He could feel that the pair of dragon scissors were not a superficial accumulation of spiritual power, but a supernatural power that had been tempered for thousands of years, especially the water flowing continuously at high speed throughout the body, whose sharp edge could be felt from a long distance.

The two flood dragons were vicious and full of courage, and they bit Li Xiaobai's body fiercely.

Attribute point +8000...

Attribute point +8000...

Attribute point +8000...

The system attribute value panel jumped up suddenly, and Li Xiaobai let the two evil dragons occupy his body without moving.

As expected of being the pride of the Sea Clan, the power of his exercises is really good.

The audience around looked at the situation on the ring, their eyes were a little straight, the scene was very explosive, two huge dragons wriggled repeatedly on Li Xiaobai's body, but it didn't have the slightest effect, and even appeared on the opponent's face. A look of enjoyment.

Such a powerful offensive failed to leave a scratch on Li Xiaobai's body?

This physical body is already non-human, right?

Long Xue's complexion also changed slightly. She didn't mean to test it. Facing Li Xiaobai, she directly shot at her best, and even took advantage of the opponent's arrogance to turn the surroundings into her home field, but the result was still the same. so.

This person seems to face any offensive with an indifferent appearance, and he can defend against it with only his physical body.

"Mr. Li's methods are astonishing. It's really an eye-opener. I didn't expect that there are such geniuses as Mr. Li on the Fairy Continent. I'm the one waiting to sit and watch the sky!"

Long Xue exhaled a foul breath and said slowly.

"Well, Miss Long's method is also very good. I can feel a restless enthusiasm in this violent water flow. The dragon is clamped like petals on both sides. The strength is moderate, making people linger."

"It's cool, don't stop."

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes slightly, his face full of thoughts.

The monks in the audience were stunned, not only did not resist Long Xue's fierce attack, but even teased him with words.

The other party is the little princess of the Sea Clan, doesn't this guy know how to write the word dead?

And seeing his expression is extremely comfortable, those who don't know the situation may think that he is enjoying special service at this moment!

I really don't know how the elders of the Sea Clan would feel if they saw this scene. It is not impossible to cause a catastrophe, right?

"Hehe, it turns out that Mr. Li likes this, so the little girl would be more respectful than obedient!"

Long Xue's whole body was covered with chills, and bursts of chilly aura piercing into the bone marrow swept all directions, layers of pale golden light flowed, and a huge dragon-shaped phantom in the void manifested, with golden dragon scales shining brightly, scarlet eyes indifferent Looking at the crowd in the audience, looking down at all beings.

At the same time, everyone clearly saw that Long Xue's face was also covered with a layer of dragon scales, just like when the Linglong Tower exploded back then.

However, Li Xiaobai, who was standing on the ring, could see more clearly. After the woman was covered with scales, her body began to swell slowly.

That beautiful face was distorted at an extremely terrifying speed, the top of the head was towering, the eyes were red, and the bones were also undergoing rapid transformation. The two slender and straight jade legs disappeared and turned into a dragon scale covered with steel. Its tail pierced the space and made a piercing buzzing sound.

In just a few breaths, the beautiful woman who was still delicate just now has completely turned into a terrifying monster with fierce eyes.

"This is the real body. By the way, is this a dragon? After living in the Fairy Continent for so long, this is the first time I have seen a real dragon-blooded monster!"

Li Xiaobai looked at the huge towering figure in front of him, his eyes were full of surprise and admiration.

The dragon that Long Xue transformed was somewhat different from what he had imagined. It was not the legendary five-clawed golden dragon with the aura of a king, but a vicious dragon with fierce and violent eyes.

Just by looking at him, you can feel the cold and evil aura. It seems that this dragon bloodline is not the purest bloodline power, and I am afraid that it is more of the dragon bloodline.


In the void, the phantom of the dragon-shaped primordial spirit echoes with Long Xue's real dragon body, with overwhelming fighting spirit.

"Dragon Soul Controls the Sky!"

The giant dragon roared up to the sky, and the phantom of the dragon-shaped primordial spirit transformed into the power of the law of heaven and law, and slowly shrank and merged into the center of Long Xue's eyebrows.

The power of the law of heaven, commonly known as the thunder of the heavenly tribulation, is the power of Zhigang Zhiyang, evolved and blessed with the power of the primordial spirit, and the aura around Long Xue is rising steadily.

"Fairy Long actually has such strength!"

"This kind of level has completely left me behind. Both are cultivators in the Tribulation Stage, and the gap between them is so big!"

"Is this the real body of Fairy Long? I didn't expect Fairy Long, who is usually tender and tender, to have such a fierce side!"

"It's natural. After all, he is also a member of the Dragon Clan, and he is also the direct blood of the old Dragon King. It is normal to have such strength."

"This kind of aura, even if it is a Mahayana period, I believe it. It's too far away. It's ridiculous that I naively thought that I could compete with him at the tea party!"

All the children of the family in the audience looked panic-stricken and retreated quickly. The scene in front of them shocked them too much.

After Long Xue manifested his real body, they didn't have the confidence to connect the aftermath of the battle between the two sides. The strength of the other side made them desperate and timid.

"This... is this her true strength? She was just playing with me on stage before, not even a warm-up?"

Situ Guixiong stared wide-eyed, his face full of disbelief. He knew that there was a big gap between him and Long Xue, but he just thought it was just a few levels behind. In the future, everyone will enter the Mahayana stage. will slowly draw closer.

But today the other party slapped him in the face with the facts. It turned out that everything was just his own wishful thinking.

Once the dragon avatar was displayed, this intimidating aura made people unable to even summon up the courage to look at him. He thought that if he exchanged positions with Li Xiaobai, there would be no other result except for abstention and surrender.

Thinking of all the ways he behaved in front of Long Xue before, Situ Guixiong's expression turned extremely ugly.

It's ridiculous that he still has the idea of ​​pursuing the other party, just like a clown jumping around in front of his eyes.

The fact that the other party doesn't care about it doesn't mean that they have a good impression of him, but that the two parties are completely at two levels and are people from different worlds.

"Clown, it's me!"

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