Li Xiaobai spoke with confidence, and Situ Gui's majestic chest rose and fell.

This is clearly trying to trick him. Are you still ashamed to say that you are an honest person?

If you are honest, you will still charge money?

"Brother, please make an offer, how much do you want to add?"

Situ Guixiong asked, his eyes slightly glanced at the monk below, and he was relieved that no one was catching up, and he was still in the lead.

"One price, 500,000 top-quality spirit stones, the title of the first person of the young generation in Aolai country, how about I let you?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Brother Tai is joking. This tea is indeed very precious, but if you really want to look for it, it's not that you can't buy it. It's not a treasure. It's not good to ask for such a high price?"

A flash of anger flashed in Situ Guixiong's eyes. For some reason, looking at this seemingly honest guy in front of him, he would always unconsciously think of the monk named Li Xiaobai in his heart.

It's all the same. Don't shake Bilian.

He doesn't have any reserve of being a proud and strong man.

"Brother Situ, you are the eldest son of the Situ family, the future heir of the family, are you unwilling to spend such a small amount of money?"

"It takes money to make money. You know, what you buy now is not just a cup of tea, but also an honor. When you are young, you can beat the younger generation. Only when you inherit the family power in the future can you be better in the proud world." Come and gain a foothold in the country!"

"Brother Situ, don't you want to be famous among the younger generation? Today is such an opportunity in front of Brother Situ, don't miss it."

Li Xiaobai spoke slowly, persuasively.

"Dare to ask your name, brother, who is your teacher, I am the eldest son of the Situ family, maybe there is still some contact between our two families."

"Why don't you make a good relationship, the tea is mine today, even if I, Situ Guixiong, owe you a favor."

Situ Guixiong didn't want to be taken advantage of, he frowned and said, this Aolai country, someone dares to take advantage of him, do you want to continue messing around?

"Don't talk about these useless things, brother, I respect you for being a man, so I am willing to give up this precious opportunity. If you can't even come up with this little money, then you should honestly crawl below."

Li Xiaobai lifted the wine glass in his hand and said calmly.


Situ Guixiong got angry for a while, looked at the people below who were still climbing up, and then looked at Li Xiaobai who had put the tea to his mouth, his heart swayed, his eyes flashed sharply, and he said suddenly, "Okay, today is the day!" Xinxiongtai once, 500,000 top-grade spirit stones, I bought it!"

Situ Guixiong turned blue, shook his hand, and threw out a space ring. Li Xiaobai swept it lightly, and it was full of half a million top-quality spirit stones.

Nodding in satisfaction, he handed over the tea in his hand.

"Brother Situ, I wish you success in reaching the summit!"

"Hehe, brother, it's absurd."

Situ Guixiong's eyes flickered with coldness, and he drank the tea in one gulp, and the spiritual power that had dried up in his dantian became abundant again.

For the time being, I will store the spirit stone with Li Xiaobai first, and after the tea party is over, I will immediately get it back with interest. Is the spirit stone of his Situ family so easy to get?

After running the exercises in his body for a few weeks, the fatigue of the physical body began to continue to climb. Perhaps because of breaking through the limit, Situ Guixiong went up several steps in a row without the slightest stagnation.

Looking at the figure walking like flying in front of him, Li Xiaobai smiled slightly, and followed up quietly again.

Situ Guixiong would never have imagined in his dreams that the seemingly honest guy behind him would continue to chase after him.

At this moment, relying on the spiritual power quickly recovered in his dantian, he crossed more than a dozen steps in a row and reached the sixty-ninth step.

The spiritual power in his body dried up again, and his physical body was under tremendous pressure and his actions slowed down, but Situ Guixiong's eyes flashed with a smile. In previous years, it took him about three hours to stop and go to this point.

But at this moment, it only took an hour to arrive. Of course, Li Xiaobai is responsible for this, which made him feel a sense of urgency, but it is more due to his own growth during this period, and his strength has improved. floor up.

This ladder is not only a place to hone oneself, but also a place to test results. Now, among the monks of Aolai country, no one should be able to catch up with his footsteps!

Thinking of this, Situ Guixiong had a smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of superiority, he turned his head and glanced down, but then he was stunned.

On the first step behind him, there is a person obediently lying on his stomach at this moment, facing his eyes.

It was the guy who seemed honest and honest before!

Made, when did this guy come up? Didn't he give the tea to himself?

Situ Guixiong was confused in his heart.

"Brother...Brother, what's your situation, why are you here?"

Situ Guixiong asked in disbelief, he kept going up more than a dozen steps without stopping. This person was clearly on the verge of reaching his limit, but he was able to keep up with his steps. What is the reason?

"Hehe, Brother Situ, I figured it out. I think that going all out is the greatest respect for your opponent!"

"You are a respectable opponent, and I must do my best. If you deliberately fall behind Brother Situ, that would be an insult to the Situ family!"

Li Xiaobai stared at two big eyes, and said with a righteous face.

Situ Gui's whole body trembled with arrogance, is it the greatest respect to go all out?

Why did he not believe this when you said it?

However, he immediately noticed that he was holding a small bottle in his hand, and couldn't help asking, "Brother, what is that bottle in your hand?"

"This, this is the top rejuvenation pill, which can quickly restore spiritual power. There are only three pills in total. I have already taken one pill just now, and there are two left. Do you want to buy it?"

Li Xiaobai was short of breath, and said in a babble, his eyes were red, and he tightly protected the small bottle, as if he was afraid that someone would steal it.

Seeing the opponent's appearance like this, Situ Guixiong became even more convinced that the opponent could quickly keep up with him by relying on this kind of medicine. The effect is much better than what he prepared.

"You make a price."

Situ Guixiong said lightly, as long as he takes these two pills, he will be able to successfully shake off the opponent.

"Impossible, without this elixir, I won't be able to crawl."

Li Xiaobai shook his head like a rattle.

Hehe, what I want is that you can't climb!

Situ Guixiong smiled, and said with a smile, "Brother, in this Linglong Pagoda, you can not only sharpen your body with pressure, but also make a small fortune with pills. Why not do it?"

"Your village needs to develop. If your old village chief sees you returning with a lot of spirit stones, he will be very happy, right?"

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