Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 618: Removing The Cancerous Tumor

This is the first time that Master Banyan got angry, and it's okay to be a little arrogant on weekdays, but I didn't expect that this boy, who knows the heights of heaven and earth, would talk directly to the person in front of him, can't he understand the atmosphere?

The other party is not weaker than her half-step immortal, if the other party is angered, she will have to fall into a hard fight.

It's just that she froze in the next second.

Under the attention of everyone, the fat old man who made the two heads of the family extremely vigilant also cupped his fists and said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Li, don't come here!"

"Farewell to the frontier, but I haven't seen you for a while. I heard that the young master is haunting the Aolai country in the East China Sea. I rushed here non-stop. I didn't expect to encounter such a terrible thing."

"These patriarchs have done a lot of evil on weekdays, but now they still want to use the old man's hand to get rid of Mr. Li. It's a death sentence!"

"Young master, do you think the old man is doing the right thing?"

The one who came before him was none other than the Patriarch of Qi Sect.

Originally, I heard news from Situ's family that Aolai country had set off a coup, and he came here because there was money to be made. I didn't expect that this was a scam by the third master. These guys who thought they had the upper hand completely fell into the trap of others. In the trap, obediently become a hooked fish.

What's more, the surprise promised by Patriarch Situ was actually Li Xiaobai.

The other party actually hid the news eight hundred years ago like a treasure. Do you know what these ancestors encountered in the depths of the border?

Now Li Xiaobai is surrounded by the second master, and no one can touch him, let alone get involved in Aolai's domestic disputes. If he is hated by the second master, let alone the three of them, the entire Zhongzhou will be sunk!

This Situ family really doesn't know good from bad.

"Hehe, Sect Master Qi has a heart, I wonder if you can tell me, what kind of surprise is it?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Hey, the appearance of this old man is the biggest surprise for Mr. Li today, surprise or surprise!"

The ancestor of Qizong also said happily.

"This is really a surprise. The ancestor of the Qi Sect can come. I really didn't expect it. It's a matter here. I will go to the three sects and visit the seniors in person."

Li Xiaobai said enthusiastically.

"Ahem, that's very good. I'll wait for you later, but Mr. Li has a lot of things to do every day, so don't be in a hurry. Come over for a cup of tea in your spare time, and don't dare to disturb your important affairs."

The ancestor of Qi Zong looked embarrassed, Li Xiaobai is a master who has plucked the hair of wild goose, especially he was ordered to be hunted down by San Zong, if he visited San Zong in person, I'm afraid they would have to peel off a layer of skin.

Seeing the old and the young chatting happily in the arena, the eyes of many monks were all dull. They did not know how many times they collectively petrified today, and the shock and reversal came one after another, which was unacceptable.

It turns out that Li Xiaobai, who has always been regarded as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, is the real hidden boss?

From the looks of it, the half-step immortal seemed to be a little afraid of Li Xiaobai?

Master Banyan was also full of doubts, staring blankly at the person in front of him, as if meeting Li Xiaobai for the first time.

She didn't know that this young man possessed such a powerful energy, and they briefly mentioned the matter of the frontier repression and the matter of the second head of the family, and they didn't think much about it.

Of course, the other party's desire to reach a cooperation with Li Xiaobai to introduce Tangneng Yipin and BESTORE into the sect is also a considerable part of the reason.

This Li Xiaobai is their cash cow, it would be extremely stupid to anger the God of Wealth.

"Didn't Qi Lao come to help Patriarch Situ?"

Banyan Master asked slowly.

"Of course not. This kind of treacherous villain is the most annoying thing in my life."

"Even if the two masters don't take action today, this old man will punish these guys on the spot. You don't have to worry about this old man. Go ahead!"

"What happened to the other two elders in the three cases?"

"The third master can rest assured, the old man has already told them to go home!"

The patriarch of Qizong said with a smile, from the moment he saw Li Xiaobai on the high platform, he knew something was going to happen.

Now Li Xiaobai is the most popular figure in the Fairy Continent, the promotion of the disciples in the sect still depends on the other party's store supply, no one can offend him!

Now it's really stupid to want to come to Patriarch Situ and others to take the initiative to drive this golden money tree out, which is to forcefully drive away the God of Wealth who came to the door of the house!

"This...Senior Qi, that's not what we said before!"

"We have already made a promise, as long as senior Qi is willing to help us, we will hand over all the property of all clans to senior without reservation!"

"Could it be that seniors think there are too few? Then all my overseas assets can also be taken care of by seniors!"

Beneath Huahuo, a group of patriarchs were full of disbelief, and they were still making the final struggle. The big bosses standing on their side turned their backs in an instant, and they were the only ones who were suppressed in the end. No one.

This script is completely different from what was agreed before coming here. At this moment, the person who is suppressed and unable to move on the ground should be the head of the family!

Patriarch Situ was also shocked. Looking at the current situation, the ancestor of Qizong and Li Xiaobai are actually old acquaintances, and they seem to be very courteous and respectful to him?

Nothing wrong with his eyes?

"Shut up, you don't know anything about real power!"

"This old man has acted frankly all his life, and never did anything wrong. Today's behavior of yours has really opened my eyes. It's a disgrace to the Fairy Continent!"

"If you dare to speak too much, the old man will immediately wait for your Fa-rectification!"

The patriarch of Qizong stared and said viciously.

Su Lao and the others were in despair, and the last straw left them.

Why did he stand on the side of the third master in the first place, and compete against the third master for the other party?

Thinking about these years, in order to fight against the big bosses, they kept offering advice and suggestions, and there was a burst of volcanic eruption in their hearts, and their anger was raging. It turned out that everything was fake.

They are like monkeys in a circus, allowing the two masters to play, thinking that they have everything in hand, and they have no problem, but they never think that they are just puppets manipulated by others at will.

"Take it down, for today's sake, but I have endured it for a long time, and I can finally give an explanation to the monks in the world. The future of Aolai Kingdom will be clear!"

Master Banyan and Huahuo looked at each other and smiled, waved his hands casually, sealed the cultivation of monks of all ethnic groups, and threw the ashen-faced people to the chief elder of the Criminal Law Hall.

"Pressed into the dungeon, take good care of me, I want to choose a good day and auspicious day, and completely eradicate the cancer!"

Huahuo said with a solemn expression.


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