Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 552 Human Skin Mask Shows Its Prestige

It's now!

Li Xiaobai was overjoyed, turned his wrist, took out a long-preserved human skin mask, and quickly put it on his head, his whole temperament changed, blending with the crowd, completely turning into an ordinary person.

He raised his head and looked carefully in the direction where the crowd was staring. On the fifth floor, there were faintly a few figures flickering, one of which was particularly burly.

It's my brothers and sisters!

At this moment, he is striding forward, striding forward without stopping.

Without concealing it, the target is directly at the seventh floor.

It seems that the reason why these brothers and sisters came here today is to use the mystery on this step to sharpen themselves.

The Linglong Pagoda is useless to Li Xiaobai who owns the system, but it is a rare opportunity for geniuses who are also in the realm of transcending catastrophe. Even the elder sister who has half-stepped into the Mahayana stage is not willing to let it go easily.

Standing under strong pressure to polish oneself and experience the fatigue after the spiritual power in the dantian is exhausted is of great benefit in laying a solid foundation.

However, the climbing speed is astonishing. You must know that even the young masters of the three major families and Situ Guixiong have barely completed the third floor and are about to ascend to the fourth floor.

The senior brothers and sisters seemed to have no pressure at all, and their steps were steady without the slightest stagnation.

"Hey, thank you brothers and sisters. If you hadn't attracted everyone's attention, I wouldn't have been able to change my face so smoothly. In this way, I can take the treasure without any scruples."

Li Xiaobai touched the human skin mask on his face, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

Use this face to take away the treasure, and then take off the mask afterwards, everything will be hidden, even if it is exposed, no one will find out that you did it.

Wanting to come here, the pace is unconsciously brisk.


On the high platform, Long Xue's eyes were full of doubts.

Originally, her eyes had been fixed on Li Xiaobai, wanting to see how far this unfathomable man could go. If he could climb to the top, it was not impossible for her...

Thinking of this, Long Xue's cheeks also became hot and rosy unconsciously.

However, just now she was also attracted by the monks who climbed all the way to the fifth floor. When she turned her gaze back, Li Xiaobai's figure had disappeared.

No matter how hard she looked, she couldn't find it. She checked from the first floor to the fifth floor, and she was sure that the other party was definitely not above this ladder.

It is also difficult to distinguish from the clothes. Today's meeting, there are too many monks dressed in white, and Li Xiaobai seems to disappear out of thin air.

But her intuition as a woman told her that Li Xiaobai, just above this step, was climbing the tower with everyone, and the other party must have started some kind of unknown operation.

"Could it be a form of concealment?"

"But I didn't perceive any special spiritual power fluctuations. Where did this person go?"

"By the way, the seventh floor will not really be climbed to the top. If Mr. Li climbs to the top, that matter can be considered, but if those five people also go up, what should I do?"

"Damn it, if I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have made that kind of promise in the first place!"

Long Xue's cheeks were flushed, her eyes were rolling, and she felt a little bit of hatred in her heart. She made this decision at the beginning because of the marriage within the clan. In order to prevent the son's violent pursuit, she made a rule and a promise. Through this promise, she succeeded. Freedom was restored and family marriages were blocked.

But I never expected that at this moment, there would be a risk of six people climbing to the seventh floor at the same time. Are all overseas monks so powerful?

After so many years, it was the first time she felt that she had never seen the world, but she calmed down and calmed down. Now it is useless to worry about it. As long as Li Xiaobai can perform well and reach the top all the way, she will have nothing to lose. Nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, the blue light in Long Xue's eyes flickered, and he started the journey to find Li Xiaobai again.

On the third level, Li Xiaobai has surpassed most young geniuses unconsciously.

In fact, his speed is not very fast, he is just walking unhurriedly, but the speed of the monks around him is getting slower and slower, as if his body is filled with lead, every step is extremely difficult, Li Xiaobai is also very have no choice.

The journey of cultivation depends entirely on the support of peers, and I can't keep a low profile if I want to.

However, it can also be seen from this that there is a huge gap between Long Xue and these monks. Even the most talented Beichen Shixi and his party are progressing slowly on the fourth floor, but Xiaolong is directly on the seventh floor. Eat and drink Lazard.

If they fought in the arena, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to make a move in their hands. There was no way, their foundation was too solid.

After all, most of the Tianjiao in this age group are monks in the stage of transformation, and the few Tianjiao who have entered the ranks of monks in the stage of crossing the catastrophe are only at the beginning stage.

It is still difficult to resist the pressure comparable to that of the monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period. After a moment of stalemate, most of the monks resigned to their fate, sat down where they were, and began to practice slowly under the pressure.

The spiritual power inside the Linglong Pagoda is exceptionally powerful, a bit higher than the outside world, and the spiritual power in the body cycles repeatedly between consumption and recovery, which is very beneficial for the widening of the veins and the opening of the dantian.

Li Xiaobai continued to move forward unhurriedly, and climbed up from the third floor unsteadily, which attracted the attention of the arrogances.

"Who is this person, is he too powerful?"

"I can't see the slightest stagnation and slack between walking. It's just walking in a very ordinary way. This feeling of lifting weights is more powerful than jumping up!"

"Think about it carefully, why haven't I seen this person before, is he a genius who came out of a hidden family?"

"I don't know him, he's a new face. You can see that he is walking so slowly. It must be his first time here. He is gradually feeling the pressure conveyed by the steps!"

"I must get acquainted with such a proud man..."

Seeing Li Xiaobai's leisurely appearance, the monks were all envious. Sometimes, the gap between people is so huge, like an insurmountable chasm.

There is nothing they can do about this, they can only form a good relationship, hoping to get a few words from the other party when they meet in the future.

Walking under the steps on the fourth floor, Li Xiaobai looked up and saw that there were less than ten monks on it. Apart from Beichen Shixi and Situ Guixiong, there were six disciples from big families who were climbing step by step. solid and determined.

When Li Xiaobai's eyes flicked past Situ Guixiong, his heart skipped a beat, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. He thought of a way to make money.

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