The Great Elder hurriedly said, and flew up to the stage to check Situ Guixiong's injuries, and he breathed a sigh of relief after taking several pills to confirm that he was fine.

If the son of the Situ family were to die in the arena, not only would he, the referee, have to bear the wrath of many families, but he would also become the laughing stock of the world.

"Are you all right, Mr. Situ?"

With a calm face, Long Xue walked slowly to Situ Guixiong and asked, she just didn't want to waste time on meaningless battles, so she used a little bit of her real skills.

However, if Situ Guixiong knew that the other party had only used a little bit of success power, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood and die immediately, right?

"Ahem, I'm fine. Fairy Long's strength is really extraordinary. She deserves to be the pride of the Sea Clan. I learned it today."

"However, in time, I will definitely catch up with Fairy Shang. Let's decide the winner at that time."

Situ Guixiong shook off the supporting hand of the great elder, forced himself to stand upright, and said in a manner that he thought he was free and easy, and finally, with his hands behind his back, he walked off the stage slowly, with a calm and indifferent expression.

If they hadn't seen the one-sided battle just now, everyone might have thought it was a draw.

Seeing the other party return to the crowd, looking as if nothing had happened, Li Xiaobai was also extremely speechless in his heart.

Young Master Situ's family is really extraordinary, this face is not ordinary thick.

Losing so miserably can still put on a show, this idol's burden is a bit too heavy.

Countless monks under the stage were collectively petrified. After all, only a few of them had seen Long Xue's true strength. Most of the people who came to watch the competition had only heard of the name of this Chunxiu Tower oiran, and knew that he was a genius of the Sea Clan, but they had never thought of it. The other party has actually reached such a level of genius.

This Dayan Fist Seal can be said to be the unique skill of the Situ family. It is a boxing technique that the Situ family's children have practiced since childhood, and its power is astonishing.

It can be said that no one has worked harder in this boxing technique than the Situ family, but now Long Xue is just an outsider, who actually used the same move to fight against Situ Guixiong's Dayan Fist Seal, and it was an instant kill. It is self-evident.

"The little princess of the Hai Clan is actually so strong, defeating the disciples of the Situ family with the most familiar skills of the Situ family. This is not something that ordinary people can do. This girl's courage is extraordinary!"

"And when the Great Elder released his coercion before, it seemed that he did not move at all, as if he was not hindered at all, and his cultivation was even more extraordinary!"

"As expected of the granddaughter of the old Dragon King, ordinary monks can hardly match her strength. Maybe she is the veritable first echelon arrogance?"

"Young Master Situ's family was defeated in one move. I'm afraid this is not a small blow. The Situ family has lost face this time."

The monks discussed heatedly that just now the battle between the two happened between lightning and flint, and the winner was almost decided just after the fight, and judging from the situation, Situ Guixiong was seriously injured.

Today is considered to be here, and I can actually see such a scene. After a year of tea and dinner, they will talk a little bit.

"My condolences to Patriarch Situ!"

"It's definitely not making the young master weak, but the opponent is too strong."

"Yeah, yes, Li Xiaobai and Long Xue are not normal, not to mention that neither of them are monks from the Aolai country. , still make the young master respect!"

"That's right, Young Master Ling's position is unshakable!"

On the high platform, a group of Patriarchs said consolingly, half of them were real consolation, and the other half were gloating.

After all, it is not an easy thing to see the Situ family suffer. Normally, this guy is proud of his own heir, domineering in front of everyone, and looks superior. Now he is killed by Long Xue, who is also a genius. Let's see how he does Get arrogant.

At this moment, Patriarch Situ's complexion is indeed very ugly,

He was the eldest son of the Situ family, who was blown away face to face, and he was using the martial arts that the Situ family was best at. He thought that this ineffective thing would be able to survive for a while even if it was lost. Fortunately, I lost all face.

Glancing around at the surrounding people who were clearly gloating, Patriarch Situ's eyes showed a slight chill, and he said coldly, "Aren't you laughing at my Situ family again?"

"Ahem, I don't mean that."

"I just remembered something happy."

"Yes, my wife is about to give birth..."

The Patriarchs waved their hands again and again, they were still a little afraid of Situ's family.

"Hmph, take a good look at the audience, today's ring competition has become a joke, a joke of my proud country!"

"The people who participated in the finals are Long Xue and Li Xiaobai. One of them is an overseas monk, and the other is the pride of the sea clan. In other words, at the end of the competition, none of the monks left on the stage is proud of me. Come to the country disciples, this kind of shame, can you still be happy?"

Patriarch Situ said with a sneer.

After his reminder, the expressions of everyone in the audience changed slightly. Indeed, although today's competition is not the main event, it is still a bit embarrassing to have nothing to do with Aolaiguo in the end.

After all, he proudly came to the country to hold this grand event, how could two foreign monks compete for the championship seat?

Are their local residents shameless?

Unconsciously, he glanced at the big leader and the third leader beside him. At the moment, the faces of these two people were also a little ugly, and they obviously thought of this.

However, considering the future actions, everyone didn't take it too seriously. If it was in previous years, they would definitely try their best to get in the way, but today, their thoughts and attention are all on the third leader. As for the ring competition, I love it.

"Long Xue, this little girl is really surprising. It's not easy for her to grow to such a level after not seeing her for several years."

The head of the family Hanabi said in admiration without concealing it.

"Indeed, this little girl has been hiding in the small world and practicing quietly. She didn't expect her progress to be so fast. The Dayan Fist Seal just now was completely imitated by the accumulation of spiritual power. The influx of moves can instantly defeat the eldest son of the Situ family, no matter in terms of cultivation or strength, it is enough to impress."

Master Banyan nodded and said in agreement.

"The old Dragon King gave birth to a good granddaughter, with such a strong talent, I'm afraid she is more hopeful than me to take that step."

Huahuo said with emotion, the waves behind push the waves ahead, today's geniuses are really more terrifying than each other.

"Hehe, the big sister is too worried. The second sister has now found out the location of the five-color altar that exists on the Fairy Continent. As long as the channel connecting the upper and lower worlds is opened, we will also have the opportunity to go to a higher-level plane to practice, and we can go further. It's not difficult."

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