Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Six Hundred And Thirteenth One Move Lost

The body of the golden dragon swayed, and wisps of electric light bloomed from its surface, swaying wantonly in the water.

Under the blessing of the water, a hundred miles around was completely turned into a minefield. No monk dared to touch this water source, and they all stood in the air and hid far away to watch.

Anyway, to be able to witness such a big scene, and to be able to see the true skills of the little princess of the Sea Clan, this trip is considered to be coming.


Long Xue raised his head to the sky and screamed, his huge figure was unexpectedly flexible, and his figure turned into a flash of golden lightning and went straight to Li Xiaobai.

Before anyone arrived, layers of water mixed with golden lightning trapped Li Xiaobai firmly in the ring, making it difficult to move.

Of course, Li Xiaobai didn't bother to move, he silently enjoyed the pleasure from the skyrocketing system attribute points, and let the golden lightning that fell from the sky in the void hit his body.

The head of the giant dragon close at hand opened its ferocious mouth, revealing rows of iron teeth made of steel bars, and suddenly bit down on Li Xiaobai's neck.

Attribute points +10000...

Attribute points +10000...

Attribute points +10000...

Long Xue, who exploded with all her strength, had infinitely approached the stage of Mahayana. The attribute points of over 10,000 were the best proof, but this woman was tough.

It's just that it is still useless to Li Xiaobai who has a system to help him, and he is just doing useless work.

"Fairy Long's strength is extraordinary, and I admire her all the time. I can't defeat my subordinates if I don't pass the catastrophe period."

Looking at the huge star in front of him, Li Xiaobai said slowly.

Flipping his wrist, a long sword appeared in his hand, slowly raised above his head, and then slashed down in front of his eyes.

For a moment, Long Xue only felt that the surging spiritual power in his dantian was forcibly suppressed, and the terrifying aura circulating around him also stopped. The giant dragon's body shrank rapidly, and it became Long Xue with human appearance again.

At the same time, a feeling of wanting to worship the person in front of her suddenly appeared in her heart, her knees softened, her hands were raised above her head, and she prostrated herself at Li Xiaobai's feet.

The lightning and thunder within a radius of 100 meters, as well as the spiritual water that filled more than ten meters also disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Only the ruined and disfigured ring is telling the horror of just now.

"What's going on here, why is the spiritual power in my body not obeying, and why did I kneel down?"

Long Xue's eyes were dull, and she said in a daze, she found that she couldn't even complete a movement of raising her head at this moment, as if her body was no longer under her control.

Recalling Li Xiaobai's actions just now, her heart was filled with turbulent waves.

Could it be that the opponent completely suppressed her with a single sword strike?

He didn't even have the slightest resistance, and even the dominance of his body was taken away!

What kind of cultivation and strength is this? She is at the eighth level of the Transcending Tribulation Stage. To be able to do this, at least it must be at the Mahayana stage, right?

Long Xue felt that she had come to the truth, even at the first level of the Mahayana stage, it was impossible to do this. Although she could be suppressed, it was not enough to let her body out of control.

The spiritual power in the dantian was dead silent, no matter how hard she tried to change her skills, she still had no response, this kind of situation was simply unheard of.

"What just happened?"

"Why did Dragon Fairy suddenly kneel down?"

"What kind of sword technique is that? It doesn't even have sword energy. Am I wrong?"

"I seem to have heard that one sword fixes the body, among demons and evil spirits, this Li Xiaobai has the name of a demon sword!"

"Even Fairy Long's cultivation has been fixed. What kind of cultivation is it? Could it be the Great Consummation of the Tribulation Period?"

"It's the same with the group of dead fat people before. They climbed up to the sixth floor of Linglong Tower without making a fuss. Are all overseas monks so powerful and talented?"

The rest of the people below were also stunned. Long Xue's momentum was so powerful that it made people tremble from the bottom of their hearts. They even thought that ferocious and terrifying dragon figure could destroy everything.

However, just like that, the opponent was defeated in an instant, and most importantly, they couldn't understand how Li Xiaobai made a move at all.

Was that just a normal swing of the sword?

Without even sword energy, how could Long Xue be made to kneel down?

Could it be that there is such a huge momentum and fierce momentum just now, they all suspect that this is acting.

"Hehe, it's just a kind of swordsmanship, it's not worth mentioning."

"Speaking of which, Great Elder, should the result be announced?"

Li Xiaobai retracted his sword, looked at the Great Elder beside him and asked cheerfully, in order to avoid the power of the giant dragon, all the monks hid behind themselves, so when they cast 100% of their swords, only the dragon It was the best ending for Xue to be recruited alone.

Gaining both fame and fortune, not only won the first place in the ring competition, but also gained a lot of attribute points.

"This time, Li Xiaobai wins!"

"Congratulations to Mr. Li for taking the first place in the arena competition in Aolai Country!"

The Great Elder was stunned for a moment, then he said hastily when he came back to his senses.

The audience was silent, and everyone felt as if they were dreaming. Before that, they tried their best to frame the person in the Xianling Daily, but they turned out to be such a strong person?

"I lost."

Long Xue stood up with a disappointed expression. The huge difference in strength caused her to suffer a lot, and she walked towards the audience numbly.

"Patriarch Situ, have you seen anything?"

On the high platform, the atmosphere of the Patriarchs is completely different from that of the disciples below.

So far, everything that happened was just as expected. They all knew Li Xiaobai's strength, and it would be a ghost if he couldn't win easily.

The only thing that made people a little concerned was that even they didn't see much from that sword.

No matter how you looked at it, it was just an ordinary sword swing, without the slightest dao rhyme or spiritual power fluctuations to follow, but it was like this, but it easily suppressed Long Xue, which was incredible.

"I never saw it."

Patriarch Situ looked stern, and his eyes towards Li Xiaobai had become quite vigilant.

"It's no wonder that Little Six is ​​so confident in Li Xiaobai. This kind of strength is indeed not something that a master in the Mahayana period can handle."

Huahuo looked down and said slowly.

"I didn't expect it to be a one-sided victory. I originally thought that this boy would be courteous. It's out of style to be so rough."

Master Banyan chuckled lightly and said calmly.

"Then, it's time to get to the point."

Huahuo looked at Master Rong and said slowly.

"I see."

Master Banyan got up, moved lightly with lotus steps, swayed in the void, and appeared on the ring in an instant.

"Congratulations to Mr. Li for winning the championship in this ring competition. I will fulfill my promise. Those who perform well will be rewarded."

"One hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones are enough to practice the top-level kung fu techniques in the tribulation stage, and there are a few magic weapons for the monks in the tribulation stage. What does Mr. Li think?"

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