Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 58: Building Tang Neng Yipin Bathhouse

Li Xiaobai looked indifferent.

Attribute point +1...

Attribute point +1...

Attribute point +10...

The damage is a little low.

These guys in front of them are just a bunch of rookies, Xia Liu, the young master of the Xia family, probably only has the cultivation base of the foundation building stage, and the rest of the thugs don't even have the foundation building stage, and they can't even hurt their own fur.

It seems that the cultivation base of the children of this family is not very good.

It feels like I have entered a novice village.

"You... who are you?"

Xia Liu's complexion changed drastically. He originally thought that the other party was just a piece of fish on a chopping board, but judging by the current posture, the status of the two parties may have to be exchanged.

"Under Ye Liangchen, Situ Yanyu is not someone you can offend, understand?"

Li Xiaobai frowned slightly, and said calmly.

After wearing the human skin mask, my temperament changed greatly, and my personality also changed slightly. All these are the abilities of the human skin mask.

Fortunately, I set my temperament based on the three senior brothers as the prototype, and this posture is not easy to suffer from the outside world.

"You're threatening me. Don't think that you can do it with a little cultivation. My Xia family is a big family in Gu Yue City for hundreds of years. You can't offend me."

Xia Liu was terrified and angry. The woman who was supposed to get her ran away with another man, and this man was more handsome than him, more temperamental than him, and more powerful than him. He was completely defeated.

"Liangchen doesn't like talking nonsense."

"If you think you have the strength to play with me, Liang Chen doesn't mind staying with me to the end."

Li Xiaobai had his hands behind his back, with a look of disdain on his face.

"You wait for me!"

Xia Liu ran away disheveledly with a bunch of dog legs, even the white horse didn't come and rushed away.

Li Xiaobai couldn't help laughing in his heart, this mask is really good, wearing a human skin mask, even his mind feels a lot clearer.

The details that I didn't notice before, now I know it all in my heart, it's a magic tool, and I don't have to worry about being tricked by others in the future. The only fly in the ointment is that this human skin mask is a bit arrogant.

I felt that "Ye Liangchen" was talking and pulling hatred all the time. I didn't expect to use the character of the third senior brother as a template to be so flirtatious.

But still pretty cool hehehe.

It's a pity that such a good horse is still here.

"Hey, Ma'er, your master doesn't want you anymore, I'll take you out for a walk."

on the street,

The common people were all surprised when they saw that it was Xia Liu and others who ran out in disgrace.

When he saw Li Xiaobai coming out cheerfully on a white horse, he was even more surprised.

"Grandma, it's a hell of a day today, did you see that?"

"I see, I didn't expect this arrogant Xia family to have such a day. I'm afraid this young master is not easy to mess with!"

"Hey, I don't care about this, anyway, seeing the young master of the Xia family suffer, I'm so happy!"

"It's so satisfying!"

"Who says it's not..."

Li Xiaobai was wandering around the streets on horseback. It seemed that the people in this city didn't have much affection for the big family.

There are quite a lot of street vendors on the roadside, restaurants, teahouses, and shops selling spirit tools and props, but Li Xiaobai really didn't see a bathhouse.

It seems that the world knows nothing about bathing culture.

On a small tea shop next to a restaurant, the words "shop for sale and transfer" were posted.

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he found it!

The tea shop is located next to the restaurant, the location is good, and the flow of people is guaranteed.

"Shopkeeper, are you selling a store?"

Li Xiaobai led the horse into the yard in front of the tea shop.

"That's right, the little one is about to sell the tea shop. Do you want to buy it?"

The thin middle-aged man ran out in a hurry. There was a problem with the location of his shop, and the restaurant had all kinds of tea and wine, so no one would come to his tea shop for tea.

After a long time, I didn't make any money, but I spent a lot of money in it. Naturally, I can't continue to do such a loss-making business.

"The location of this teahouse is good, please make an offer." Li Xiaobai said.

"Five hundred low-grade spirit stones!"

The middle-aged man's eyes are rolling around, and if he thinks this location is good, he must be a novice, and he can blackmail him.

"It's expensive, maybe fifty yuan." Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"My lord, are you kidding? This tea shop is located next to Guan Yue Building. This Guan Yue Building is one of the best restaurants in the city. It has tens of thousands of customers every day. Opening a tea shop next to it is a steady profit. business."

"The young one also had some problems in his hometown, so he had to give up the tea shop as a last resort."

The shopkeeper's face was full of embarrassment, and his eyes were full of sincerity.

"There is a tea shop next to the restaurant. If there are any customers, isn't the shopkeeper just joking?"

"It's clear that your business has been robbed by the restaurant and you can't continue to open it. That's why you sold the shop. Don't lie to me, there can be no more than sixty low-grade spirit stones."

Li Xiaobai had a mask, and instantly analyzed that the boss was cheating.

The shopkeeper was also surprised to meet a knowledgeable person.

"Sixty yuan is really a little less, and the small ones will not lie to the young master, one price, two hundred low-grade spirit stones!"

"Seventy dollars."

"One hundred and fifty yuan can't be lower!"

"Eighty dollars."

"One hundred yuan, if the young master agrees, the younger one will immediately hand over the title deed!"

"make a deal!"

The shopkeeper wanted to cry, but he spent a hundred low-grade spirit stones when he bought this shop, but he didn't expect to leave without earning a penny.

It seems that he is not suitable for business, so let's change careers sooner.

The size of the store is half, not too big, but it can also build a big bathhouse.

Take out the vacuum cleaner and suck all the furniture and facilities in the house, leaving only an empty room.

Li Xiaobai started to renovate the layout of the house, and this was the first time he built a real bathhouse.

The building materials divide the bathhouse into two bathhouses for men and women, leaving only one door in the middle, so that the men’s bathhouse is the first to enter the door, and then the women’s bathhouse is entered after opening the door.

It shouldn't be a big problem for the male monks to be seen.

Well, that's it.

Maybe it can also improve the marriage happiness index of monks and monks in the city!

A reception desk has been set up in the bathhouses on both sides, where tea and snacks can be sold, and a full-scale bathhouse has been built in this way.

Soak your body in water.

The attribute value panel in front of him jumped.

Attribute point +30...

Attribute point +30...

The effect is not bad, although this bathhouse is still a bit crude, but compared to Situ's house, it is much better, let Situ Yanyu be in charge of the reception work in the women's bathhouse in the future.

Situ Yanyu is pretty, and should be able to attract many male monks.

Well, it's such a happy decision!

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