"Why don't you go grab it?"

Several disciples immediately exploded, their eyes were full of anger, and no one had the ability to raise prices on the ground.

"Isn't it 10,000 yuan? Isn't Mr. Li just entertaining me?"

Situ Guixiong narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a trace of danger, staring at Li Xiaobai and speaking slowly.

"This time is not the same time. Now, in order to fight against the increasingly powerful coercion, the Tang Neng Yipin made by me is naturally updated, using more complicated craftsmanship, and the mere 100,000 top-quality spirit stones are definitely worth the money. .”

"Furthermore, you are all heirs of a rich family, with such a few spirit stones, wouldn't it be impossible to get them out?"

Li Xiaobai said with a faint smile.

"What is a mere hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones to us?"

"That's right, it's just money for a meal. Who are you looking down on? Buy it!"

"I'll give you the spirit stone, and send it to the bathhouse quickly!"

A group of disciples were furious, and sent the space ring neatly, not because they were really provoked, but because the spiritual power in their dantians was already exhausted, and they could no longer ink it, so they just took advantage of Li Xiaobai's words to find a way to go down .

"It turned out to be an upgraded version of Tangneng Yipin. Since this is the case, it should be more expensive. I haven't paid attention to a mere one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones. Mr. Li just took it."

Situ Guixiong took a deep breath and threw out a space ring. This feeling reminded him of the situation in Linglong Tower.

The strange monk at the beginning seemed to be cheating him with the same spirit stone, and this similar technique was filled with familiarity. His previous guess was correct, the face-to-face monk who stole the Ye Ming pearl was definitely Li Xiaobai.

"Hey, thank you for your patronage. The disciples of the big clan are bold and bold, and I appreciate it very much."

Li Xiaobai said with a chuckle, and handed over the bathhouses in his hands one by one.

What complicated craftsmanship and what upgraded version are all just his nonsense. Anyway, these people have never experienced the magic of Tang Neng Yipin on weekdays, and they have no ability to distinguish.

If such a big family is not slaughtered, should they be kept for the New Year?

Situ Guixiong and the others took the stone and hurriedly submerged their fingers into it. Just for a moment, they suddenly felt that the spiritual power in the nearly dry dantian surged, and suddenly felt that the pressure on the whole body was relieved, and it was not as difficult as before.

The feeling of the rain after a long drought put a layer of comfort on their faces, and their eyes were full of awe when they looked at Li Xiaobai.

They are not fools, at the moment the coercion in the arena even makes Situ Guixiong feel overwhelmed, but here Li Xiaobai can come and go freely, walking like the wind, without the slightest feeling of falling from the top, what does this mean? It speaks for itself.

Li Xiaobai's cultivation is probably higher and stronger than they imagined.

"It's impossible. How can a mere overseas monk be stronger than Brother Situ?"

"There must be some kind of treasure hidden in his body, which has resisted the coercion of the Great Elder!"

"That's right, to be able to take out such a treasure as Tang Neng Yipin, it is only natural that he has a magic weapon that is even more magical!"

Some monks were dissatisfied, and defended Situ Guixiong, chatting in whispers, and did not believe that a guy like Li Xiaobai would be a master.

It must be opportunistic, Situ Guixiong is the strongest among the younger generation of Aolai Country!

The audience in the audience was stupefied. All the winners in their hearts seemed to have made a deal with Li Xiaobai and accepted the other party's treasure. Even Young Master Situ compromised after a little struggle.

In this way, geniuses of all ethnic groups can continue to support on stage, isn't it all due to Li Xiaobai's credit?

What about your pride in being a heavenly pride? What about pride?

Poor and lowly cannot be moved, and mighty cannot be subdued?

"Patriarch Situ, this..."

All the Patriarchs on the stage also looked embarrassed. Except for Longxue from the Sea Clan, all the monks in the arena bought Li Xiaobai's Tang Neng Yipin.

"Hmph, you bastard!"

"When I go back, I'll definitely teach you a lesson!"

"When did our clan fall to such a state that we can't even withstand the coercion, and we have to rely on other people's treasures to survive, it's really shameful!"

Patriarch Situ's face was extremely gloomy, this is Li Xiaobai slapping the faces of all their clans in front of the people of the world.

The so-called Tianjiao of various races needs to rely on the treasures of overseas monks to survive in the arena. If this matter gets out, he will probably become the laughing stock of the monks in the entire Fairy Continent.

"Hehe, Patriarch Situ, don't get angry. Tang Neng Yipin is a real treasure in the world. It cannot be treated with common sense. This wave is earned by you and other family disciples."

"In my opinion, those disciples below are smarter than you old bastards. If you really give up this opportunity to enjoy the treasure for the sake of face, then you are stupid. You should reflect on this aspect."

Among the three major families, the old man of the Nangong family said with a smile, his words were full of ridicule.

Anyway, everyone in the world knows that the bathhouse is run by his three major families, and the heirs of his family are not ashamed, it's just these old things who claim to be rich.

"Mr. Nangong was joking. After all, you can only rely on yourself in the journey of cultivation. Only by yourself can you grow in the face of adversity. If you blindly rely on external help, the gain will not be worth the loss."

Patriarch Situ forced a smile on his face, and greeted all the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the three major families in his heart.

Don't think he doesn't know what he earned. Going to the shop to take a bath for an hour only costs a dozen top-quality spirit stones. In that wave just now, Li Xiaobai collected a full 100,000 top-quality spirit stones!

This kind of price that the lion opened his mouth, his own disciple actually agreed, what a prodigal!

On the ring.

The joss stick was about to burn out, and nearly one-third of the disciples remained in the arena. More than half of the disciples voluntarily abstained because they could not withstand the coercion of the Great Elder. No more wasting money.

10,000 top-grade spirit stones, thinking about it now still hurts a lot.

Seeing Li Xiaobai jumping up and down in the arena, the Elder's expression became more gloomy. He had already increased his coercion to the third level of the Transcendence Tribulation Stage, but the other party acted as if nothing had happened, which really annoyed him, and at the same time secretly Shocked, although this young man is very arrogant, he does have some real skills.

But as the Great Elder of the Criminal Law Hall, he can't just show shame in front of the world like this, he must get his place back and crush the opponent!

Not much to say, the Great Elder suppressed his cultivation and used his fists to evolve seal formulas. Suddenly, there was loud thunder in the void, and ravines criss-crossed on the ring, as if to tear the souls of the monks apart.

"Boy, try this, the coercion of the fourth floor of the tribulation period, I don't believe it will overwhelm you!"

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