Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Six Hundred And Twentieth Prospective Son-In-Law

The majestic voice broke through the sky and turned into a thunderous sound that impacted everyone's hearts.

The terrifying existence on the bottom of the sea didn't seem to have any intention of beating around the bush at all, and without inkling at all, he directly stated the purpose of this trip.

It's just that the content of what he said was too shocking, the prospective son-in-law of the East China Sea, and it was said from the mouth of the old Dragon King of the East China Sea, the meaning of it was extraordinary.

Does this mean that the old dragon king has already taken a fancy to Li Xiaobai, and has already planned to betroth the little princess of the East China Sea to him?

All of a sudden, the hearts of many monks in the arena were filled with mixed feelings. Long Xue, the pride of the Sea Clan, and the Oiran of Chunxiu Tower, were goddess-like existences, the saints in their hearts, and should not be profaned.

But at this moment, the people in power in the East China Sea actually personally recognized a son-in-law, which made them somewhat unacceptable.

The goddess who silently vowed in her heart to protect her secretly is about to marry suddenly, and the younger generation of Aolai Country feels that their world is faintly showing signs of collapse.

Although Li Xiaobai is indeed very strong, and his background is extremely mysterious, but what is good about him is worthy of the old Dragon King himself, and recognize him as Donghai's son-in-law.

"Li Xiaobai is Donghai's prospective son-in-law?"

Not to mention the disciples of the younger generation, even Hua Huo and Master Rong were stunned. When did this happen? Why didn't they know anything about it?

Li Xiaobai still has such a layer of identity background in love, no wonder he is not afraid of them at all, this is supported by his father-in-law.

"If you know it, stop talking nonsense, I will take you away, what are you supposed to do!"

The owner of the cyan dragon claw seemed to be extremely impatient, he said rudely, stretched out a palm covering the sky again, and went straight to Li Xiaobai.

"Senior, please speak up if you have something to say!"

"I have never had anything to do with Donghai, so how can I become Donghai's son-in-law?"

Looking at the cyan dragon claws that were smashing down in front of him, Li Xiaobai's figure retreated crazily. It would be a lie to say that he was not panicked.

"Boy, you have climbed to the seventh floor of the Linglong Tower, and even entered Xue'er's room. I want to see what kind of abilities you have to win the heart of my precious granddaughter!"

"Speaking of which, if your performance is too useless, then die directly!"

There was an undeniable taste in the old voice, and for a moment, Li Xiaobai's hairs stood on end. This is not to urge marriage, this is to urge death!

Before he could react, the cyan raised claw in the void stretched out a finger, and pressed it steadily towards Li Xiaobai. The powerful and terrifying aura tore through the ground in an instant, and landed on Li Xiaobai's body On top of it, it flew upside down.

Attribute point +80000...


Between the crushed stones, Li Xiaobai coughed up blood, and swallowed the elixir hidden in his mouth indiscriminately. The wounds on his body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His eyes were full of horror, and with a simple finger, he actually increased 80,000 attribute points. This is the most damage he has suffered since he acquired the system.

The strength of this old dragon king is indeed infinitely close to that of the second leader, but fortunately the other party didn't really want to kill him, otherwise he would have died at that moment just now.


"It's all right?"

"Boy, there is something. Although I have only moved the power of a single hair, it is unexpected that you can survive it. He is indeed the man my granddaughter likes. He is a character. Follow me into the sea!"

The old voice sounded again, obviously with a hint of surprise, obviously did not expect Li Xiaobai to be able to withstand the offensive just now.

"It's a bunch of nonsense, between Xia and Miss Long is innocent!"

"What is the seventh floor of the Linglong Tower, what is the boudoir, they are talking nonsense, I don't understand what the senior is talking about!"

"Aren't you ashamed to embarrass me as a junior in such a senior capacity?"

Li Xiaobai got angry, that old thing on the bottom of the sea looked superior and didn't care what he thought at all.

He still has important arrangements in the future, but he can't stop here. If he is really taken away by the big boss of the Sea Clan, it will be difficult to figure it out.

"Hehe, you are quite good at pretending. You pretended to be a stranger and stole Ye Mingzhu, broke into Xue'er's boudoir and robbed all the clothes. You have already ruined the reputation of my precious granddaughter. If you don't want to go back with the old man , then you can only die here, and all the monks who know about this will also be buried with you!"

The green dragon's giant claw in the void is not in a hurry anymore, this is a bit interesting for Li Xiaobai, he thinks about teasing the other party again.

It's just that in Aolai country, Huahuo and Banyan master's expressions changed when they heard this, this old dragon king of sea clan is cruel by nature, moody, and Liu Ren is not here at the moment, if the other party really wants to destroy Aolai country, they can't resist it.

"Ahem, Mr. Li, I think you deserve to be in such a catastrophe. You should go to the Undersea Dragon Palace. If there is any hidden secret to explain the matter, the monks of the Sea Clan are all reasonable people, and he will understand. yours."

The Banyan Master of the Third Family turned his face away, and said to Li Xiaobai with a smile, but his eyes were cold and frightening.

"That is, one person does things and one person is responsible. Fame is the most precious thing for a woman. Mr. Li, I hope you can take responsibility!"

"I hope you can face it like a man, go with your senior quickly, and become Donghai's son-in-law, how lucky this is!"

The head of the family Huahuo also said lightly, his eyes were full of warning, don't do anything, otherwise not only the Haizu will not let you go, but Aolaiguo will not let you go!

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

"I, Li Xiaobai, have a clear conscience in what I have done all my life. What you all said is purely false. This Donghai son-in-law, I will definitely not do it!"

Li Xiaobai said in a deep voice, turning his wrist over, and a few forward talismans appeared in his hand, a golden light flashed, and disappeared in place in an instant.

But the next second he was stunned, in front of him was a giant cyan claw, and he was standing in the palm of this huge palm at the moment, he was not teleported away, the Dragon King of the East China Sea used his means to imprison him. The space moved him into the palm of his hand, seamlessly.

"Hehe, if it's true or not, you'll know if you do a soul search."

The old voice said lightly, as if everything was taken for granted, the giant cyan claws slowly closed to take Li Xiaobai away forcibly.

"Made, don't force me, I'm so ruthless that I'm afraid of myself!"

"Speedy tongue is the sign of the weak."

The cyan dragon claw lifted Li Xiaobai up and threw him into the East China Sea.

Li Xiaobai was so anxious that he didn't have the slightest resistance to the cyan dragon claw. Hellfire was useless for a strong man of this level, and he was about to be dragged into the bottom of the sea. one sound

"Godzilla, get rid of this old clapper!"

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