Seeing Situ Guixiong, who suddenly exerted strength in front of him and scrambled up the steps, a playful expression flashed in Li Xiaobai's eyes, and he continued to maintain a painful look.

Hang Chi Hang Chi hard to climb at night.

Seeing this situation, Situ Guixiong worked even harder and did not adjust his body to recover his spiritual power. Using both hands and feet, he went up two steps in a row and reached the thirty-third step.

His legs softened, he sat cross-legged on the ground, stuffed two elixir into his mouth, and began to restore the exhaustion and loss in his body.

In his view, the two sides are separated by three steps, and the other party cannot easily come up.

But then his heart trembled suddenly, and he saw the strange cultivator below suddenly roared, abruptly jumping up a step.

While dashing forward, he muttered words again and again.

"I can't lose, I am the hope of our village, how can I fall here!"

"Brother, I admire your strength, but in this competition, I must be better!"

"I want to return to the village with the honor of being the number one of the younger generation in Aolai Country, and make the old village chief very happy!"

Li Xiaobai raised his head to the sky and screamed, using both hands and feet, he climbed slowly and firmly again.

Seeing this situation, Situ Guixiong didn't dare to stay longer, and stopped meditating to refine the remaining medicinal power in his dantian. He also used both hands and feet, and began to climb continuously.

The other party's words made him understand that this person came with faith. Although he looked like a country bumpkin in the rustic, he knew that this kind of honest and stubborn person was often the most difficult to deal with, because the other party had a powerful perseverance and willpower.

Satisfied to see Situ Guixiong continuing to climb in a panic above him, Li Xiaobai followed slowly.

The monks below were dumbfounded at the moment. The authorities were confused, but the bystanders were clear. Situ Guixiong couldn't figure out the situation, but they saw it clearly from the beginning to the end.

That face-faced genius genius clearly walked up behind Situ Guixiong, then knelt down suddenly, pretending to be in pain from overdrawn physical strength, and staged a chase scene with Situ Guixiong.

The reason is still unknown, but looking at the situation, it is clear that something is going on, targeting Situ Guixiong!

I didn't expect that this unattractive guy would have such a dark heart and a bit dirty methods, but they didn't dare to remind them that this face didn't look like a troublesome master.

Long Xue at the bottom was also watching in a cloud of mist. Couldn't this monk walk up properly? Why did it suddenly start acting up?

Could it be that the other party thinks that just climbing the stairs is not a challenge, so they want to do some tricks?

There is indeed such a possibility. I heard that real bosses and peerless geniuses have some small eccentricities, and Li Xiaobai should be included in this list.

After half an hour, on the fourth floor, on the steps.

Situ Guixiong and Li Xiaobai are chasing after each other, and they are already far ahead of the monks below. At this moment, Situ Guixiong is on the fiftieth step. What he never expected is that his face has amazing willpower, and he chased him to the 50th step. Level forty-nine.

At this moment, all the spiritual power in his body has been exhausted, and he has not made any conflicts, and he has persisted until now completely relying on the strength of his body.

It's been a long time since he experienced such a stimulating sense of urgency, as if he had returned to the moment when he practiced hard alone in his youth and stood out from the crowd of geniuses in the clan.

The process was difficult, but he also enjoyed it very much. The ending also satisfied him. I believe this time, it will be like this!

Situ Guixiong thought to himself, the blood in his body surged up unconsciously, man, this kind of competition should be interesting!

And at this point, I believe that the opponent's condition is not much better, and it should be just relying on Roshan to force it to the present, as long as it persists for a while, the winner will be determined!

Just as he was about to climb again, he suddenly heard the person behind him speak suddenly and growl in a low voice.

"I think when I was twelve years old, my cultivation base was abolished, and I fell from the Qi training period to the third level of the Qi training period. My brothers are underfoot one by one!"

"Since then, I have understood a truth. This is an era where the winner is king. In the world of practice, one does not care about the process, only the result!"

"In this competition, no matter what method I use, I must surpass Young Master Situ!"

"This cup is the tea given by Miss Cailong just now. I have always been reluctant to drink it, but I never thought it would come in handy here. This tea has been soaked with thousand-year-old snow lotus. The effect is far beyond the comparison of elixir, Mr. Situ , I'm sorry!"

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist, took out a small teacup, and said with a grim expression.

Situ Guixiong's complexion suddenly changed. Of course he understood what the other party was talking about. He knew the effect of the tea party very well. If the other party drank the tea, most of the spiritual power in his body would recover in an instant. There is no way to surpass each other.

Absolutely not allowed!

"The story of Xiongtai, I also empathize with you. Have you heard of it, Xiongtai? Everything in the practice world is based on resources. If Xiongtai is willing to give me this cup of tea, I am willing to pay a high price to buy it!"

Situ Guixiong said.

Li Xiaobai smiled secretly in his heart, the time had come, and the fish began to take the bait.

"High price?"

"How high can it be?"

Seeing Li Xiaobai's honest look, Situ Guixiong suddenly smiled, "I won't let my brother suffer, this tea is made from a thousand-year-old snow lotus, and it was auctioned outside just now, at least the price is tens of thousands of top-quality spirit stones .”

"How about I get 50,000 top-grade spirit stones?"

"It's nonsense, are you just buying the tea in my hand now? What you are buying is the honor of being the first person of the younger generation in this Aolai country. Whoever drinks this cup of tea will be the first person. Now you actually tell me that you only give 50,000 top-grade spirit stones?"

"Is it an honest person to bully me?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaobai flew into a rage, and made a gesture to drink the tea in his hand.

"and many more!"

Situ Guixiong hurriedly said, stopping Li Xiaobai's movements, the other party was right, with the help of this cup of tea, he would definitely be able to reach a higher level, and by then, among the younger generation, there would be more Advocate.

After that, all they need is a good performance in the ring competition, and their position in Aolai Country will definitely be more stable.

"I didn't think about it just now. How about it, I will offer one hundred thousand top-quality spirit stones, which is not a small amount."

"I came from a small place, and I'm afraid of poverty."

"so what?"

Situ Guixiong slightly frowned.

"I have to pay more!"

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