Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 582: The Power Of Public Opinion

The same incident happened in many places in Aolai country.

There was a bloodthirsty look in Situ Guixiong's eyes. If he dared to offend him, that would be the fate. When the news came out tomorrow, even the three masters would not be able to sit idly by.

It can only be compelled by the situation to arrest Li Xiaobai and bring him to justice on the spot.

"This is the power of public opinion, to overwhelm people with power, so what if Li Xiaobai has a Mahayana cultivation base, under the power of the masses, the only way to go is to confess his guilt and submit to the law!"

There was a cruel smile on the corner of Situ Guixiong's mouth. He couldn't wait to see Li Xiaobai's appearance when he was executed.

"Hey, he's just an outsider, how can he be the opponent of Brother Situ, brother Situ, you think too much of that kid."

"That is, more than half of the Aolai country is our people, and even the third leader is our backing. Even if he has the ability to surpass the sky, can he still be an enemy of most of my Aolai country?"

"Going back this time, this person will definitely die!"

A group of disciples from the family also showed sinister smiles. Situ Guixiong's strategy is absolutely vicious and vicious, and his methods are so sophisticated that they can only admire in their hearts.

Fortunately, they are monks from the same camp, and they are not against them, otherwise, they might be tricked to death, Li Xiaobai is a lesson from the past.

"Let's go, go back to the mansion, go back to Chunxiu Building to drink first, and wait for the movement from the Criminal Law Hall. On the side of the various ethnic groups, my Situ's house has already taken care of it. No one will blame you."

"It's better to say that it is a great achievement for our family to hit the arrogance of the three major families to open stores!"

Situ Guixiong said with a smile, his body flickered, and a few flashes disappeared into the night.

The rest of the people followed closely behind and disappeared into the shadows in an instant.


In the criminal law hall, in the wing room.

The door opened a crack, and Li Xiaobai walked in quietly.

"Little brother is back, how is the matter handled?"

Liu Jinshui opened his eyes, and asked cheerfully, he couldn't wait to see Situ's family suffer.

"Hey, I'm doing business, don't worry, all the masks have been thrown into Situ's house, and a piece of Long Xue's inner body armor is also hung up, as long as you go to Situ's house tomorrow, you can see it at a glance."

Li Xiaobai smiled sinisterly, and tomorrow morning, all the monks who passed by Situ's house would find piles of masks and the female nun's inner armor on the tree branch.

By the way, let the Situ family share the hatred of the sea clan for him to distract the attention of the sea clan, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"I can rest assured that."

Liu Jinshui's eyes flashed fiercely, and he slowly closed his eyes, waiting for the dawn to come.

In the main hall of the Criminal Law Hall.

A group of elders lined up on both sides, sitting on the ground, cross-legged and closed their eyes, waiting for the instructions of the three masters.

The Great Elder read the letter sent by the Great Elder just now on the high platform, and his brows frowned again.

The reply to the letter was very short, with only one line saying, "According to circumstances, don't act rashly."

What does it mean?

Although it is written to the head of the family, but in the end it must be the decision of the third head of the family, why would you give such a sentence?

Don't act rashly, does it mean that you don't want to take care of this matter?

But how could he ignore the witnesses and the prisoner who had already been brought over?

What are these three masters thinking? "Great elder, what's the matter? What does the head of the family say, but Li Xiaobai is going to be executed on the spot?"

Elder Wang asked.

"Hehe, the Great Elder Zhai has a kind heart and always emphasizes fairness. How could he be like some people and kill them at every turn?"

"In my opinion, the head of the family must strictly investigate this matter and arrest all those hamsters that are hiding in the dark!"

Elder Sun said indifferently, the meaning of targeting in the words is self-evident, and the target is directed at Elder Wang.

"Okay, don't make wild guesses, the meaning of the master, wait and see what happens!"

The Great Elder stroked his beard, and his brows almost twisted into a twist.

He couldn't figure out what the other party wanted him to do, why did he play charades?

"Wait and see?"

"What does this mean? Could it be that the prisoner is right in front of us, but I can't do anything while waiting?"

"Should I just wait and watch the situation continue to deteriorate?"

Elder Sun looked puzzled, and there was a faint flash of anger in his eyes.

"I don't know about this, but since the head of the family has said so, I think I don't want me to intervene without authorization. I think I have my own ideas?"

The elder said lightly.

"How is this possible? Why did the head of the family issue such an order? This is not the style of the Criminal Law Hall. Our Criminal Law Hall has always put the interests of the people first, but now, why have we repeatedly tolerated these sinister villains? ?”

Old Sun's face was distorted, his eyes were full of anger, and he said with some resentment.

"Hehe, Elder Sun, don't be so angry when you are old. We are servants, and we only need to follow the instructions from above."

"I think it's better not to speculate on the idea of ​​the master."

Old Wang smiled lightly, and a playful look flashed in his eyes. The third leader must have put a lot of effort in making such a decision.

The third master is protecting the Situ family. With the backing of this great god, there will be no moths in the Criminal Law Hall. It is impossible for their family forces to have trouble. Now that the second master is not here, it seems that the eldest master is completely controlled by the third master. suppressed.

Thinking about it, it is true that a person in power who has been in a high position all year round will inevitably be a little negligent in guarding against the following things. Naturally, he cannot compete with the third leader who has been planning the layout all year round.

It is precisely because of this that they will resolutely stand in the third team.

When the power of Aolai Kingdom is reshuffled, they will be meritorious ministers and will receive huge rewards. Among other things, the fief is at least twice as much as it is now.

The rest of the elders also nodded secretly, and there was a sense of relief in their eyes. If you don't check, you are just letting their families do things. This is a signal that the situation in Aolai country should be messed up as much as possible. .

The Great Elder had a panoramic view of everyone's reactions in the field, and quietly burned the other letter in the envelope to ashes.

There are two letters from the head of the family, one is for the elders, and the other is for him.

The written content on it is more concise, with only eight short words "Great competition in the arena, uproot!"

It is clear at a glance that the layout of the third master has reached a certain stage, and it is about to start.

What he has to do now is to find out all the hidden gentle scum one by one, and settle accounts after the fall!

As for the time to calculate the ledger, it will naturally wait until after the ring competition, not only to find out the wrongdoers in the upper echelons, but also to find clues from the reactions of the family disciples, the ring competition is an excellent opportunity.

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