Everyone's expressions were dull. The three masters came and left quickly. The key point is that the speed of this turnaround was ridiculously fast.

Li Xiaobai also looked stunned. The news brought by the other party was too explosive. He didn't expect that his back foot would be tricked just after he finished setting up his front foot.

This Banyan master came here only to give an ultimatum. In Aolai country, the hatred was too slow, and there were too many people offended. At this moment, he didn't even understand who was cheating himself.

I also blamed myself for being too careless. I originally thought that after the store opened, it would be a game between the three major families and the aristocratic families of each family. He calmly waited for the event to ferment and just witnessed the finishing work. He did not expect such a thing to happen halfway through. .

His eyes were also a little weird looking at his brothers and sisters.

It was definitely framed by someone, and my senior brothers and sisters know best, how could they do such an act that is not as good as a beast?

But seeing Li Xiaobai in this way, several people in the pool were a little flustered.

The deterrence placed on Master Banyan was so strong that they almost lost their minds. At this moment, they just wanted to prove that they were not the murderer.

Turning to look at the senior sister Su Yunbing.

Su Yunbing looked very calm, took a small sip of Huazi, and said slowly.

"Little brother, you know me well. Senior sister never asks for anything in her life."

Don't ask for help in everything, rely on one hand?

Although the elder sister has a bad temper, she is definitely an alluring figure. I didn't expect to be a craftsman.


Li Xiaobai nodded, and said sternly, "Master, I believe you."

Look at Second Senior Sister Ye Wushuang.

Ye Wushuang frowned slightly, and there was a hint of resentment in his eyes.

"Don't look at me, little junior brother, you know me well. The people who are bullied in the village are all women. If the senior sister makes a move, the one lying on the bed should be their husbands!"

The logic is tight and seamless.

Indeed, the ones who are humiliated are all women, and it is impossible for women to embarrass women. The second senior sister is still as rational as ever.

Li Xiaobai was deeply convinced, "Second Senior Sister, what you said makes sense!"

He looked at Lin Yin, the third senior brother.

Lin Yin's expression was still the same indifferent, he glanced at Li Xiaobai, and said softly.

"Junior brother, you know me well. If senior brother is involved in this matter, no one will live to sue."

As expected of the third senior brother, he took a half way of cultivating evil, which is ruthless enough!

Look at the fourth senior brother Yang Chen.

Yang Chen has recovered from the shock brought by Master Rong, and his eyes are slightly blurred at this moment.

"Junior brother, you know me well. I, Yang Chen, never lack women. When I feel lonely, I just need to say hello, and all the women will come to me, competing for beauty."

The fourth senior brother is a handsome man, Li Xiaobai does not deny this, but he did not expect that the other party is so narcissistic and has a lot of sister fans.

I'm a little jealous!

Li Xiaobai nodded and said, "Brother is amazing, I admire you!"

He looked at Fifth Senior Brother Ling Feng.

Ling Feng was a little messy at the moment, after listening to Master Rong's explosive description, his face was slightly flushed, and he looked very embarrassed.

"Junior brother, you know me well. Although I, Ling Feng, are young and upright, I always strive to follow the fate...commonly known as a virgin."

Li Xiaobai nodded, "Brother, don't talk about it, I understand everything!"

He looked at Liu Jinshui, the sixth senior brother.

At this time, Liu Jinshui waved his hands again and again, a little anxiously defending himself.

"Little brother, you know me well. I never do bullying. I like to be passive."

Li Xiaobai was speechless, he didn't suspect you yet, so why didn't he call himself out, and seemed to have found out some great secret.

Like to be passive?

Sixth brother is a little manipulative, at least he has requirements for posture.

Well, he is a very refined person.

Li Xiaobai said with a serious face, "Ahem, Sixth Senior Brother, I admire you, I believe you!"

"Junior brother, this matter is not our fault, it is already very clear, someone is definitely framing us."

Several people also looked a little annoyed, anyone who was framed for such a crime would be furious.

Especially the elder sister Su Yunbing, with her fiery temper, if she didn't know who did it, she would have rushed out to kill her enemies.

"Little brother, I can tell that all the senior brothers and sisters have unique skills, but someone lied to me."

After thinking for a moment, Li Xiaobai said with a cold light in his eyes.

"who is it?"

Several people asked with some doubts on their faces.

"Nature is the top three."

"The layout and planning of the Three Masters are seamless. It can be said that they have exhaustive strategies. How can she fail to see such an obvious thing?"

"It's obvious that those big families asked someone to impersonate her. She is very abnormal today. There must be something strange. She wants to throw the blame and trick me into waiting!"

Li Xiaobai was a little angry in his heart, not at those family monks who pretended to be doing things, but at the attitude of the third master.

As I said before, it is impossible for a real boss to show his anger and joy on his face.

Master Banyan is obviously pretending, acting, the purpose is obvious, she doesn't want to show up to take care of this matter, she wants to let herself handle it.

If you can carry it down, then everyone will live in peace, but if you can't carry it down, I'm afraid you will be pushed to the front of the stage as an abandoned child, and the business will be done.

Now that the shop has been built, the economy of all ethnic groups has been shaken, and the situation has been disrupted. It doesn't matter whether I, the spoiler, exists or not.

This third-in-command is so ruthless!

"Made, these tactics are so dirty, they actually want us to take the blame!"

"As a senior boss, is it plausible to act like this, is it right?"

"However, the other party is willing to give us three days, which is already a great kindness. Now that the younger brother has done everything that needs to be done, even if he directly pushes it out to calm the anger of the people, it will not affect the overall situation."

"One day, when the Fat Master reaches his level of cultivation, he will definitely trample that little girl under his feet!"

In the pool, the faces of several people were gloomy, and their eyes were covered with a layer of gloom.

This feeling of being used as a tool to control life and death at will is very bad.

"This matter, after all, can only be resolved by us, and we must find a solution within three days. I think that there is no need to find out who is entrapping us, and directly blame the crime of burning, killing, and looting on Just a few big families!"

Li Xiaobai said, no matter how much you complain, it's useless. Facing the top existence among half-step immortals, he can only obey orders and find a solution.

It's easy to solve this matter, and the disaster will spread to the east, no matter what happens, all the shit pots will be pinned to the heads of several big families.

As for finding out the murderer's revenge, let's put it aside for now.

"Understood, how to operate?"

Liu Jinshui understood in seconds, and instantly understood Li Xiaobai's thoughts.

"The same operation, the same routine, let's choose a family each, impersonate, frame the blame!"

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