The Great Elder's heart was full of excitement, and his abilities finally had a place to be used. With an order, many elders in the Criminal Law Hall swarmed up and took all the monks of all ethnic groups under custody.

Of course, the secret works inserted by Wang Lao and other ethnic groups in the Criminal Law Hall were naturally also detained.

All of a sudden, more than half of the families in Aolai Kingdom were lost, leaving only a small group of ten or so small families headed by the three major families. Their faces were worried. It is true that people are happy without these moths, but such drastic actions , It will inevitably make Aolai's domestic economy go backwards.

These families, I am afraid they will enter a period of decline.

However, the third master is not worried about this at all.

"Everyone, I have fulfilled the promise I made a few days ago. Evil people will be rewarded with evil. The matter has been satisfactorily resolved. Are you satisfied?"

Seeing the crowd of people, Banyan Master asked slowly.

"Thank you, Third Master, for eliminating harm for the people!"

"I knew that the third master was on my side!"

"That's right, it's just an expedient measure to protect Mr. Situ's family. The purpose is to attract more black hands behind the scenes. It's because I was out of control before!"

"Three masters are dedicated to the common people in the world, I am grateful!"

"Those dead souls who have been tortured can rest in peace now."

The faces of the people were full of smiles, and they were full of praise and gratitude to the two heads.

The people they trusted lived up to their expectations, and they wiped out all the big and deep-rooted families in Aolai in one fell swoop. This kind of drastic courage is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

From now on, their world is clean.

"Mr. Li, now there is no obstacle to Aolai Country, you can completely spread out the shops. To show your sincerity, I only need half of the profits from each shop in Aolai Country!"

The third master looked at Li Xiaobai and said with a smile.

"In this case, I would like to thank the third master!"

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes slightly, no one would make things difficult for Lingshi, and one of the purposes of his coming here was to open shops all over Aolai country.

The three masters came up with this idea early in the morning. The reason why a large number of families were removed so easily was because of the backing of Tang Neng Yipin and Liangpin Store.

As long as there are two shops, spirit stones will come in a steady stream, and the economy cannot be left behind.

Maybe the other party had other preparations before, but after seeing that he was safe and sound, he probably immediately thought of this one.

"Mr. Li has entrusted me to take care of the store before, and I will be in charge of all the major stores in Aolai's country in the future. What do you think?"

Among the three major families, Mr. Nangong came over and asked with a smile.

Previously, Li Xiaobai had promised them to distribute 10% of the profits to the three major families.

"No problem, it's just about the distribution of the store's profit. Please discuss it with the third master in detail. Ninety-five percent of the next side will not be moved, and the remaining half percent can be distributed by you."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"The three major families are meritorious ministers, and I will consider it as appropriate."

Master Banyan said coldly, glanced at Mr. Nangong, signaling that he could leave.

The wage earners actually want to compete with the boss for meat, they really have no sense at all.

"My three major sects also hope to reach a cooperation with Mr. Li. If you can ignore the past, and open a shop in my sect, the old man is the master, and each shop will only take half of the profit!"

The ancestor of the Qi Sect on the side also hurriedly said.

Originally, the lowest price in his mind was 10% profit, preferably 20%, but now even the third master only asked for half, so he naturally had to show sincerity.

For this, Li Xiaobai should thank the third master.

If the other party hadn't set this precedent, it would be impossible for him to get the promise of the ancestor of Qizong at such a low price. The three are located in the core area of ​​Zhongzhou, which can be said to be the most prosperous area. Opening a shop there is not a monthly income. A million questions.

It is not impossible to earn tens of millions of top-quality spirit stones in a month, but the other party only takes half of the profit. This is the benefit of catching up!

"No problem, the three major sects are willing to cooperate for mutual benefit and win-win results, I am very pleased!"

"Afterwards, I will go to Zhongzhou for a walk, and I will trouble the seniors to prepare the store in advance."

Li Xiaobai said happily that he had seen a steady stream of spirit stones falling from the sky.

"Hehe, if that's the case, thank you Mr. Li!"

"It's getting late, so the old man will take his leave first, and there will be a date later!"

The patriarch Qizong is very knowledgeable. Everyone knows what he is doing here today. At this moment, he is just pretending to be confused. All the patriarchs have been completely suppressed. He has no reason to stay any longer. He has to hurry up. Going back home, preparing to open a store is the matter.

But it was at this time that a sudden change occurred.

Suddenly, the distant sky was very windy, the wind was surging, and the clouds were dense.

The beating waves of the waves spread to everyone's ears, and the dark blue thunder arcs danced in the void, making bursts of roaring sounds, which stimulated everyone's scalps.

A layer of towering and shocking waves soared into the sky and went straight into the sky. At the same time, a huge palm that had been covering the sky stretched out from the endless East China Sea and rushed towards Aolai Country.

This is a cyan arm covered with dense cyan dragon scales, like the strongest armor, exuding an unstoppable metallic luster.

Li Xiaobai felt that if he was hit by this giant hand, he would have suffered a lot of trauma, his wrist secretly shook, and he stuffed a bunch of Tianxiang life extension pills into his mouth without a trace, and at the same time moved slightly, moving towards the back of the crowd Take a few steps to prevent accidental injury.

"East China Sea!"

"The old dragon king is waiting for me!"

"Why is this? Could it be that Little Six is ​​not here, so the other party wants to take this opportunity to erase Aolai Kingdom from the East China Sea?"

Master Banyan and Huahuo's complexion changed drastically. They were all too familiar with the huge hand covered with dragon scales in the void. When Liuren was fighting the old Dragon King in the East China Sea, it was such a giant hand that covered the sky and stirred up the situation and caused cholera in the world.

Two figures, one red and one blue, soared into the sky, and they shot together to block the cyan dragon claw from Aolai abroad.

"Dare to ask why Senior Long came here today. My Aolai country has been on good terms with the East China Sea in recent years, and there has never been any friction. Is senior acting like this today to start a war with my Aolai country?"

Huahuo asked loudly, and the cold voice spread throughout the entire East China Sea.

"While going, little girl, she dared to jump in front of me even before her hair was fully grown. I'm not interested in your acre of land."

"This seat is going to arrest someone today, retreat quickly!"

The old voice rolled like thunder, and exploded in everyone's ears. Many monks turned pale, and felt that their souls were a little unstable.

"Dare to ask who the senior wants to take?"

"My son-in-law-to-be in Donghai, Li Xiaobai!"

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