Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 611: True Solution Of Water Element

Just go directly through the passage. In the area where the spirit of the fairy is everywhere, more resources can be obtained, and they can also take the opportunity to become stronger.

"But right now, we have to get through the difficulties first. It seems that Situ's family has found a great master."

Huahuo glanced at the man in black robe on the high platform, and said calmly.

"It's nothing more than an old man in Zhongzhou, it's okay, if you really dare to fight with me, you can directly beat him to death!"

Master Rong said coldly, she naturally knows who the other party is, the ancestor of Qizong, one of the three major sects in Zhongzhou, if something happens to this old man in the East China Sea, the ancestors of Zhenzong and Danzong who wear the same pair of pants will not Will stand by.

However, there are three half-step immortals sitting in her Aolai country, whoever dares to meddle in her Aolai's internal affairs will have their paws chopped off!

"Next match, Li Xiaobai will face Longxue!"

On the stage, the Great Elder said slowly.

This is the last competition. To be honest, this year's big competition can be said to be the most non-existent one. Ever since he was provoked by Li Xiaobai and eliminated nine out of ten disciples in a fit of anger, this competition has Totally gone astray.

Among the remaining disciples, there were only a few evenly matched ordinary disciples who fought a few fairly good battles, and the rest either abstained from surrendering, or were directly killed. The progress was surprisingly fast.

The Great Elder was very bitter, but he couldn't tell. At this time in previous years, the competition hadn't even finished the first round, but now it was the final round.

But for the sake of the third family's plan, there is no way. After all, today's big competition is just a pretext to gather many families. Compared with what the third family will do next, the big competition is insignificant.

"It's my turn."

Li Xiaobai got up and walked slowly onto the stage. He didn't expect that the decisive battle would take an hour or two, the speed was a bit fast.

But that's fine, he can't earn too many attribute points from these disciples, and his main purpose is to participate in the battle between half-step immortals.

"Mr. Li, I never thought that after so many days, you and I would meet each other in the arena. Life is really amazing."

"The little girl apologized to the young master for the matter in the Linglong Tower before. I was indeed too excited that day, so that I ruined the young master's reputation."

Long Xue covered her face and said with a light smile, but the familiar feeling of tenderness between words was gone, Li Xiaobai always felt that the other party seemed to have malicious intentions, but with her own defense, this woman couldn't break through even if she tried her best. , and didn't take it too seriously.

"It doesn't matter, I always believe that justice is in the hearts of the people. Miss Long can think clearly about this, and I am very pleased."

Li Xiaobai smiled lightly.

"Mr. Li is amazingly talented, and his strength is unfathomable. My little girl admires him so much. If I offend you today, I hope you will forgive him."

Long Xue laughed.

"It's easy to say, Miss Long, let's do it."

Li Xiaobai also said with a smile, in his eyes, Long Xue at this moment was a moving humanoid pile driver.

This woman's strength is only slightly inferior to that of the elder sister Su Yunbing. With all her strength, her attribute points are also over 10,000. She is almost catching up with the Mahayana monks, and she is much stronger than other junior monks.

"excuse me!"

"Shui Yuan True Solution!"

"Qing Jiao Eight Forms!"

Long Xue pinched the seal formula in her hand, her whole body was filled with majestic spiritual energy, she was wearing a long dress without wind, and with the arena as the core, within a radius of 100 meters, at some point, there was a layer of faint water stains.

Many monks were surprised to find that they were stepping on a pool of clear river water, and as long as they observed carefully, it was not difficult to find that the water stains under their feet were rapidly rising at an extremely terrifying speed.

"What kind of trick is this?"

"I don't quite understand, but the water flow created by Fairy Dragon seems to be of great benefit to us monks!"

"Yes, this water source contains rich spiritual power. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is spiritual water. If you can practice in it, the progress will be terrifying."

The expressions of the monks watching the battle were a little different. It was the first time they had seen such a method. At this moment, the clear water filled with spiritual power had already overflowed the ring.

Li Xiaobai looked at the ankle submerged in the water, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes, not because he was surprised by Long Xue's powerful means, but because the water seemed to be very suitable for making a bathhouse.

It is spiritual water itself, with its own spiritual power, soaking in it is of great benefit to the monks, if it is combined with its own Tang Neng Yipin, it will not be a problem to create a real heaven and earth.

Just as he was thinking wildly, his hands suddenly felt cold, and when he looked down, the water that had only reached his ankles had already reached his waist at some point.

And not only was he submerged, but all the monks within a hundred miles were also submerged.

Fortunately, the water is harmless, and the monks got out of the water after a little exercise, and stood upright in the void, continuing to watch this shocking competition.

They had a hunch that Long Xue should be holding back his big move.

The attitude was completely different from Situ Guixiong, but she was serious about Li Xiaobai!

"Miss Long also likes to take a bath?"

Looking at Long Xue who didn't turn a glance, Li Xiaobai asked cheerfully.

"We Sea Clan monks have grown up in sea water since we were young, so how can we talk about taking a bath?"

Long Xue said with a half-smile, "The little girl is turning a hundred miles around into a body of water, the young master is so confident, you don't want to stop it at all?"

"Hehe, I'm looking forward to it, let the storm be more violent."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and said calmly, as if he didn't take Long Xue's big move to heart at all.

"I will not disappoint your expectations, accept the move, Qingjiao Bashi!"

Long Xue's eyes flickered with coldness, the height of the water area was not increasing, circles of ripples appeared, the water surface suddenly fluctuated, and the roar of the giant beast could be vaguely heard.

In the next second, under the dull and astonished eyes of everyone, two cyan dragons made of spiritual water soared into the sky, squatting on the water surface, and staring fixedly at the inner hem below.

"It's interesting. No wonder they made such a big move in advance. It turned out that they wanted to take advantage of the home court."

Li Xiaobai rubbed his chin and muttered to himself, Longxue is a sea tribe, and turning the surrounding area into a piece of water is more beneficial for her to fight. did it.

"Double flood scissors!"

Long Xueqing gave a shout, and the two green dragons entangled with each other, forming a pair of giant water scissors, and rushed towards Li Xiaobai with long teeth and five claws.

The high-speed swirling sharp water, as well as the perverse and violent aura, seemed to tear the tiny human being in front of him into shreds.

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