next morning.

In Li's residence, Li Xiaobai and the others soaked in the bathhouse, their faces full of enjoyment.

Several senior brothers and sisters have already spread the news of the store to every corner of Aolai. He doesn't need to do anything in the past two days, he just needs to wait for the incident to slowly ferment.

"Hey, little brother, you didn't see it, the efficacy of Huazi surprised these natives!"

"Now the entire Aolai country is our potential customer. Senior brother has made such a great contribution. Should the senior brother be given a share of the store's dividends?"

Sixth senior brother Liu Jinshui narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile.

"Sixth senior brother, my younger brother can't be the master of this matter, it's all arranged by the third master. If senior brother also wants to get involved in this power struggle, can you recommend me for you?"

Li Xiaobai said with a half-smile.

"Hehe, what I'm talking about is a family, brother is just joking, can you really take your spirit stone for nothing?"

Liu Jinshui smiled awkwardly and stopped talking.

"Junior brother, the shops opened by the three major families have already shaken the interests of those aristocratic families, and there will be conflicts in the near future. If the shops are targeted by then, will we lend a helping hand?"

Ye Wushuang asked.

"Of course not. It's an internal dispute between Aolai Nation. It has nothing to do with me. The task assigned by the third master is only to disturb the situation, and he is not responsible for the finishing work."

"The part we should do has been completed, and whether we can grasp this opportunity is entirely the job of the third master."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said calmly.

Being a pawn for others and being responsible for the finishing touches, how can there be such a good thing in the world.

In the final analysis, this is all the business of the third master himself, let them resolve the disputes among the big bosses by themselves.

"But what about the Sea Clan?"

"I heard that the old Dragon King is also a half-step immortal, and his cultivation level is not inferior to that of the second leader. If he makes a move, will Ao come to the National Assembly to protect the younger brother?"

Su Yunbing asked with a frown, she was always thinking about the Sea Clan.

That Long Xue was about the same age as her, yet he had reached the stage of the Great Consummation of Transcending Tribulation Stage, he was only slightly weaker than her, this kind of talent was really terrifying.

"The soldiers came to cover up the water and the soil. The little brother has already disposed of the East China Sea Mermaid. They have no evidence and dare to arrest people randomly. Let him be reported in the newspaper!"

Li Xiaobai said slowly, even though his defense might not be able to resist half-step immortals, he would not be killed by a single move. As long as the Sea Clan made a move, it would be reported immediately.

At that time, it will be enough for the old beggar to come to the rescue. After mastering the skills of the upper realm, it is not difficult to mobilize the spirit of the fairy, and he should have almost recovered to his peak strength.

"The energy of the fairy spirit is put in here. This time, I'm afraid we will miss out. It's all up to the younger brother."

Lin Yin said, still with a gloomy look, maybe because he was surpassed by Li Xiaobai, now he looks even more silent.

"It's okay, the second leader is going to find the altar. If you can really communicate with the upper realm, you can reach the upper realm without the spirit of the fairy."

Li Xiaobai comforted, after seeing the existence on the other side of the altar, his goal was no longer in the Fairy Continent.

Everyone nodded, that's true. If the upper realm channel is successfully established, the lower realm monks don't need to shatter the void.

At this time, the door outside the hall was suddenly kicked open.

The loud bang was deafening, and Li Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, and he sat up suddenly from the pool.

"Who is acting presumptuously outside?"

"it's me."

The cold female voice floated in, and everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes. A sapphire blue figure stood in front of everyone's eyes. His face was as cold as ice, and there was a faint murderous look in his eyes.

It is the banyan master of the third family.

Li Xiaobai's heart tightened, and a bad premonition suddenly came to him.

"Hey, where did the little girl come from? She looks quite juicy, junior brother, where did you owe this romantic debt?"

Liu Jinshui didn't have a clue, and when he opened his mouth, Li Xiaobai was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat. He quickly covered the other's mouth and asked with a smile on his face.

"It turned out that the third master was in person. Everything in Aolai's country is going well, and the situation will be disrupted in the past two days. I don't know why the third master suddenly visited today?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the bathhouse, and there was no sound.

Aolai country three masters!

This woman in front of him is actually the third head of Aolai Country!

The highest authority in Aolai Country, who is also the mastermind behind the recent series of incidents, actually came to the door in person?

And looking at the situation, it seems that the visitor is not good?

"Hehe, Li Xiaobai, I respect that you are a once-in-a-century genius, so I entrust you with such a heavy responsibility, but how did you do it?"

"Bullying the people in my proud country, is this what you call provoking disputes?"

"The method is too low. Now that the shops opened by the three major families are notorious, how are you going to take this responsibility?"

Master Banyan didn't explain anything, and he didn't mean to greet him, but he just scolded his head and covered his face when he came up.

Li Xiaobai's face was full of bewilderment, he didn't understand what happened at all?

"What does the third master mean by this?"

"When did you hurt the people in Aolai's country? It's just nonsense!"

"Hehe, I'm pretty good at pretending!"

Two frightening cold lights shot out from Master Banyan's eyes, and he narrated in detail what happened in Aolai Kingdom yesterday, his face was distorted with anger, as if he would tear Li Xiaobai to pieces at any moment.

"The person who wears a mask and spreads Huazi everywhere, should be you?"

"No, senior Rong, there must be something wrong with this matter, how can we do such a mediocre thing?"

Li Xiaobai's complexion suddenly changed, someone was trying to set him up, and they were playing tricks on him, and it seems that they succeeded?

"There are more than 50 villages in total. All the villagers who were victimized have surprisingly consistent statements. You did it!"

"Look, is this something people do? Is it plausible?"

"I screwed you up! I screwed up my game!"

"Rabbits know not to eat grass by the side of their nests. Six people can rob a few dilapidated villages. How much money can they make?"

"And in front of other people's husbands, they do things with their wives and daughters, and let people see it, I am, disgusting, even animals know to turn off the lights!"

"You spend some money on this kind of thing, even if it's a scoop, it doesn't cost much, even if it's sneaky, it's simply a bandit, even worse than a bandit, and you want to promote Hua Zi, so that the monks of Aolai Kingdom will praise you ?”

"Just one word, disgusting!"

"Don't think that I dare not touch you because the second master came to you. I will give you three days to clean up the mess you caused. After three days, if it is solved perfectly, I will let you go. If it can't be solved, That can only be solved by me!"

Master Banyan's face was gloomy and his eyes were full of anger. After finishing speaking, without waiting for Li Xiaobai to explain, he slammed the door and left.

Only everyone was left looking at each other in the bathhouse, their faces full of confusion.

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