Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 59 The Old Man Wants To Be With The Young Master At Night

Renovated the bathroom.

Then I exchanged a plaque in the mall, engraved with the words "Tangneng Yipin".

Hanging in front of the tea shop door.

Attached is a notice.

"The store is about to open, and a special promotion will be launched. The first customer who spends ten times in this store can get a BMW horse for free. Don't miss it when you pass by."

"The store manager, Ye Liangchen."

"The staff is super beautiful, Situ Yanyu."


This is almost the same, there are benefits, gimmicks, and definitely profitable.

After tidying up, go back to Situ's house first, let the news of Tang Neng Yipin fly in the street for a while.

At the same time, the Xia family.

In a hall.

Xia Liu was crying and telling a young man something.

"Brother, you have to decide for me, that Ye is too arrogant!"

"Not only hurt my people, but also took away my woman and humiliated me in public. It's too hateful!"

"What is his name and where does he live?" the young man said lightly.

"His name is Ye Liangchen, and he lives with that woman Situ Yanyu now, brother, you have to make the decision for me!"

Xia Liu said miserably.

"Look at how promising you are, a foreigner actually bullied you, what a waste!"

"There are guests at home in the past few days, I will go and talk to them, let Ye Liangchen disappear, and no one can take away the woman my Xia family's children are looking for."

The young man said casually.

"Guests, could it be those people outside the city..." Xia Liu looked delighted.

"You can't know about this. Be careful not to be punished by your father. Don't worry, no matter what background Ye Liangchen has, he is already a dead man."

"Hey, thank you, big brother!"


Situ's house, as soon as Li Xiaobai entered the door, he felt a burst of hot steam rushing towards his face.

An hour or two has passed, and the grandpa and grandson are still soaking. Sure enough, this bathing culture is very attractive to people.

But taking a bath at home is still too one-sided, so I will take them to the big bathhouse for a while.

"Miss Yanyu, old man, I'm back."

"Hey, Mr. Liangchen, I have been gone for two hours. I miss you very much. The water temperature in this bathhouse is not as comfortable as before. Can you warm it up?"

Li Xiaobai didn't expect that the sixty-year-old grandfather would be the first to pounce on him.

Look at Situ Kong's longing and expectant eyes, then look at his old red face and the drops of water dripping from his skin when he just got out of the bath.

Li Xiaobai instantly felt that life was hopeless, shouldn't it be Misty Rain who rushed over first, and turned into this dry old man.

Moreover, there was a hint of ambiguity in the old man's eyes, which made people feel a chill in their hearts.

"Young Master Liang Chen."

Situ Yanyu was also dressed neatly, and walked out of the room with a pretty blushing face, breaking the weird atmosphere. Li Xiaobai felt that he saw hope again. Sure enough, this was the normal opening.

"Well, is this bath comfortable?"

"Young Master Liang Chen, this bathing technique is amazing. My cultivation base that has been stagnant for more than ten years is showing signs of a breakthrough. If possible, I would like to take a bath with you all the time, hehehe."

Situ Kong smiled strangely, and Li Xiaobai felt that the old man had changed, that he had let himself go.

Isn't this old man good at Long Yang?

"That's right, I've also made a breakthrough in my cultivation, may I ask you, is the bath water made of elixir?"

Situ Yanyu's eyes were also full of surprises. The elixir that was excavated this time was not available, and his cultivation had a faint tendency to break through to the ninth floor of the Qi training period.

"Well, it's just that your cultivation base seems too weak, so that Liangchen can't perceive your progress at all. This exercise should be able to help you, so let's take it to practice for now."

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist and took out a copy of "Hunyuan Jing". This was given to him by Feng Lingzi when he was in Piaomiao Peak, but unfortunately he didn't even turn it over.

After all, there is a system, and cultivation is impossible.

"This... this is a baby!"

Situ Kong leaned over, and was so excited for a moment, the exercises recorded in the "Hunyuan Jing" were many times better than the exercises practiced by their grandfather and grandson.

"My lord, this is too expensive, Yanyu can't take it."

Situ Yanyu was ruthless and handed back the exercises.

"That's not necessary. This is just an ordinary exercise. Your strength limits your imagination. Just practice it first, and change to a better one later."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

I feel like I'm a bit sloppy. When I wear a mask, I don't love anyone. Since I put on the mask, I often say some surprising words.

"In addition, I built a new big bathhouse next to the Guan Yue building. If possible, I hope you two can help me take care of it together, and you can also enter it to practice on weekdays."

"Hey, the old man agrees with both hands..."

"Yan Yu thanked you, Young Master..."


In the city, in front of Guan Yue Building.

An old beggar was thrown out.

"If you don't have money, you still want to come here to eat and drink. We are here for business, not to do good deeds. If you dare to come to our restaurant again, someone will immediately throw you out in a group!"

The servants who take customers are very disdainful. This old beggar always likes to get a meal in the restaurant, which lowers the grade of their restaurant.

"If you don't eat it, don't you eat it. Why are you so fierce?"

The old beggar rubbed his butt, his eyes were attracted by the store beside him.

He remembered that this place was still a tea house in the morning, so why did it change its appearance all of a sudden.

Get closer.

"Can you taste the soup?"


"It's divided into men and women!"

"And the big beauty Situ Yanyu and the BMW horse?"

"This is the BMW horse, tsk tsk tsk, it's really mighty and extraordinary."

The old beggar surrounded the tied white horse and admired it.

"Good guy, the whole thing is quite complete, that's it, come here for a while, let's see what level of beauty he is!"

"Maybe we can see a picture of a beauty coming out of the bath!"

The old beggar laughed strangely, turned around, and left with a flick of his sleeves.


When Li Xiaobai brought Situ Yanyu into Tangneng Yipin, the two were really frightened, it was too luxurious inside.

There is a big pool, a big counter, steaming hot, and all the necessary facilities are available, even tea and snacks are in place.

Sure enough, Da Neng's action efficiency is high, just go out for a while, BMW and house are all there.

After soaking in the pool for a while, the two were surprised to find that the efficiency of cultivation was actually faster than at home.

"Okay, Miss Yanyu is in charge of the women's bathhouse, Mr. Situ is in charge of the men's bathhouse, and I'm in charge of collecting money. It's such a happy decision."

"Get to work!"

"Master, can the old man live with you at night, I can lie still, hehehe!"

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