After hearing Patriarch Situ's words, the rest of the people also breathed a sigh of relief. Indeed, it would be unreasonable if the matter had developed to this day, if it could not be raised.

The third master must want them to leave a good impression on the world, so much trouble!

"Third Master, but it's okay to say, if there is anything wrong with us, we will correct it carefully!"

"Yes, it is my honor to be able to listen to the teachings of the Third Master. If there is anything wrong with our actions, just point it out!"

"Right to the extreme, correcting mistakes is my greatest strength. As long as the third master points it out, my family will take it as the ancestor's instruction!"

On the high platform, a group of Patriarchs said with smiles all over their faces, as if I understood.

Master Banyan was a little speechless, he had already acted so bluntly, did these moths not realize the seriousness of the matter?

This is too deep into the play, I firmly believe that she must be a villain like many Patriarchs, right?

Unfortunately, things backfired, let these moths suffer the punishment they deserved today!

"Very good, since that's the case, let me briefly talk about the exchanges with many families these days."

Master Banyan turned his wrist around, took out a note, unfolded it, and said word by word in front of many monks, "Recently, I will record all transactions with various ethnic groups. Listen to it, and after listening, I believe you will make a decision in your heart."

"Yesterday, Patriarch Situ sent tens of millions of top-quality spirit stones, saying that he has successfully persuaded all ethnic groups to start a rebellion, and only hopes that after the rebellion succeeds, they can be allocated a good fief."

"Two days ago, Mr. Su sent millions of top-grade spirit stones to inquire about the story of the masked man incident and find out the attitude of the people."

"Three days ago, Patriarch Situ and more than a dozen patriarchs, big and small, sent tens of thousands of top-quality spirit stones, begging me to protect Young Master Situ."

"Four days ago, the young master of the Wang family accidentally killed the people in a certain village. The head of the family visited with millions of spirit stones, begging to forgive him this time."

"Five days ago..."

Master Banyan recorded the words along the paper, reading down one by one.

Every time I read a line, the complexions of the Patriarchs on the high platform turned pale, and when Master Banyan finished reading the last line, the faces of the Patriarchs turned pale.

The other party is in front of the people of the world, revealing all the shady activities of various ethnic groups these days.

They are screwed.

Arrogantly coming to the country, there will be no place for them to gain a foothold!

"Situ, what's going on?"

"Didn't you say that the action of the third master is to help me clean up?"

"Could it be that this move is also a cleansing?"

"Have you reached an agreement with the third master? Could it be that what you said before is deceiving us?"

The patriarchs panicked completely, and their black history was revealed without a trace, which undoubtedly pushed the various clans to the forefront and stood on the opposite side of the common people.


Patriarch Situ was also puzzled, and could only stare blankly at the audience.

"I'm done reading."

"What I want to say is that these days, there seem to be rumors in the Aolai country that I am at odds with the head of the family, and there are even rumors that I have rebelled against myself and want to stand on my own and dominate the Aolai country."

"These news are just groundless rumors, but I can't imagine that someone will make a big fuss about it, and even want to use my hands to overthrow the current Aolai country. , without exception."

"Because only in this way, the big sister and I can find out all the traitors hidden in Aolai's country and eradicate them!"

"Now that they are above, what do you people think should be done?"

Master Banyan spoke slowly, the voice was not loud, but it drifted into the ears of every monk accurately.

The shock brought by this news was simply indescribable. Everyone's blood boiled when they heard it. They were shocked over and over again today. They didn't expect that the third family was actually planning such a plan.

It's really scheming.

They had indeed heard some bad rumors before, and they also found that the relationship between the third leader and the first leader seemed to be a little stiff, and there were constant differences. They never thought that these were all just pretending.

But what made them even more angry was that these normally dignified Patriarchs actually did such dirty things in private one by one, and after having the third family as their backer, these Patriarchs became more reckless.

"Blood debt is paid with blood. My wife and daughter have suffered so much. These scumbags must also taste the taste!"

"Kill it, kill it, definitely kill it, if you don't kill these gentle scum, there will be no bright future for Aolai Country, no better tomorrow!"

The monks were furious.

"That's right. I've seen these guys displeased for a long time. They all really thought that the Aolai country was splitting up, fanning the flames, doing everything to put pressure on the big boss, and humiliating my Aolai country. Such a family is not worthy of it." If you stay in Aolai country, you should be expelled from the East China Sea!"

The three major families who had been keeping a low profile suddenly said that they had been waiting for this moment, swallowing their anger for so long, just to attract more big fish, and today they can finally feel proud.

All the family disciples were completely dumbfounded.

They didn't understand what was going on at all. Didn't they have reached a consensus with the third master? Why did they suddenly become dogs in the water?

"Didn't the elders in the clan say that we have already negotiated, and in the current situation, I will be sold out?"

"It's not being sold, it's fucking law enforcement!"

Pretending to be independent, forcing all the Patriarchs to stand in line, and then eliminating all rebellious Patriarchs, this is fucking fishing!

And their families just ate the bait.

"Third Master made a slip of the tongue today, what he said just now is all fabricated out of nothing, it's just empty talk!"

"Yes, I have waited for the head of the family to work hard for decades and make so many contributions. How could I have the heart of rebellion? Please ask the third head to investigate clearly before coming to the sentence."

"It's just..."

Su Lao and the others looked gloomy, they didn't expect Master Rong to come up with this move at the last moment, it caught people off guard.

They are acting from the beginning to the end, fishing and enforcing the law the whole time, and they are still foolishly rushing to let others fish, they are really stupid.

"You'll find out if you do a soul search. Let Mr. Situ come over, and you'll find out the truth after a search. If what I just said is half false, I will immediately judge myself here!"

Master Banyan said casually, the chill on his body could be felt from a long distance away.

With a random move, Situ Guixiong, who was trembling in the crowd below, was instantly sucked into his hand.

"Father save me!"

At this moment, Situ Guixiong was so frightened that he had completely understood that everything was just a game, and the purpose of the third master was to attract the big fish lurking in the dark.

Feeling the icy coldness from that slender hand, he felt that his primordial spirit was collapsing.

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