Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 616 If You Want To Kill, Kill My Father

The audience was dead silent, and even the sound of sweat falling could be heard clearly.

What Master Banyan said was not a joke, Situ Guixiong knew very well that if he was really soul-searched, he would have no way out.

He had no choice but to look for help on the high platform, where his father was. He knew that his father had invited a peerless expert, and now only this one could save him!

The eyes of the people also returned from shock to calm, their faces sank like water, and their bodies were full of murderous aura.

The third family used suicide as a guarantee, even if they didn't search for their souls, everyone knew that what they said was absolutely true. A few days ago, the masked people who committed crimes in Aolai country, burned, killed, and robbed were the juniors of the family who disguised themselves and then planted the blame on them. Li Xiaobai.

Afterwards, the high-level officials of these families actually brought millions of spirit stones to visit the third family in an attempt to save money and avoid disaster.

How can there be such a good thing in this world, they are the ones who suffer, if they have money, they can do whatever they want, don't these ordinary people only have a dead end and let others slaughter them? What is the law of heaven!

Now it is not difficult to see from the statement of the third family that the family heads headed by the Situ family have rebelled!

So many families gather here today to force a confession from the head of the family and support the top of the third head. In this way, they are meritorious ministers. After getting rid of their opponents, the family will dominate and gain more resources and benefits.

It's a pity that these Patriarchs never imagined in their dreams that the open and secret fight between the two Patriarchs was nothing more than a play on the spot, the purpose was to draw out their fox tails.

"Dare to ask what the meaning of the third master is, what exactly do you want to do today?"

"You know, many of my family's actions over the years have been instructed by you!"

On the high platform, Patriarch Situ looked gloomy and cold. He took off his disguise and asked straight to the point.

"Have I ever asked you to do something harmful to the world in these years? Everything is just your own speculation, exaggerating, trying to get more benefits from it, so that in the end, there is a lot of trouble in the city, let me wait for you to deal with the aftermath. "

"Today, I'm going to clean up the house and sweep away the moths that have taken root in Aolai's country for a long time. You guys can die!"

Master Banyan's eyes suddenly sharpened, and a strong murderous intent bloomed, piercing the sky. Looking at each other, all the Patriarchs felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave, their limbs stiffened.

In the final analysis, Master Banyan is a half-human immortal after all. Although he is good at wisdom but not good at strength, it is not something ordinary monks can contend with.

Patriarch Situ couldn't help shivering. The bloodthirsty eyes of the other party made him feel as if he was facing a scorching sun, as if he would be burned and dissolved in the next second.

He suddenly looked at the black-robed monk beside him, clasped his hands together, and said loudly

"Trouble senior, stop this crazy woman. After this is done, I will double the promised resources and fief again!"

"And the young man on the ring below is the Li Xiaobai that seniors have been looking for so hard, and it is also a great gift from me to seniors!"

"Yes, I didn't expect such a sudden change today, but it doesn't matter if there are seniors here, as long as the seniors from the other two sects arrive together, this Aolai country is still our world!"

"At that time, the old man will be the master, divide the Aolai country into the three sects, and divide and manage it!"

Elder Su also hurriedly said that he didn't care too much, as long as he could buy some time, he could escape.

"You actually called people from Danzong and Zhenzong?"

"Do you want to destroy the Aolai country by eating things crawling inside and out?"

"Could it be that you think that you can do whatever you want here without the little six sons? Is it true that this palace doesn't exist?"

The head of the family, Huahuo, stood up suddenly with a cold expression, and the unparalleled coercion swept across, and suddenly pressed down on the people on the high platform. In terms of cultivation, she and Master Banyan were not inferior to the ancestors of the three sects, but the key is that the other party is The three of them wore the same pair of trousers.

If they really get everyone together, they will definitely lose. When Liuren comes back to take revenge, the day lily will be cold, and they must be suppressed right now!

In just an instant, the high platform was cracked inch by inch, and turned into powder while breathing.

"Be honest, too."

At the same time, on the stage, Master Banyan raised his hand slightly, and shook it at the children of many families below the stage. In an instant, a big hand that covered the sky and the sun suddenly fell, holding hundreds of Tianjiao in the palm of his hand, tightly imprisoning them. live.

Li Xiaobai approached the palm that covered the sky and the sun without any trace, the inside was only a cage space, but the surface of the palm was filled with layers of terrifying aura raging, preventing anyone who wanted to get close.

Feeling the violent force constantly penetrating into his body, Li Xiaobai crazily rubbed a huge amount of attribute points.

The big hand is mixed with the spirit of the fairy, and the purity is far beyond the comparison of the monks of the Mahayana period.

Attribute points +30000...

Attribute points +30000...

Attribute points +30000...

This attribute point is really serious, without someone who is also a half-step human fairy to make a move, it is absolutely impossible to defeat this big hand that blocks the sky and the sun.

"What the third master said was done by the masters, we didn't know about it!"

"That's right, I'm going to cultivate in the family with my next heart, just to make a name for myself in Aolai country one day, and I have never participated in those shameless things!"

In the palms of their hands, the disciples were crying and wailing, fearing that Master Banyan would be unhappy and crush them to death.

Many disciples were full of remorse, why did they listen to Situ Guixiong's nonsense at the beginning, and followed him to frame him, and now they settle accounts after autumn, and their lives are about to be lost.

"Hehe, of course I won't kill innocent people indiscriminately. When I search for the soul of Mr. Situ, I will free those who have nothing to do with me."

Master Banyan looked indifferent, and said slowly, just this one sentence directly sentenced Situ Guixiong to death.

Everyone knows that the Situ family has always been on the cusp of the storm, and they belong to the group of the most jumpy people. They may be innocent to kill anyone, but the Situ family is definitely not innocent!

"The third master, Situ Guixiong, threatened us to do it!"

"Yeah, pretending to be a masked man, burning, killing, and looting in the village was all planned by him, and he threatened me to do it!"

"We are all forced to bow our heads because of the power of the Situ family. Please let the third family learn from you and let us live!"

"In the future, I will definitely change my mind and start a new life!"

Listening to the words of the surrounding monks, Situ Guixiong's heart turned cold. He must not die here, he still has a bright future that has yet to be realized!

Gritting his teeth, he said with a look of resentment on his face

"Made, I was also ordered by someone. My father asked me to do it. The third master, if you want to kill me, kill my father. He has long thought about it. He just wants to climb to the top and doesn't care about it." As for the safety of the people, such a person who is blinded by power, if he is not killed, it will not be enough for the people to be angry!"

"As long as you don't kill me, I can do whatever you want. I can even announce my father's crimes in front of the world!"

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