Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Third People Ran Away

"Hmph, it seems that someone has listened to the wind, otherwise how could the master give such an order?"

Elder Sun's face was gloomy and frightening. This Elder Wang and the other older fellows who were jumping up and down all looked like villains. They must have sent the news through some unknown method, and they were present at the scene. Among them, no one noticed anything wrong with it!

"This statement is wrong. What the master thinks in his mind is to take care of the overall situation. Let's listen to what the master says and wait and see how things change."

A smug look flashed in Wang Lao's eyes, and he said lightly.

"That's right, Elder Sun, you've lost your senses. A cultivator should not act recklessly, especially if you are in a high position. You must consider the overall situation in every action you make, and put the interests of the Aolai country first! "

The rest of the elders also echoed, their expressions were condescending, and there was a vague look of accusation.

"The little man succeeds!"

Elder Sun's face turned blue with anger, his chest heaved violently, and he stopped talking.

It is impossible for them to disobey the meaning of the master, so they can only obey.

Aolai Country Criminal Law Hall connives criminals to get away with it and does nothing. It's not good to hear about it!

"Okay, it's almost dawn, I can't guess what the head of the family means, let's take a step and watch, then let Li Xiaobai stay aside, the rest of the people wait, go back to their homes, during this time, don't show your face .”

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Great Elder, and he said in a deep voice.



In the early morning of the next day, Li Xiaobai and his party quietly waited for the elders' decision in the wing room.

But after waiting, no one came, let alone the elders, not even a servant who brought tea and water.

Liu Jinshui couldn't bear it anymore, pushed open the door, and drank a few words in a loud voice, "Is there anyone alive, come here!"

There was no sound, the aisle was silent, all the monks nearby were evacuated, and this area was empty.

"What's going on here? Didn't you promise yesterday that there will be an answer today? Why didn't anyone come over?"

"Could it be that the result of the discussion has not yet been reached?"

Su Yunbing's eyes were full of doubts, and he asked a little puzzled.

"It seems that this is the result of their discussion, let it go, and want to fight a procrastination war."

Third senior brother Lin Yin narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a hint of danger.

"Earlier, the Great Elder said that he would report to the three masters and ask them to make up their minds. Come to think of it, this is also what the three masters mean. Does this mean that I will be abandoned?"

Li Xiaobai's heart was burning with anger. Now that all the witnesses and prisoners had been brought, the third master still had an ambiguous attitude. What was this woman thinking?

Wouldn't it be a good opportunity to kill these families now?

"Damn, I was cheated, this is determined to let me wait for the blame!"

"Junior brother, let's break out. With my ability, I think we can escape from the East China Sea."

The flesh on Liu Jinshui's face trembled, and he was also extremely angry.

It's rare that after making so much preparation, the opponent actually didn't do anything at the critical moment. If he had enough cultivation, he would have turned this Aolai country upside down long ago.

"Hehe, don't worry, I've expected this for a long time."

"Oh? What's the meaning of this, little brother?"

Several people were a little puzzled.

"The goal of the third family is not only the Situ family in the open. For these families, she has grasped the lifeline early in the morning and can pull out this cancer at any time. The reason why she has not done it for a long time is to fish out the hidden treasures hidden in the deeper places. family, she wants to wipe out all the cancers."

"It's the same this time, using the matter of the masked man to send a message to a group of monks from the Situ family, asking me to wait for the blame, in order to attract more big fish."

"In other words, our sacrifices are all for her plan and the overall situation. I am afraid that from the moment she dragged me into the trap, she has already figured out how to trap me."

Li Xiaobai's eyes flickered coldly, how can he say that he is also a guest brought back by the second master, and to be treated like this, Liuren definitely did not have such a scheming, everything was controlled by Banyan master behind the scenes.

I'm afraid that even Liu Ren doesn't know the whole picture of the plan.

"Ma De, the heart of playing tactics is dirty, this little girl is not a good thing, junior brother, let's call old man Tianwu over, and then call the frontier gang to kill them!"

Fifth senior brother Ling Feng said coldly with a gloomy expression.

"Junior brother said, this matter is all expected, but have countermeasures been taken?"

Ye Wushuang asked.

"Perhaps the brothers and sisters haven't noticed yet, but at this moment, we have already won."

Li Xiaobai laughed suddenly. From the moment he sent out the fairy daily report and threw the mask and inner armor at Situ's house, the balance of victory had already been tilted towards him.

leave it alone?


Want to watch the show from the other side?

That's just right, the longer the situation drags on, the bigger the incident will be, and in this incident, the positive image of myself as a hero will become more and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In this wave, what is being provoked is class relations, not cultivation. The people are the foundation of a country, and if the foundation conflicts with these families, the Disbelieving Criminal Law Hall is still sitting idly by.

"Junior Brother, you mean, what kind of preparations did you make last night?"

Ye Wushuang changed his expression and asked.

"Yes, the news has reached every citizen of Aolai Country. At this moment, they should have responded to the call of Xianling Daily and started to march towards the center of the city. This time, the foundation of Aolai Country is shaken. We Let's see how the three masters will not do anything!"

"Let's stand still and wait for the good news."

There was a sneer on the corner of Li Xiaobai's mouth, if he dared to deceive himself, he would repay him a hundredfold.

It's shady, right? We don't care if you are the second-in-charge's sister or not, it's not wrong to be yin.


At the same time, inside Situ's house.

Wang Lao and several senior elders of the Criminal Law Hall were visiting in the main hall. On the high platform, Patriarch Situ was smiling. The news brought by the other party put him in a good mood.

Unexpectedly, his junior's actions against Li Xiaobai would involve such a series of major incidents, and in the end, it was still Li Xiaobai who was responsible, and his Situ family was greatly embarrassed.

"Old Wang, is it true that the Third Master wants the Criminal Law Hall to let him go?"

"If that's the case, we can start many plans!"

Patriarch Situ laughed.

"Hehe, it's still false. The great elder said in front of the big guys that this time the matter has been confirmed. The third master has made efforts from it and is determined to let Li Xiaobai take the blame for the excellent store he founded. You can't keep even one taste of He Tang Neng."

"The next step is to target the three major families. My congratulations to the Situ family!"

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