There seemed to be some kind of strange magic power in Long Xue's voice, and when it fell into everyone's ears, they felt their hearts shudder and feel extremely refreshed.

The anxious mood calmed down in an instant.

Seeing that beautiful smiling face, all the monks were distracted for a while, and they all sat down obediently, waiting for the further progress of the tea party.


"That's right. I've learned the art of calligraphy and painting since I was a child. Although it's not as good as a fairy, it can be regarded as a skill. I'm going to make a painting today to express my admiration for the fairy!"

The monks were excited and excited, and it was finally time to show their strengths.

"The tea party is naturally Miss Long's tea party. After all, we are just guests, and the main purpose of everything is to learn from each other and make progress together."

"I don't know Mr. Li, but do you have any opinions on piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?"

Situ Guixiong's eyes were cloudy, and he said lightly, this tea party is a place where young talents exchange their qualities, and the competition is the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

"Everyone here today is to exchange what you have learned. Since ancient times, calligraphy and painting have been the necessities of our generation of monks. Since Mr. Li can explain the mystery of Miss Long's piano sound in one sentence, I think I have a deep understanding of it. Let's discuss it together. ?”

The eyes of the monks showed a provocative meaning. They may be a little more uncertain than others, but the way of calligraphy and painting is the best among them.

There is no other reason. As a Tianjiao monk, even if he can't draw any vision, he can still draw a certain resemblance, and he will not lose face no matter what.

But Li Xiaobai's answer surprised everyone.

"I don't know anything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Brother Situ found the wrong person."

Li Xiaobai chewed a banana in his mouth and said inarticulately.


Situ Guixiong's eyes suddenly changed, and a frightening coldness flickered in his eyes. He had never seen such a brazen person. He even took the initiative to challenge him, and the other party actually gave up?

And the attitude is so perfunctory, what about the face?

How about your dignity as a proud and strong man?

"Hehe, everyone, why don't you listen to my little girl, today, let's take the East China Sea as the theme and make a picture, what do you think?"

Long Xue smiled lightly, feeling helpless about the kindness and resentment between these geniuses.

It seems that the words "competitive and competitive" have been engraved into their bones and cannot be stopped.

"Okay, the ancient sages have a saying, people don't live in peace, get drunk and ride a long whale in the East China Sea, the East China Sea is a good place, and it's a good subject!"

"Yes, the word Donghai is just right in both breadth and depth. It couldn't be more appropriate for painting."

"In my mind, a very magnificent picture has already appeared!"

"Thank you, Miss Long, for giving me the title, let my thoughts spring forth below!"

The Tianjiao instantly turned into licking dogs, full of praise for the theme Long Xue gave, as if the theme was tailor-made for them.

In this regard, Li Xiaobai was quite speechless. These monks are too good at licking. They clearly want to be fair and just, so they gave a very mediocre vocabulary that covers a wide range. This topic can't be more common. , where is the incisive feeling in the mouths of these monks?

The power of this forced interpretation is no one else.

"Since you are all satisfied, it would be great. The little girl will complete the painting with you. The time is set as one hour. After one hour, we will appreciate it together!"

Long Xue turned his wrist over, took out a stick of incense, and put it aside, when the candle burned out, it was the end of an hour.


"Great goodness!"

The Tianjiao nodded, took out their pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and began to conceive their own paintings.

Li Xiaobai looked left and right, just now he was appreciating the sound of the piano, and now he was about to start painting again, if he had known this, he should have practiced before coming, as he knew nothing about calligraphy and painting.

However, the people around them didn't seem to express anything. The people who seemed to be brothers and sisters were pretending to be working hard at a blank piece of paper. After a long time, there was no black ink on the scroll.

Ma De, these people must have prepared before coming here, they have already prepared their works in advance, and they are just pretending to come here.

Li Xiaobai's complexion was very dark, and he hurriedly took out his pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and looked at the frowning monks around him, swaying ink in their hands, feeling a little troubled, not knowing what to draw.

Paint the paper blue to represent an ocean?

It also fits the theme, but it feels a bit low-end, and it doesn't fit my status as a strong person walking on the road of invincibility!

Is there any way to draw conveniently and highlight the theme?

"Hey, little brother, what did you think of drawing?"

The fat man in white at the side leaned over and laughed, his body constantly rubbing against Li Xiaobai's body.

"Did you know that painting is not only an aesthetics, but also a psychology?"

Li Xiaobai said lightly, changing the interspatial ring to the other hand indiscriminately, strictly preventing this fat man from making petty moves.

"Huh? Brother, you mean..."

The fat man in white showed no sign of embarrassment, and asked with some doubts in his eyes.

"Hehe, tell me, what kind of paintings can be recognized by the world?"

"Naturally, it is a work with profound painting skills and profound ideas."

"It's a big mistake. I named it Donghai. Naturally, I wanted to see paintings that praised Donghai. As long as the connotation of the painting fits people's hearts, even if it turns into a pile of excrement, it can still make people applaud."

Li Xiaobai said calmly, with a wave of the brush in his hand, he continuously splashed ink in the void, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger.

Looking at the opponent's movements, the fat man in white was quite puzzled. Why didn't he know that this kid had the ability to draw?

With some curiosity in his heart, he leaned forward, glanced slightly, and his face suddenly darkened.

Damn, I was almost fooled. If you dare to paint like this, it's no wonder you didn't get beaten to death.

One hour, whether it is long or short, the incense candle will soon burn to the end.

"Young masters, is the painting going well?"

Long Xue gently rolled up the scroll in her hand, smiled slightly, looked around and asked, just now her condition was very slippery, the painting was very successful, it was a work that could satisfy her.

The young talents below also stopped their pens and ink, carefully rolled up the scroll, and nodded, "Thanks to the fairy, today's painting is very smooth!"

"That's right, the fairy's piano sound made me enter a wonderful state before, and even the brushwork is much smoother!"

The monks said cheerfully.

"Haha, I'm sure you'll see a lot of masterpieces today!"

"Then let's start from here. I was born in Aolai country, and I have some affection for the East China Sea. I'm showing my shame here today. Please read it, this is my clumsy work, Sea God Scroll!"

With a smile on the corner of Situ Guixiong's mouth, he unfolded the scroll in his hand and presented it in front of the eyes of all the monks.

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