Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 62: Old Beggars Are Not Simple

"One hour, twenty low-grade spirit stones, no credit."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

Even if it is seen through, so what, you have to pay as much as you should, this is the rule, when the king of heaven comes, you have to pay.

The old beggar was a little dazed. He didn't expect the other party to show no surprise at all, which aroused his interest.

"Well, the old beggar doesn't have so much money for the time being, can he replace it with something else?"

"That depends on what level of things you can come up with."

Li Xiaobai said.

This old man is not simple, maybe he is a hidden boss pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. I have played this kind of operation method with the sixth brother many times, and I am very familiar with it.

When dealing with this type of person, it is better to be cautious before finding out the purpose of the other party.

"The old beggar has a jug of good wine here, I can give you a sip, but you have to let the old beggar stay here for a day, how about it?"

"It's nonsense, and wanting to stay for a day after a sip of wine is simply wishful thinking!"

"That's right, do you know how many spirit stones it takes to stay here for a day!"

"Boss, this is the one who made trouble, throw him out, the appraisal is complete!"

Hearing the words of the old beggar, the monks in the pool immediately fried their pots and began to bombard the old beggar.

"Look at your bar first. If it's too bad, you won't be able to enter this door."

Li Xiaobai said.

"Hey, no problem, I guarantee you are satisfied!"

The old beggar touched his snot, and took out a dirty gourd from his waist pocket. The gourd was completely black, stained with large pieces of mud, and large pieces of unknown liquid, which looked a little disgusting.

Pull out the plug of the gourd mouth, and wisps of fragrance escape.

After being washed away by the aroma of the wine, the sour smell in the house faded a lot.

Attribute point +20...

Attribute point +20...

It is detected that the host is continuously infested by the aroma of wine, and the skill Drunkenness is acquired.

Drunkenness can release the aroma of wine. Those who smell the aroma of wine will fall into a state of muscle weakness. The longer they stay in the aroma of wine, the more serious the symptoms of drunkenness will be.


What kind of wine is this? Just smelling the aroma will increase the attribute points. If you take a sip, it will be worth it.

Such a strong wine!

This old beggar is definitely a great master.

Li Xiaobai made an instant judgment in his mind.

"How is it? Is the bar owner of the old beggar still satisfied?"

The old beggar stared at Li Xiaobai eagerly.

"make a deal!"

Li Xiaobai immediately agreed, reached out to take the dirty wine gourd, and slowly poured it into his mouth.

As soon as the wine was drunk, the dantian immediately exploded, Li Xiaobai felt the blood rushing all over his body, and the blood rushed straight to the back of his head, his head became dizzy, and his eyes turned black.

Almost fell to the ground.

Attribute points +2000...

Attribute points +2000...

50000 attribute points.

drop! It is detected that the host is continuously attacked by the aroma of wine, and the skill is upgraded to Drunken Eight Immortals.

The Drunken Eight Immortals' gestures can make the enemy drunk and paralyzed. The longer the duration, the more drunk they are.


This wine is so powerful!

Taking a sip unexpectedly increased the attribute points by 50,000 points, this is a natural treasure!

Li Xiaobai felt warm all over his body, full of energy, and full of energy.

All on defense!

The defensive power of the nine-turn indestructible golden body can be advanced at the sixth turn (900060000).

Attribute point 0.

Status Gorefiend Corroded.

The status bar changed, and Li Xiaobai was overjoyed, and his body became much lighter. Sure enough, as long as the defense power is advanced, the state of blood demon erosion will be reduced layer by layer.

Seeing that Li Xiaobai drank a sip of wine safely and soundly, the old beggar's eyes also flashed surprise. Although this wine is good, it is not something ordinary people can afford.

This boss is not easy.

Taking advantage of the old beggar's inattention, Li Xiaobai wanted to continue drinking a few sips of wine.

If you drink to your heart's content, you might be able to add points to the Nine-Turn Indestructible Golden Body in one step.

"Stop it, this is the old man's treasure, I can only take one sip."

The old beggar had quick eyesight and quick hands, and quickly snatched the gourd back. He thought that Li Xiaobai could only drink a few drops at most, but unexpectedly, he actually took a sip, and his heart ached. .

"Go in, you can only stay for one day, if you come out halfway, it will be assumed that your bath is over."

Li Xiaobai smacked his lips and said flatly.

"This way please, old man."

Situ Yanyu came over and invited the old beggar into the bathhouse with a smile on his face.

"Girls look really iconic."

The old beggar also looked like a pig brother, his eyes kept wandering around Situ Yanyu's body, looking very wretched.

"No way, this old thing really wants to come in and wash it together?"

"Once he comes in, I'm afraid this bathhouse will become a stinky ditch!"

"I want to bring water home to practice, anyway, the boss will not prohibit it."

"Me too, this old beggar is disgusting."

When the monks in the pool saw the old beggar approaching, they scattered like birds and beasts, collected a lot of water from the pool, and prepared to take it home to practice slowly.

After a few short breaths, the bathhouse was basically empty, only Li Ya, son of the Li family, old man Situ Kong and the old beggar were left.

Li Xiaobai didn't stop the monks from leaving, anyway, the spirit stones were already in place, so it was up to them to go or stay.

Li Ya and Situ Kong are not people who hate the poor and love the rich, and they don't reject the appearance of the old beggar.


The old beggar didn't care about everyone's reaction, and soaked himself in the pool until the water reached his neck, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Li Xiaobai observed the old beggar's reaction. After soaking in, the old beggar applied with a relaxed expression on his face, as if he didn't care about the increase in the water's cultivation.

This is definitely a master who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger!

"Grandpa, if you let me have another sip of wine, I can upgrade you to the first monthly subscription member of our store. If you let me have two sips, I'll give you a super package for free, how about it?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, his eyes couldn't stop glancing at the old beggar's gourd.

"No more, no more, it's enough to take a bath once, and just wash it off."

The old beggar started to rub the mud while talking, and Li Xiaobai felt a chill when he saw it, why is this master so nasty.

"Old man, taking a bath is about your state of mind, and what you want is comfort. It's just that it's too one-sided after washing. You should find more beauty in the bathhouse."

"for example?"

"For example, in the world behind that door, as long as you become a super member, you can see pictures of beauties out of the bath in this pool every day."

"Hiss! Seriously!"

"The old beggar doesn't study much, don't lie to me!"

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