Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 547 I Treat You As A Lover, You Treat Me As A Father


The picture scroll was unfolded and presented in front of everyone's eyes. For a moment, the sound of exclamation was endless.

"Brother Situ, I just thought that you should be good at drawing, but I never thought that your drawing skills are so strong!"

"Yeah, can this thing still be called a painting? It's simply a work of art!"

"That's right, if you don't see it with your own eyes, it's really hard to believe that someone in the world can draw such a masterpiece with imagination. Dare I ask Brother Situ, is there a fairy in the sky?"

Looking at the painting in front of them, the monks were full of admiration, and many of them tightened the scrolls in their hands, hiding them behind their backs, for fear of being pointed out and compared with Situ Guixiong's paintings.

This is a picture of the sea god. On the vast sea area, a sea god holds a trident, surrounded by blue and golden light, landslides and tsunamis, one person suppresses the entire sea area, and countless corpses of monsters crawl under his feet.

Staring at this picture, one could vaguely hear the sound of huge waves, the roar of mountains and tsunamis, the neighing of sea beasts, and the majestic aura enveloped the entire Linglong Tower, making everyone feel a little pressure in their hearts.

Even Li Xiaobai couldn't help but say yes in his heart when he saw it. Looking back on his paintings, he really felt a little overwhelmed!

"Hehe, Mr. Situ is really very elegant, and he speaks words like his own. From my daughter's point of view, this painting is the same. I didn't expect Mr. Situ to have such a grand wish in his heart. He has a broad mind and a wide range of vision. Sophisticated, my little girl is far behind."

Long Xue's beautiful eyes were full of splendor, he never expected that Situ Guixiong, who usually looks gloomy, could draw such a majestic and majestic picture scroll.

From the looks of it, this person is not as small-bellied as he appears, but also has great ambitions and desires.

"My little girl also has a picture scroll, which is meant to complement Mr. Situ. Today, I also made a fool of myself in front of you."

Long Xue chuckled, stretched out his hand and made a move, also presenting the scroll in his hand in front of everyone.

Circles of faint blue light spread out, and the warm sea breeze caressed them. The Tianjiao felt that their breaths were filled with extremely pure and rich spiritual power, which was refreshing. If they could use this to practice, it would definitely be more effective with half the effort.

This is a picture scroll of the Sea Goddess, neatly placed in the void, with her hands clasped together, as if praying for something.

There is blue light spreading from its heart.

It is said that the daughter of the sea god is a god who prays for the common people, and blesses the common people with good weather and good harvest every year.

"Ms. Long's picture scroll is also attached with a profound artistic conception. Just by looking at it, it can bring a lot of benefits to the practice. It's really amazing!"

"As expected of a fairy painting, this painting should only exist in the sky. Indeed, it is a good match with Mr. Situ's painting!"

"One painting calms the sea, and the other prays for the blessings of all living beings. If the two are combined into one, why should I worry about not being able to flourish in the East China Sea?"

"Yeah yeah……"

The monks were excitedly messing with these two stunning scrolls, and the words of praise came at their fingertips.

He tried his best to imply that Situ Guixiong and Long Xue were a match made in heaven, and licked the two of them madly.

Li Xiaobai's complexion was a little weird, didn't this group of people notice the embarrassment?

The connection between the two scrolls is like a classic dialogue between a man and a woman. I regard you as a lover, but you actually regard me as a father?

"Hehehe, everyone is serious. It's just a random painting. It's not worth showing. It's a shame."

Situ Guixiong smiled lightly, waved his hands again and again and said, but the look in his eyes was even more complacent.

This group of monks still has some eyesight, knowing when to please him, this wave of assists is very good.

Unconsciously, she glanced at Long Xue. At this moment, Long Xue's expression was a little unnatural, and her cheeks were a little blushing. The hints from the monks just now were a bit blatant for her who lived reclusively all the year round.

Not very comfortable.

"The little girl is just acting casually, it's not a good painting, and I still need to communicate with you people of insight."

Long Xue returned to normal, and said with a light smile.

"Hehe, I don't know how the fat man in white over there paints, can you show it so that I can open my eyes too?"

Ao Gou looked at the fat man in white with a smile and said, his eyes were very cold.

"Fatty Master's paintings must be earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods. Since you want to see it, then Fatty Master will let you open your eyes."

The fat man in white had a haughty look on his face, and said indifferently, and unfolded the scroll in his hand, a picture of a beautiful woman coming out of the bath appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Li Xiaobai's complexion turned dark, and he guessed right, this guy definitely came prepared, he simply found the paintings in advance, and Lan Yu came to this conference to make up for it.

It's just that the subject matter of this painting doesn't seem to match Donghai, and it seems to have an indescribable color.

It made the monks blush and their hearts beat endlessly.

"Bah, a prodigal son, a fat man is extremely wretched!"

Nangong spat out and smeared, showing no shame for the fat man in white.

"How can there be such a brazen person in the world?"

"It's so eye-catching, how can you draw such a thing?"

"It's really indecent. I didn't expect that you men's minds are full of such indecent things!"

"Men, they really are animals that rely on their lower body to think!"

A group of female cultivators blushed with embarrassment and cursed at the fat man in white.

Long Xue was also blushing with embarrassment. She had never experienced such an experience in her life. She had to cover herself tightly when she took a bath on weekdays, for fear of being looked at by others. She never thought that this fat man would be so bold today and directly Draw it down.

The most important thing is that the female cultivator on this scroll is none other than Long Xue, isn't this ruining her reputation?

After going out, how can I meet people?

"You know me, Fatty, when I saw Donghai, I thought of Fairy Long. Although I had thought about a lot of subjects, my hands moved on their own to complete such a picture scroll. This is the instinct of Fatty's body. It’s done outright, it’s the most authentic painting!”

"In Fatty's eyes, Fairy Long is the entire East China Sea. It is because of Fairy Long that East China Sea shines so brightly!"

"A mere painting is unable to express Fat Lord's heart!"

The fat man in white laughed out loud, not at all ashamed of the painting, and even somewhat self-satisfied.

The eyeballs of the monks present were all red, and they had the intention to kill people. They usually dare not even think about the picture of Fairy Long coming out of the bath, but this fat man actually drew it directly, and it was presented in their eyes in front of you.

This is blaspheming their goddess, which is tantamount to revenge for killing their father and taking their wife!

Li Xiaobai rolled his eyes, you've already drawn the picture of Xiaolongren getting out of the bath, this is not enough to express your heart, what else do you want to draw?

If this scene is more indescribable, if these monks don't need to speak, the Xiaolong people will probably kill you with their backhands.

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