Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 614: The Third Master Is Cleaning Up For Us

"Ahem, if possible, I hope that all of them can be replaced with top-grade spirit stones."

Li Xiaobai directly said without thinking, he doesn't know how to practice, and he doesn't need magic weapon to help him with all points of defense. He himself is a humanoid magic weapon with invincible defense.

Cultivation techniques and magic weapons are useless to him, only Lingshi is true love.

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was silent, much quieter than when Long Xue's move was defeated just now.

What did they hear? Li Xiaobai actually rejected the top-level exercises and magic weapons, and chose to replace them all with the most worthless top-grade spirit stones.

You should know that spirit stones can be earned at any time, and even if you go out to kill people and seize treasures, you can get a lot of them. But magic weapons and exercises are not necessarily available, especially if they are such top-level exercises. It is related to the root of a monk.

Even if you can't practice it, it's great to observe and learn something from it, but Li Xiaobai actually refused it so straightforwardly.

Not only refused, but also negotiated conditions with the third master, hoping to exchange all the treasures for spirit stones?

He actually dared to communicate with the third master on an equal footing. Does this guy not know how to write dead characters?

The other party is the ruler of Aolai country, and to the common people, he is like a god. Li Xiaobai is really daring!

"Okay, since Mr. Li has spoken, then all of them will be replaced with Lingshi."

"In addition to the original 100,000 top-quality spirit stones, a set of Mahayana exercises is based on the market price of 3 million top-quality spirit stones, and there are several magic weapons in the tribulation period that are calculated at the price of 100,000 top-quality spirit stones each. One and a half million, is the young master satisfied?"

The banyan master of the third family chuckled lightly.

"Okay, the third master is still as grand as ever. Sure enough, people with the world in mind are different, and they won't care too much about little people like me."

Li Xiaobai said meaningfully, but his eyes were full of indifference and resistance.

The layout of the third master is indeed wonderful, but a series of operations during the period, killing him at will as an abandoned child, has ruined all his goodwill.

If it weren't for the fact that this was Liuren's hometown, he would have leveled the place long ago.

Get a fortune and run away, and never have any contact with each other again, this is Li Xiaobai's most real thought at the moment.

"Hehe, Mr. Li was joking. If you can take the first place in my Aolai Country Grand Competition, the juniors should look up to you in the future. Besides, the people in Aolai Country trust and respect you very much."

"Whether it is strength cultivation or moral cultivation, Mr. Li is top-notch, so you can't underestimate yourself."

Master Banyan smiled lightly, and responded casually.

She heard the meaning behind Li Xiaobai's words, but the other party was just a junior after all, and his strength and cultivation were far from enough. Although the future was promising, it was not enough for her to face up to now.

With a shake of his hand, he threw out a space ring.

Li Xiaobai glanced around a little, and found that the total was four million, which was half a million more than the price quoted by the third leader.

"The extra Lingshi should be regarded as an apology. During this period of time, a lot of things have happened in Aolai, which shocked Mr. Li. The 500,000 yuan should be regarded as tea money."

Master Banyan said with a smile.

"Third master is arrogant, but the younger generation will be disrespectful!"

Li Xiaobai looked delighted, and carefully put the space ring into his pocket. Unexpectedly, these three masters were quite upright, and they actually took the initiative to increase the compensation of 500,000 top-quality spirit stones. They really have a lot of money.

"Then this competition in the arena has come to a successful conclusion. I hope that the junior monks who come to China, who are proud of me, can catch up with Mr. Li and follow him. In the years to come, don't waste your practice. Be sure to compete in the next competition in the arena." Come on, show a better performance!"

Banyan Master's cold voice spread to everyone's ears.


"I will definitely live up to my trust and be brave and diligent!"

"Definitely live up to the high expectations of the third master!"

A group of family disciples hurriedly said, their faces were respectful, but their hearts were burning with anxiety. Today is the time for the third family to rewrite history, and they can't wait to witness this scene.

"Then next, there is something that needs to be resolved, and I invite all comrades to witness together."

Master Banyan became staid in an instant, his eyes were as silent and profound as the deep sea, as if he wanted to see through the falsehood of the world.


Whether it was the disciples or the Patriarchs on the stage, they all held their breath at this moment, looking at the sapphire blue figure on the ring with fiery eyes.

As long as the banyan master raised his arms, they immediately raised the banner, overthrew the rule of the master, and continued to write a piece of legendary history belonging to them!

But the other party's next words made them feel a bad premonition.

"What was said in the Xianling Daily some time ago should be known to everyone in Aolai, but it was suppressed by me overnight. The reason is very simple. The culprit of this turmoil is not a certain person. , nor was it done by a certain clan.”

"It took a lot of time to dig out all these big fish hidden behind the scenes. Maybe many people in the country have already become puzzled by my actions, but it doesn't matter. Today, I will untie you. Doubts in my heart!"

A cold light flashed in Master Banyan's eyes, and he stared straight at the group of Patriarchs on the high platform.

"Do you say it yourself, or do you want me to say it for you?"

"What... what's going on here?"

"This is different from what you said!"

"What about forcing the palace, Patriarch Situ, what's going on?"

"Aren't we on the side of the third family? What does she mean by acting like this, is she going to abandon me?"

On the high platform, all the Patriarchs panicked. The script is different from what was agreed.

Shouldn't it be that the third master provoked the dispute and broke with the big master, and then they rose up, supported the third master to set up a new family, and abolished the big master?

What is the situation now that they are questioning their loyal ministers?

"I don't know, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of the third master!"

The head of the Situ family was also in chaos, and he couldn't see the intention of the third family at all. He tried his best to lobby the Quartet because he firmly believed that he and the third family were a united front. He even used the trick of threatening his family, but in the end he got The result is confusing.

Is this some kind of strategy by the third master?

Could it be that you want to take the opportunity to help them clean up?

"Yes, that must be the case. The matter of us framing and framing me was only temporarily suppressed by the third master, and it has not been resolved. Today the third master put this matter on the agenda, I am afraid it is to clarify for us, and to blame Point at Li Xiaobai again!"

Patriarch Situ said with firm eyes.

Everyone nodded slowly, accepting this statement.

The third family and the first family have been at odds for a long time, a breakup is inevitable, and they must be on the side with the third family, there is indeed nothing to worry about.

"It turns out that this has made me worry unnecessarily."

"Hehe, I was so shaken for a moment, I am really sorry for the good intentions of the third family!"

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