Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Five Hundred And Seventy First: The Operation Of The Common Anger Of Man And God

Several figures laughed loudly, and rushed into the room of everyone without saying a word.

As long as all the female cultivators who are a little bit more attractive are taken away, if someone dares to stop them, they will be severely injured.

"Have you received all the Huazi I gave you?"

The head monk asked with a smile.

"Received, received."

The villagers are obsequious, in the face of the power of these young arrogances, they have no ability to resist at all, they can only be reduced to fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

"Then how do you thank us?"

The head monk continued to ask.

"As long as all benefactors are willing to let us go, you can thank us however you want!"

The villagers knelt down and begged for mercy, and even cried loudly.

"Thank you in any way you want? Alright, push the men aside and bring the women over!"

"Let them watch!"

The head cultivator showed a sinister smile, and said solemnly, then raised the jaw of a young female cultivator beside him, "Do you know why we gave you Huazi?"

"The benefactors are kind to us."

The female cultivator was shaking like a sieve, and said palely, her eyes were full of fear.

"Hey, it's not enough!"

"Hurry up, don't be idle, one person, one person, and take care of everything for them!"

A sinister smile appeared under the mask of the head monk, and under force, a live broadcast was staged in the village.


"I originally thought that my benefactor was an upright gentleman who wanted to lead us on the road to prosperity, but I didn't expect to do such a thing!"

"My Xiaohuang Village is not with you, this matter will definitely be reported to the Criminal Law Hall, and you will have to pay the price in blood!"

The faces of the villagers were distorted to the extreme, and they wished they could rush up and tear the dressed animals into pieces. Unfortunately, under the pressure of the god transformation stage, they couldn't move. They could only watch their wives and daughters being bullied.

"Hehe, Criminal Court?"

"What is the Criminal Law Hall, sue us, don't say that I, Li Xiaobai, didn't give you a chance!"

"Behind me, Li Xiaobai, stand the three ancient families of the Aolai country. Is it something you poor and unruly people can touch?"

"Don't piss and take care of yourself. It is an honor for your village to be able to pamper and trust your wives and daughters today."

Hearing the roars of the villagers, a look of ecstasy flashed in the eyes of several Tianjiao, Mr. Situ's plan was right, these people had completely regarded them as Li Xiaobai's group.

Going to the Criminal Law Hall to prosecute their crimes is simply wishful thinking. As long as the Criminal Law Hall intervenes, both Li Xiaobai and the three major families behind him will suffer!

This time, they want to see, this guy still has a few more days to live!

The same thing happened in many remote places in Aolai country. A group of monks wearing hoods burned, killed and looted at a speed like wind and clouds, like a strong wind passing through the border, coming and going quickly.

When the monks in the Criminal Law Hall arrived, the building was already empty.

Looking at the devastation on the ground, the eyes of the elder in charge had a dangerous gleam.

The Criminal Law Hall is under the command of the Great Leader, and all the monks in this vein are loyal to the Aolai Kingdom. After going through many tests, they finally achieved the right result and successfully joined the Criminal Law Hall.

Therefore, I also have some understanding of the plan of the three masters, until the several masters are working together to make a big game.

So recently, they have also spontaneously faded out of the sight of the monks. In the kingdom, even if there is a private fight, as long as the circumstances are not too serious, they will not show up to deal with it.

This style of behavior has allowed many new big families to see opportunities, and there are not a few people who bribed privately, which can be regarded as attracting a lot of big fish.

But this time, it was too serious.

In one day, dozens of villages were all bullied, all the resources in the village were robbed, all the women were robbed, and there were even murders and several monks were killed.

The circumstances are so bad that even the death penalty is not an exaggeration.

And all the villagers who were victimized were surprisingly consistent. It was done by a group of monks wearing masks and spreading Huazi everywhere.

Some villagers pointed out that this is the hands of Li Xiaobai!

This made the elders of the criminal law hall very troubled. They knew that Li Xiaobai was ordered to disrupt the situation in Aolai country, but they didn't know whether it was the order of the third master.

If you want to carry out arrest operations, you have to look at the meaning of the third master.

"Elder, what shall we do, do we want to arrest him?"

An elder asked.

"Don't worry, there may be something wrong with this matter, maybe there are other secrets, let's report the truth first, and let the troublesome matter be decided by the third master!"

The elder who led the team said in a deep voice.

Li Xiaobai does have some abilities, since he came to the country, the country has never stopped.

Big things and small feelings one after another, like mushrooms after a spring rain.



a day later.

Inside the Water Curtain Cave, in the secret realm, two women, one red and one blue, sat facing each other, looking at the briefing in their hands with frowning faces.

"What, third sister, do you think Mr. Li did this?"

The head of the family Huahuo frowned and asked, this letter came from the Criminal Law Hall, the things recorded on it were too appalling, and those masked people were so bold, is it true that the king's law of Aolai Kingdom is just paper?

"Big sister, the current situation is very clear. Mr. Li has done a very good job and is a successful spoiler. As for what is said in this letter, it is probably caused by certain families. These moths can no longer sit still. "

The banyan master of the third family said with a light smile that he has a well-thought-out plan for the situation in Aolai country.

"So, those families have already started to do it?"

Huahuo's face is cold, she can't wait to do it because she is so oppressive to her people.

"Yes, the stores opened by the three major families have already affected their interests. As soon as Tangneng Yipin and Liangpin stores come out, no matter how good the medicinal material store and elixir store are, they will have to close down. In addition to the publicity of those overseas monks, the store's The fame is growing and it's threatening these entrenched old guys."

"This incident is not only a signal, but also a kind of temptation. I want to touch our reaction."

Banyan master said.

"Then how should we deal with it?"

Hanabi asked.

"Big sister, we can't show up at this time, otherwise we will scare away the big fish. Since this matter started because of Li Xiaobai, he should also end it."

"Tomorrow my sister will go to the Li Mansion and give him a chance to prove his innocence."

Master Banyan's eyes were full of indifference, and he said coldly.

If Li Xiaobai can successfully expose the conspiracies of many families, it will be a big blow to those families. If he fails, he can only be used as a scapegoat.

Everything starts from the overall situation, and there is no need to care about personal gains and losses.

If you behave well, you are a friend, if you behave poorly, you are just a pawn.

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