Without the slightest hesitation, the Azure Dragon's giant claw stretched out a finger again, and pointed at a Godzilla on the sea.

Attribute points +100,000.

There was no suspense, the other party just pointed at it from a distance, and the terrifying aura caused Godzilla's body to burst instantly, blood spilled on the spot, dyeing half of the sky red.

"Honglian Yehuo, stop that giant hand!"

Li Xiaobai was terrified, and gave orders to the remaining eight Godzillas. Fortunately, Godzilla was produced by the system, and he obeyed his own words, without fear or the idea of ​​taking them away.

If it were Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing who existed, I'm afraid Sa Yazi could run faster than himself.


The eight terrifying monsters on the sea roared hysterically, and the terrifying high temperature radiated from their bodies. The sea boiled completely at this moment, and the sea water turned from icy dark blue to fiery red.

Dead sea monsters constantly surfaced from the bottom of the sea, their bellies turned up, obviously burnt to death.

Eight hot flames that soared into the sky burned the sky, forming a huge fire lotus, which slowly circulated in the void, and each rotation brought a burst of terrifying high temperature.

Not to mention the sea water, even the land of Aolai country has a vague tendency to be incinerated.

"Little sister! Take the monks and hide!"

"I'm here to stop the flames, and I must not let the heat wave hit Shangaolai Country, otherwise none of the people will survive!"

The complexion of the head of the family Huahuo changed drastically, and the eight monsters at the peak of the Mahayana stage did their best. This power should not be underestimated. Even she has to take it seriously. Devastating blow.

Whether it's the old Dragon King of the East China Sea, or this Li Xiaobai's monster, they all didn't take her proud country seriously, and they didn't take into account that there is still a country here!


There was also a rare panic on Master Rong's face. Although the Hai Clan came here only to capture Li Xiaobai, there was no guarantee that innocent people would be harmed. He stretched out a slender hand and grabbed it out of thin air. The monks moved instantly and disappeared without a trace.

Above the East China Sea, the aura of the eight Godzillas climbed to the extreme, and they fell into endless rage. With supreme power, they turned into eight blazing suns and bombarded the giant green dragon claws in the void.

"The eight little guys have something. Judging from your appearance, you should be a group, right?"

"Even with the knowledge of this seat, I can't judge which clan you are from. I have never seen monsters like you on the fairy land."

"If you are willing to tell the truth about your origins, I can consider letting you go."

said the old voice.


The only response to it was endless flames and violent claws. The eight terrifying giant beasts collided with the giant green dragon claw fiercely.

At the same time, ten pairs of steel giant claws stabbed, and ten iron cone-like tails swept across, bombarding the green dragon's giant claws.

"court death!"

There was a tinge of anger in the old voice, no longer communicating with Godzilla, the giant claw shook, and the endless sea water poured down with icy air, and the powerful shock force made eight Godzilla fly upside down , the red lotus karmic fire covering it was also extinguished in an instant.

The monstrous waves swept across the sea, swallowing eight Godzillas and freezing them into ice cubes.

Then the green dragon's giant claws were like poking eggs, pointing one by one, poking the giant beasts one by one.

Attribute points + 100,000...

Attribute points + 100,000...

Attribute points + 100,000...


Li Xiaobai, who was fleeing somewhere in Aolai, saw the sudden surge of system attribute points in front of him, and his heart suddenly turned cold.

The eight giant beasts took in a hundred million, and there were not many spirit stones left on him at the moment, and from the current point of view, he had no way to compete with the opponent before he obtained the spirit of the fairy.

But thanks to the other party's blessing, a surge of 800,000 attribute points surged.

All defensive.

Half-step Human Immortal Physique (9.911 million) in defense (faerie spirit has not been obtained) can be advanced.

There is only one hundred thousand away from ten million attribute points, but there is no joy in Li Xiaobai's heart.

Taking chances, Li Xiaobai took out the pattern pattern of the sixth senior brother in an attempt to cover up his breath.

But at this moment, the sky suddenly dimmed. To be precise, the light was blocked. A big hand that covered the sky stretched out from above, and it precisely touched the Lamborghini that Li Xiaobai was driving. .

"Even the mount is so extraordinary, it should be some kind of unknown inheritance?"

"Boy, everything on you is very interesting!"

The old voice said lightly, no longer as hot as before, the giant green dragon claws grasped Li Xiaobai and the sports car in the palm like a chicken, and then slowly sank into the bottom of the sea, disappearing.

The sky regained light again, and the dark clouds dispersed, revealing the original clear sky.

"Donghai's quasi-son-in-law took me away, but it didn't damage the plants and trees of Aolai country. I will tell the second master later, and let her not come to trouble me!"

The voice of old age spread throughout the Aolai country, and it could be heard that he was still a little afraid of the second master.

A quarter of an hour later, in the center of the city.

After confirming that there was no danger, Master Banyan and Huahuo put away their exercises, lifted the protection for everyone in the Aolai Kingdom, and looked deeply into the depths of the Eastern Sea.

"I didn't expect Mr. Li to become the son-in-law handpicked by the old Dragon King. It's really unpredictable."

Master Banyan sighed.

"Yeah, fortunately, we have resolved our grievances with him and made enough compensation. Otherwise, it would be really easy to cause a catastrophe. Little sister, you have to be more cautious in your behavior in the future!"

Huahuo said lightly.


"Third master, Mr. Li was captured suddenly, what should happen to our shop?"

A monk from the three major families asked, "Li Xiaobai is the guarantee of their source of income, and now he is suddenly taken away by the king of the Hai clan. If he never returns, the economy of Aolai country may really go backwards."

"Reserve half of all resources for domestic monks to use, and sell the other half to high-level overseas. Before the sale, there is a lot of hype in the Xianling Daily. I don't need to teach you the specific operations, do you?"

"I'll wait to find out."

Before everyone could calm down, another streak of light flashed across the sky and landed in front of the group of people.

An old beggar in ragged clothes picked out his nostrils and touched his buttocks with one hand, and walked out with mischievous eyes.

"Where's Li Xiaobai?"

"Hey, aren't you usurping the throne? Is this the end of the fight?"

Looking at the happy scene between Banyan Master and Huahuo, the old beggar asked a little strangely.

"This... who is this?"

"The appearance is slovenly, could it be a hidden peerless expert?"

"Shhh, if you can come here at this juncture, you must be a boss!"

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