Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 63 You Let Me Drink Footwashing Water?

The old beggar's eyes were wide open, and his eyes were shining brightly. He looked like he was choosing someone to eat, and looked a little creepy.

He had seen Situ Yanyu's appearance just now, and he was very satisfied. If he could really see pictures of beauties out of the bath every day, even if he contributed a sip or two of wine, it would be worth it.

Li Xiaobai spat secretly in his heart, old-fashioned criticism, old and unscrupulous.

When it comes to beauties, his eyes shine. Are seniors so casual?

"Of course it's true. Liangchen never talks nonsense. If there are pictures of beauties coming out of the bath, then there must be pictures of beauties coming out of the bath." Li Xiaobai said seriously.

"I don't mind watching other things, but my family's Yanyu is not allowed to look at it!"

Grandpa Situ Kong became tense in an instant. He suddenly realized that there were several old perverts in the bathhouse, and his granddaughter was in danger!

"Deal, but you have to give the old beggar Huazi a super experience first. If it is as you said, the old beggar will offer this wine with both hands."

The old beggar squinted his eyes and laughed strangely.

"No problem, from now on, you are the first one in our shop to pay a monthly subscription. The trial period is one month!"

Li Xiaobai said casually, stabilize the other party first, as long as the old beggar is still in the shop, he is not afraid that he will not be able to get the wine.

The old beggar continued to rub his feet, and the water in the pool turned dark green, and he didn't know what stains were on his body.

Li Ya's expression on the side was a little confused. The old beggar's face was covered with dirt before, so he couldn't see anything, but after being cleaned by the water, why did he feel so familiar?

I always feel like I've seen it somewhere, but I just can't remember it for a while.

Li Xiaobai frowned, this appearance could not attract customers.

Now buy a bag of air purifier in the mall.

After using the air purifier, it purifies the air and empties the mind, which can increase the enlightenment rate in a short time. (10 low-grade spirit stones)

Purify the mind, purify the filth, purify the air, and purify yourself.

These are just some gadgets in the mall, but they seem to have some miraculous effects in this world.

Sprinkle a small bag of air purifier into the house, and the rotten sour smell disappeared immediately, and the water in the pool became crystal clear in an instant.

There is still a faint scent of tea in the air.

"Boss, this is..."

Li Ya's face was horrified. The small powder in the air made his understanding of kung fu moves more clear, which is simply unimaginable.

This boss must be an expert!

The old beggar also looked puzzled, and muttered to himself, "This thing is comparable to Wudao tea, but it's more comfortable to take a bath."

"This thing is actually so useful."

Li Xiaobai was a little surprised. The props produced by the system, even a bag of powder molds, have the effect of improving understanding, which is really extraordinary.

"Yanyu, you can go to the women's bathhouse and sprinkle a bag."

Once again, I exchanged a bag of air purifier and handed it over to Situ Yanyu. With this thing, the customer attraction rate can be greatly enhanced.

As expected, after just a few minutes, a large number of customers poured in.

They were attracted by the smell of the air purifier. The crowd found that the closer they were to the bathhouse, the clearer their minds were, and many unreasonable problems were easily solved.

"What kind of store is this? It's so amazing!"

"Hey hey, there's a small shop for soup, please..."


At the same time, the major families in Gu Yue City.

The Wang family, Wang Ning, the young son of the Wang family, immediately ran to his own place without stopping after he came out of Tang Neng Yipin.

The water in the bathhouse is too miraculous, if the formula in it can be deciphered, why worry about his royal family being unhappy.

Immediately found Wang Ba, the Patriarch of the Wang Family.

"Father, my child found a treasure land..."

Wang Ning took out the water, and told his father about Tang Neng Yipin carefully. Wang Ba understood the whole story, and his eyes shone with a strange light.

Just taking a bath can actually improve his cultivation. If his Wang family can have such a place, why worry about his family being unhappy.

"Who else knows at this time?"

"The bathhouse is next to Guan Yue Building, and the big families should know about it."

"Just show me the water!"

Wang Ba took the water and looked at it carefully for a long time, but he couldn't see any tricks.

Taste it, bitter, fishy, ​​sour.

This stepping horse is footwashing water!

"Naughty beast, you dare to let me drink your footwashing water, you will die to me!"


The same thing happened in the big families of Gu Yue City.

Disciples of all ethnic groups presented the water they took from the bathhouse to the senior family members.

Hearing that Tang Neng Yipin Bathhouse has such a miraculous effect, the senior executives were very excited, and each showed their skills and began to study the mystery of this water carefully.

But in fact, nothing was found, no matter from which angle it was analyzed, it was just ordinary water.

"Wait, take a closer look at this water, is there a special smell in it?"

"Yes, this smell is a bit pungent, it is probably the smell of some kind of herbal medicine."

Many high-level officials began to savor the taste carefully.

His brows were slightly frowned. At first taste, the taste was mediocre, but when he tasted it carefully, there was a trace of sweaty bitterness and an inexplicable smell of corruption.

There is something in this water!

Judging by the taste and texture, this should be... footwash?

"Grandma, are you deliberately making fun of your father and want me to drink your footwashing water!"

"This water hair is useless, and it still smells like feet!"

"Damn, what crime did I do in my previous life to give birth to such an unlucky thing like you,"

"Ten years of practice, the practice has been practiced on dogs, and the foot-washing water is the holy medicine for cultivation, what is going on in your mind!"

"After you go out, don't say I'm your master, get out!"


Among the major families in Guyue City, there was a lot of scolding. The head of the family and the elders all had liver-colored faces, as if they had eaten flies.

After drinking the disciple's foot-washing water, he tasted it carefully and analyzed it. If the news got out, they would not be able to get along in this city.

What a shame!

The disciples were also very puzzled, why the water was fine in the bathhouse, but it didn't work when it was brought out?

Could it be that what the boss said is true, that the bath water is actually just ordinary water, and what is really worth noting is not the water, but something else?

No, I have to go to Tangneng Yipin again to find out the tricks!

Many disciples of the family had a tacit understanding and rushed to the location of Tang Neng Yipin.

But soon, they were surprised to find that at this moment, the bathhouse was already surrounded by crowds.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, I'll come first!"

"Don't jump in line, brother, I'm still waiting to enter the bathhouse!"

"Brother, you misunderstood, I don't have a spirit stone, if I don't go in, I'll just hang around outside!"

"Me too, let's just rub it against each other, I won't snatch it from you."

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