Even Situ Guixiong's throat was sweet at this moment, and he couldn't help spewing out a big mouthful of blood, crawling on the ground, soaking the soup with one hand, and randomly grabbing a large amount of elixir with the other hand and pouring it into his mouth.

"The Great Elder calm down, this level of coercion is beyond the scope of the ring competition, please stop the Great Elder!"

"Could it be that the Great Elder wants to eliminate us all?"

A group of disciples also screamed in shock, their bodies were pressed tightly on the ring, coughing up blood from the corner of their mouths, and their physical bodies were almost showing signs of collapse.

Not to mention abstaining and jumping off the ring, they can't even get up at this moment. If this goes on, their internal organs will be severely injured. I heard that the great elder is a direct descendant of the great master. Could it be that they want to take this opportunity to do it? drop them?


The Great Elder was also shocked, and the strength in his hands suddenly slowed down a bit. Indeed, he was impatient, and ordinary disciples could not bear this level of coercion.

But when he saw Li Xiaobai who was still unresponsive, his expression was stunned again. The coercion had already risen to the fourth floor of the tribulation stage, and this guy still didn't respond at all?

Among the juniors, only Long Xue can do this, but he is a Sea Clan, his body structure is different from that of humans, and he is born with a lot of strength.

This guy is also motionless at this moment, is his body made of iron?

Sensing the gaze of the Great Elder, Li Xiaobai met his eyes and grinned, "Great Elder, can you listen to the next sentence?"

"you say."

The elder said lightly

"It's not difficult for the Great Elder to increase the pressure a little bit. Please also release the coercion of the Mahayana period, eliminate all these shams, and just declare that I am the winner of this competition. What do you think?"

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.


"Who do you think you are, at your age, at your stage, if you survive to death, you will only be able to withstand the coercive attack of the Great Elder, probably because you rely on some unknown magic weapon?"

"Indeed, among the younger generation of monks today, brother Situ is definitely in the first echelon. Even if you are talented, how strong can you be? It's so easy, there is definitely a magic weapon to help!"

A group of disciples in the surroundings collectively fried pots, and their meat mountain was about to collapse, but Li Xiaobai was still provoking the Great Elder.

If the opponent increases their power again in a fit of anger, they may be shocked to death.

If they hadn't known that Li Xiaobai was an overseas monk, they would have suspected that the two of them were playing oboe.

"Hehe, boy, the old man admits that you have some abilities. It is a good thing for young people to be confident, but if they are arrogant and self-important, they will suffer a lot."

The Great Elder said coldly, and silently reduced his strength a lot, without being provoked any more, he let the incense candle burn out safely.

"Thank you, Great Elder, for telling me."

Li Xiaobai said in a nonchalant manner, without paying attention to the other party's words at all, which caused the other party to blow their beards and stare for a while.

A few minutes later, the trial ended, the Great Elder withdrew his hands, and the terrifying pressure shrouded in the arena disappeared without a trace in an instant.

All the disciples breathed a sigh of relief, and fell limp on the ground, blood and sweat intertwined together, their appearance was extremely miserable.

All the people in the city and even the Patriarchs on the high platform didn't know what to say.

A good trial should have been just to weed out some people with insufficient aptitude, but it was almost turned into a life-and-death grind, and the culprit of all this, Li Xiaobai, was standing on the ring in a leisurely manner, watching with a smile on his face. with everyone.

"This person is really daring. He dared to provoke a veteran strong man in the Mahayana period, and made my disciples suffer a lot."

"However, I have some skills when I think about it. The geniuses from overseas are at least in the realm of the fourth level of the tribulation period."

"Being invited by the second master, I will naturally not be weak, but this character is a bit arrogant, young people are easy to break!"

"Hehe, no matter what, this person is still in the vortex of struggle today, and when the third leader makes a move, let's get rid of him."

"That's right, after today, this arrogant country will be our talk."

The several Patriarchs watched everything that happened on the ring indifferently, without any change. They knew that these are just a trifle, and the battle between the Third Master and the First Master is today's main topic.

Compared with the struggle of half-step immortals, Li Xiaobai is just an ant, insignificant, not worthy of their concern.

There are more than ten teenagers left on the ring, less than one-tenth. Compared with the grand occasion at the beginning, the situation on the stage at this moment is slightly bleak and desolate. Except for the accident of Long Xue and Li Xiaobai, the rest of the disciples are all pale , Qi is like a gossamer, constantly absorbing the efficacy of the elixir to recover from the injury.

The coercion of the Great Elder made them consume a lot.

"The disciples who are still in the ring have successfully advanced and performed well. Everyone will reward a Heavenly Fragrance Renewing Life Pill. I hope that in the next ring competition, we will continue to work hard!"

The banyan master of the third family stood up, raised his jade hand slightly, and more than ten pills shot out, and fell into the hands of the disciples of the family on the ring. Suddenly, the ring was full of fragrance, permeated with the unique fragrance of panacea.

"This is... the Heavenly Fragrance Renewing Life Pill!"

"The true holy medicine for healing. It is said that this medicine has the effect of life and death, human flesh and bones. As long as there is a breath left, it can be saved!"

"The third master actually gave me one for everyone, this is a big deal!"

"It's no wonder that the Great Elder was allowed to exert pressure before. It turns out that rewards and compensations have been prepared. With this elixir, the damage in my body can be recovered within a few breaths!"

The faces of the rest of the disciples on the stage were full of joy. This kind of elixir is something that the patriarchs of their various clans would treasure and would not be willing to take. Unexpectedly, these three masters would sell more than ten pills at once.

Originally, he was still worried about how he would face the next competition due to physical injuries, but with this elixir, injuries will no longer be a problem.

From this point of view, the Three Masters really have trained them as themselves, otherwise they would definitely not have given such a level of treasure pills. After a while, the Third Masters will gain momentum, and they will have to support them! ,

"Thank you for the gift of the third master!"

"In the ring competition, the disciple will definitely do his best!"

The monks swallowed the elixir and said excitedly.

Master Banyan nodded, and his red lips parted lightly, "Well, it's very good, keep a normal mind, I'm optimistic about you."

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