Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 553: Women Affect The Speed ​​At Which I Draw My Sword

At this time, Situ Guixiong was on the 30th step on the fourth floor. Among them, he was temporarily ahead, and Beichen Shixi and others were on the 25th step.

The pressure on the fourth floor increased another thousand points of attribute value, even Situ Guixiong felt the great pressure.

Originally, after seeing those overseas monks climbing up to the fifth floor in one go, he also gathered his strength to rush over quickly, but the reality taught him a lesson.

There is a gap between geniuses, which he has to admit. Although he is extremely unhappy with those overseas monks, he can only admire their strength.

The more he went up, the heavier his steps became. The powerful pressure prevented him from moving all the time, and the surging spiritual power in his dantian stagnated slightly.

Drops of sweat ooze from the hollows of his nose and temples. It is not difficult to see from his slightly trembling body that every step he takes is a test.

The few people behind him are also in a similar state. Judging from this strength, being able to persist to the fifth floor is their limit.

Li Xiaobai smiled slightly and stepped up the steps.

Attribute points +4000...

Attribute point +4100...

Attribute point +4200...

The attribute points started from 4,000 and gradually increased. Li Xiaobai still walked at a leisurely pace, trying to sharpen Situ Guixiong's willpower.

Step by step, he passed by the struggling cultivator with a calm expression, and all the cultivators were stunned.

That's right, this is the fourth floor, which is equivalent to the pressure given by the monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period.

This person had no pressure at all, he just walked past leisurely like a stroll in the garden, he was here to enjoy the scenery!

"I'm not mistaken, is this person walking up step by step without disturbing his breath?"

"Not only that, but his steps are steady, without any shackles due to the pressure here. He didn't slow down because of the pressure, he was really walking!"

"Who is this person and why have I never seen it?"

"I don't know, it should be some unborn genius. The fairy energy is about to be released, and many monsters have been released."

The few cultivators in the tribulation period whispered and talked to each other. They didn't expect that there would be so many dark horses emerging today, each of them was outrageously strong. If these people were all participating in the ring competition, I'm afraid there would be nothing wrong with them son.

Beichen Shixi and the others also had shocked expressions in their eyes. They stared at Li Xiaobai passing by without blinking, and a storm arose in their hearts.

The appearance and temperament of the person in front of him belonged to the kind that could not be recognized in the crowd. He originally thought that those overseas monks were perverted enough, but he did not expect that there were geniuses of this level in the Aolai country of the East China Sea.

It's too deep to hide. Earlier they had no impression of this person at all. He kept a low profile without losing his demeanor. This is the real boss.

On the twenty-third step.

"Brother, haven't you asked your name?"

Dongfang Mingyue couldn't help asking.

"It's just a passerby walking on the road of mortals, coming and going in a hurry, the name is not important."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said indifferently.

On the twenty-fourth step.

"Brother, you haven't hired a teacher from your clan yet, but are you from an ancient family in Aolai country?"

Beichen Shixi asked aloud.

"There is no school, no sect, I think, therefore I am."

Li Xiaobai said with a blank face.

Twenty-fifth step.

"Young master's cultivation, my daughter admires it very much. If you don't mind, can I make friends?"

Nangong Wan showed a rare smile, outlined a soul-stirring curve, looked at Li Xiaobai and said.

"Woman, don't be intoxicated by my uncle's unfathomable strength. This damn charm will pass away with time one day."

"And you will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword!"

There are stars and oceans in Li Xiaobai's eyes, and he said lightly with his hands behind his back.

Everyone was speechless, are there any monks who are proud to come to China to be so flirtatious?

The mouth is full of coquettish words, very much like Li Xiaobai's appearance when he was arrogant.

"What's the origin of this guy?"

Dongfang Mingyue's eyes flickered with doubts. Even the Nangong girl was rejected so ruthlessly. She was definitely a person with extremely strong Taoism, not an ordinary monk who could be compared.

"It turns out that this young master uses a sword."

Nangong's beautiful eyes were full of splendor. Although the other party only left two words that made her heart slam, she keenly captured the key information from it. Women will affect the speed at which she draws her sword. Said, this son is a master of swordsmanship.

"Uh... Sister, I don't think he meant that."

Dongfang Mingyue's complexion was a bit strange, and she hesitated to speak.

Long Xue below fixed her eyes on Li Xiaobai, wanting to see something from him. There are a lot of monks who come to the conference every year, and she doesn't deliberately remember everyone's appearance.

But a young master with such strength can keep a low profile to the point where she doesn't have any impression of her at all, which is a bit intriguing.

As long as you are a master, you will definitely exude an aura that ordinary monks do not have. This point, no matter how restrained it is, is useless. People with two skills are so prominent that they can be distinguished at a glance.

But what this person showed was colorless and tasteless silence. Before that, she suspected that the other person was transformed by Li Xiaobai, who disguised himself in a special way.

But the temperaments of the two parties are quite different, completely inconsistent, their looks, expressions, and even eyes are different, but her intuition tells her that this person is definitely related to Li Xiaobai who suddenly disappeared.

Otherwise, it is impossible for her to be unaware that there is such a young genius at the tea party.


Li Xiaobai also sensed Long Xue's fiery gaze from below, and it seemed that his performance also attracted the other party's attention, but he was wearing a human skin mask, and he had changed from the inside out, even his personality was slightly distorted up.

Impossible to be recognized.

keep going up.

The twenty-sixth step!

Twenty-seventh step!


The thirtieth step!

Walking forward slowly, Li Xiaobai, who had been strolling in the garden, suddenly had his knees limp and sat on the ground, his pupils trembling violently, his breathing heavy and rapid, and fine beads of sweat permeated his forehead .

Situ Guixiong, who had finally climbed the 31st step, heard a strange sound coming from behind, and suddenly looked back.

The pupils shrank suddenly, and at some point, a strange cultivator crawled behind him, only one step away from him.

Who is this person?

When did you come here?

No, you can't let the monks from the Aolai country surpass it. It would be shameful to let the overseas monks surpass it. If you let the local monks surpass him, he will be ashamed to see others.

Hurry up to distance yourself and climb up!

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