a little guilty, waved his hand, and said calmly.

"May I ask what sect Mr. Li is from, who he studied under, and whether his words and deeds were too casual at the tea party today?"

A young man headed by the Situ family said indifferently that his name was Situ Guixiong, and he was Situ Renjie's eldest brother. Li Xiaobai noticed him as soon as he entered the door.

"No family, no sect, I have a heart of a child, comprehend the Dao of heaven and earth in the mountains and forests, I was born like this, do everything frankly, follow the word of the heart, how can you say it casually?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"The so-called heart of a child, does it mean that the mouth is fragrant?"

"Li Gongzi's understanding of the heart of a child is a bit narrow, or is this just an excuse for himself?"

"Although Mr. Li pointed out the inadequacies in the piano sound today, he was disrespectful to Miss Long after all. Should we give everyone an explanation?"

Situ Guixiong's expression was flat, he took a sip of tea, and said without haste.

Li Xiaobai suspected that the other party had facial paralysis as his expression remained unchanged from beginning to end.

"Today's gathering of young and middle-aged talents from Aolai Country is a feast for both the refined and the popular. There are both Yangchun Baixue and Xialiba people. I think this will be a multi-faceted event."

"However, I never thought that as soon as I entered this Linglong Pagoda, there would always be some people trying to make a name for themselves and make a splash. It seems that you can't tolerate other voices except your own. Dare I ask if today's tea party is the one of the Situ family?"

Li Xiaobai glanced at the monk, and said calmly, this guy is Situ Renjie's big brother, and he is not a good guy, so he naturally won't have a good face.

The expression of the cultivator on Situ Guixiong's side changed, he didn't expect the other party to be so eloquent.

A cold light flashed in Situ Guixiong's eyes.

"I've heard that Mr. Li is eloquent, and I have learned it today. However, Mr. Li seems to be quite familiar with this young man in white. Do you know who he is?"

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