Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 57 The Only Person In The World Who Can Hurt Liangchen Is Liangchen Himself

"This bad old man really doesn't know what he's thinking all day long."

"Is a promising young man like us a good person?"

"We just want to help Miss Yanyu improve her cultivation, but people in the world always misunderstand me. As expected, being too handsome is a sin."

In the courtyard, Li Xiaobai touched his human skin mask, feeling helpless in his heart.

The house on the west side of the yard is a grocery store, which is full of various sundries.

Still throwing in two low-grade spirit stones, the whole room was transformed into a simple version of the bathhouse.

"Miss Yanyu, this bathhouse has miraculous effects. Practicing in it can get twice the result with half the effort."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Well, thank you son."

Situ Yanyu's voice is as small as a mosquito, taking a bath is still an embarrassing thing in this uncivilized world.

"Well, you can practice slowly, and I'll go outside for a walk."

Li Xiaobai walked out of the room with a smile on his face, and headed for the street.

After coming here for so many days, I haven't had a good look at this city to understand it.

Furthermore, it is true that a high-end bathhouse is needed. The characteristic of Tangneng Yipin bathhouse is that the more high-end and foreign the venue, the more powerful the benefits of taking a bath in it.

The effect of the bathhouse like the one built at Situ's house is the worst.

Li Xiaobai wants to buy a store, he has no shortage of spirit stones.

The people on the road were in a hurry, and they were basically ordinary people in plain clothes. Occasionally, there were family children riding tall horses, and all pedestrians stayed away.

"Cheer up, go to Situ's house and find out that kid, who dares to rob women from me, I will make his life worse than death!"

There was a commotion in the crowd, and the hooves of the horse neighed. Li Xiaobai saw Wang Ergou who had been kicked out earlier by him at a glance.

The Ergouzi in his arms obviously became agitated, and he still had a fresh memory of Wang Ergou.

"You bunch of idiots, you were knocked out without even seeing what tricks the other party was making. It's really an embarrassment to the Xia family!"

"If you make such a low-level mistake again in the future, all of you will pack up for me and get out!"

In the crowd, a young man riding on a white steed was full of anger, and a few dog legs around him were yelling and yelling.

This young master has a pair of snake eyes, deep-set eye sockets, and a serious lack of energy and spirit. It looks like he has been in and out of the land of looking for flowers and willows all the year round, he is not a good guy.

It's a misfortune rather than a blessing for Situ Yanyu to be targeted by this kind of person.

One of the sharp-eyed dogs saw Li Xiaobai and exclaimed.

Brother Gongzi looked over immediately, shook the rein, and the horse rushed to Li Xiaobai.

The hooves of the horse neighed endlessly, the eyes of the white horse were like falcons, and two long streams of hot white smoke spewed out from its nostrils, causing the surrounding crowd to disperse immediately.

Looking at the son-in-law looking down on him from above his head, Li Xiaobai felt unreasonably unhappy. This was the setting brought to him by the human skin mask.

The human skin mask can change the character slightly.

The current Li Xiaobai is a half-dead, melancholy prince figure who cannot be provoked.

"Young master, he was the one who injured us!"

"Young master, you have to make the decision for the little one!"

"My lord, this kid actually robbed you of a woman, I'll destroy him for you!"

Yizhong's dog legs yelled and babbled for a long time, but no one stepped forward to make a move.

"Shut up!"

The son of the Xia family couldn't take it anymore, he yelled at these bastards.

These dog legs are teammates like pigs. The originally cool pretend way of playing was ruined by his subordinates abruptly, which made him very embarrassing.

The crowd fell silent.

"You are that little boy that Misty Rain met recently, what's your name?"

"Under Ye Liangchen."

"It was you who injured my men?"

Brother Xia asked, for some reason, from the first moment he saw Li Xiaobai, he had an inexplicable urge to beat him up.

It must be because the opponent injured his own men.

Well, definitely not because of jealousy.

"Uh, yes, I did it."

Li Xiaobai nodded slowly.

"Do you know who I am?"

"do not know."

"I am the third young master of the Xia family, Xia Liu!"

"so what?"

Li Xiaobai's complexion is a little weird. These days, there are all kinds of superlatives, and some people call themselves obscene. It's really hard to fathom.

"So, you don't need to explain anything, just bear Ben's anger honestly!"

"Come here, take it away!"

As soon as Xia Liu gave an order, a group of thugs rushed up behind him, and they all shot and dragged Li Xiaobai into the alley next to him.

"Master Xia, what are you doing?"

The patrol team in the city is very helpless, they can't take care of the affairs of the big family, but they have to ask for an explanation, otherwise they will be dereliction of duty.

This point, the son of the Xia family is obviously very clear.

"Brother Liu, don't worry, we just want to have a heart-to-heart talk with this brother, there is nothing else, you guys should go on patrol."

After finishing speaking, Xia Liu took out a bag of Lingshi and secretly handed it to the patrol captain.

There are city rules in the city that prohibit fighting in private, so it is still necessary to give the patrol team enough face, at least give them an explanation to let them do business.

The patrol captain weighed the Lingshi and immediately smiled.

"Since that's the case, the brothers will continue to patrol, please talk carefully, and don't pick quarrels and make trouble."

"Hey, I understand."

Li Xiaobai, who was pushed and shoved by the dog legs, dragged into a side alley.

The surrounding people shook their heads helplessly. This is the way of the world. In a powerful world, big families can really do whatever they want.

"Chop off his hands and feet."

There was a hint of teasing in Xia Liu's eyes, he wanted to see how long Li Xiaobai could pretend.


Several thugs sharpened their knives and firmly fixed Li Xiaobai's arm. The movements were very skillful, and it was obviously not the first time they did it.

"Well, if you kneel down and beg for mercy now, maybe this young master is in a good mood and will let you go!"

Xia Liu laughed out loud.

"I'm from another place. Believe it or not, I have a hundred ways to make you kneel down and beg for mercy, but you have nothing to do."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Chop me!"

A nameless anger welled up in Xia Liu's chest, and he personally slashed at Li Xiaobai's wrist with the knife. There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

The rest of them also moved at the same time, holding up the scimitar in their hands, and stabbing Li Xiaobai's limbs.

But then they froze.


There was a crisp sound, sparks shot out, and the knives in the hands of several people instantly collapsed into several pieces.

Xia Liu's eyes were full of horror, his knife didn't even leave a scratch on the opponent's body.

Attribute point +3...

Attribute point +10...

"If you can really cut off Liang Chen's hands and feet, Liang Chen will be grateful, but it's a pity that the only person in this world who can hurt Liang Chen is Liang Chen himself."

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