
A group of disciples headed by Situ Guixiong seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, their faces were congested with blood, and they were full of fighting spirit.

This is the optimism from their immediate superiors, they must perform well and show all they have learned all their lives!

Li Xiaobai was dumbfounded watching from the sidelines, isn't it just a Tianxiang life extension pill, it actually made these arrogances grateful for a moment, as for it?

You know, this thing can be said to be as much as you want in the system mall, and it is inexhaustible. He eats it as jelly beans on weekdays.

Careless, if I knew it earlier, in addition to the bathhouse, I should sell a lot of heavenly incense to continue my life, and I lost a lot of income for no reason.

"Everyone adjust your breath a bit. After fifteen minutes, you are ready to compete on stage. Here are the tokens. They will be randomly assigned and you will fight one by one."

"In martial arts competitions, the focus is on confirming what you have learned with each other. Don't hurt your life!"

The Great Elder shook his hand, and a dozen small golden tokens galloped out, shooting at the dozen or so monks present.

Each of the tokens recorded their opponents. Li Xiaobai looked at the small golden token in his hand, on which there were flying dragons and phoenixes, engraved with two large characters, Aogou!

Thinking back for a while, Li Xiaobai remembered that this person was a disciple from a family of animal tamers. He had a relationship with the official road racing, and he was extremely at odds with Liu Jinshui, the sixth brother. He did not expect that this person would survive to the end. For their own opponents.

The world is amazing.

He looked up and looked around, looking for Ao Gou's trace, and met his eyes among the crowd.

In an instant, Ao Gou's figure trembled, and he suddenly lowered his head. This man was like a nightmare. He didn't have the aura of a strong man around him, but it gave him endless pressure.

He is not stupid, from the Linglong Tower to the present, he has already discovered that the other party is not simple through a series of clues.

Li Xiaobai's cultivation base is unusually strong, he is far from being an opponent.

"Brother Ao, your opponent in the first round was actually that shameless Li Xiaobai, you must teach him a lesson!"

"Brother Ao is the direct bloodline of the number one animal taming family in Aolai country. He has countless powerful monsters in his hands. He will definitely be able to successfully suppress that Li Xiaobai!"

"Yes, brother Ao, you can do it, you must wait for me to vent this bad breath!"

Many Tianjiao cheered around him, as if they regarded Li Xiaobai as a real enemy.

It is not possible to plant the blame in the dark, and now in the ring, the other party must pay the price to relieve the hatred in his heart!

"Ahem... Thank you all, I will work hard."

Ao Gou looked a little pale and said uncomfortably.

He just barely entered the tribulation stage. Although relying on his family's resources to successfully recover two monsters from the tribulation stage, he has no confidence in whether Li Xiaobai can be effective.

But due to the hopeful eyes of so many disciples around him, he was too embarrassed to make more excuses.

"He is even more powerful than I imagined. With such a cultivation base, he can't tell the depth at all."

"Grandpa's decision is correct. Seeing him now, he does have the strength to be worthy of the title of son-in-law of Shanghai Donghai."

Long Xue stared fixedly at Li Xiaobai, her red lips parted slightly, and she muttered to herself.

As if remembering something embarrassing, a rosy color appeared on her beautiful face.

On the high platform.

A group of Patriarchs pointed to the bottom.

Patriarch Situ smiled slightly, "Patriarch Ao, your young master seems to be going to battle, but the opponent is Li Xiaobai, do you have confidence?"

"That's necessary. The Ao family is a family of beast tamers. Once they make a move, several monsters of the same level will come out together. Such a tactic of fighting in groups will not be able to withstand the idle people."

"Yeah, it seems that those juniors are very confident in Young Master Ao's family, maybe they will have some unexpected performances."

The house owners laughed loudly.

"Patriarch Situ was joking. We all know Li Xiaobai's strength. He is a thousand-year-old monster in disguise. Don't make fun of me. My family's ineffective thing can compete with such a master. I just hope that I can be smarter and live better." Understand it."

The Patriarch of the Ao Family wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and smiled awkwardly.

Beast taming is nothing but heresy after all, the way of practice, in the end it depends on the monk himself, in the face of the difference in realm, even with the help of monsters, he will only end up in a disastrous defeat, this point, he is very clear.

"Hehe, then tell me, if this competition goes to the end, who is most likely to win the first place?"

Patriarch Situ asked with a smile.

"That's naturally the son of the Situ family."

"Yes, yes, the son of the Situ family has unparalleled aptitude. He is a master of the fourth level of the tribulation stage at a young age. The future is boundless!"

"Extremely opposite..."

All the Patriarchs immediately started flattering, but when they said this, their confidence was seriously lacking, and from the corner of their eyes, they glanced at Li Xiaobai and Long Xue below.

Leaving aside Li Xiaobai, who is suspected to be a millennium-old monster, Long Xue is a genuine sea clan genius. He has already set foot on the eighth level of the Tribulation Stage at a young age. With time, it is not difficult to reach the realm of Dzogchen or even enter the world of the Mahayana stage. .

Such a magnificent genius is the real number one master of the younger generation.

In front of him, the first echelon, the first person of the younger generation of Aolai country all have to be eclipsed.

"Hehe, everyone is dishonest, but it doesn't matter. Temporary success or failure doesn't mean anything. When the third master seizes the country, I will be able to share more resources with the master. I have confidence in Guixiong. the height of!"

Patriarch Situ smiled lightly. He was naturally aware of everyone's compliments. The reason why he asked such a question was to imply to everyone that among the younger generation, his descendants of the Situ family should be respected.

If the plan of the third family's trip is successful, their family forces will definitely be able to share more cakes.

Now this is to establish the prestige of the Situ family in the future, let everyone recognize the reality, and also pave the way for Situ Guixiong. After all, he can suppress the heroes when he was young. stable.

Under the stage, the audience kept making noises, as if they were venting their dissatisfaction.

They came here to watch the battle, but before the battle was fought, the number of people dropped to one-tenth, and there was no lively scene that a grand event should have.

But for the Patriarchs and the two heads of the family, this is good news, after all, the people present are all ulterior motives.

The shortened time for Dabi allowed them to carry out the next plan faster, so no one raised any objections.

"The time has come, the ring competition begins immediately, the first match, Ao Gou vs Li Xiaobai!"

The Great Elder shouted loudly, motioning everyone to keep quiet.

"Come to me!"

Li Xiaobai got up and walked slowly onto the ring, facing Ao Gou from afar.

"Competitions must be completed as soon as possible, and life must not be harmed, do you understand?"

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