Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Six Hundred And Twentieth Chapters To Become A Son-In-Law

"Are you... Wu Crazy?"

"Senior Tianwu?"

Master Banyan and Huahuo's eyes widened, staring blankly at the person in front of them, from the scruffy face, they vaguely saw some familiar shadows.

The time span is too long, and ordinary people can no longer recognize the true face of the old beggar, but as the two masters of Aolai country, they have lived for more than a hundred years, not long after the era of this old man Tianwu.

Even back then, the Second Master fought against him frequently, and the battles were shattering. They were extremely familiar with him.

This is a frightening man who overwhelmed an era and overwhelmed everything with overwhelming power. He has never met an opponent, and even the second leader was defeated by him.

Later, it was heard that there was a serious problem with his body, so he retreated into the world and disappeared. It was only recently that Liu Ren heard about the whereabouts of Old Man Tianwu in the frontier.

But they never thought that they would suddenly appear in front of them today, and it seemed that they had a long friendship with Li Xiaobai, so it was incredible that they could break into the Aolai Country of the East China Sea for him.


"Since the two beauties recognize the old beggar, they must be masters left over from the past. I didn't expect that after so many years, the charm is still there!"

"As soon as we meet, I can call out my name. The old beggar's status in the hearts of the two fairies is obvious, but unfortunately, the old beggar's eyes are stars and the sea, and women will only affect the speed of my sword!"

The old beggar smiled and looked at the two people in front of him. He seemed to have known each other before, but he couldn't remember where he met them.

In Aolai Middle School, he is only familiar with the second master.

"Junior Banyan Master is the third master of Aolai Kingdom!"

"The younger generation, Huahuo, is the head of Aolai Guoda!"

"It turned out to be the two heads of the family. Miss Six was not here, and the old beggar didn't recognize her. Please don't take offense."

The old beggar waved his hand and smiled all over his face. Looking at the two beautiful beauties in front of him, he felt that his slightly anxious mood had improved a lot.

It really is delicious.

"Old man Tianwu?"

"A hundred years ago, he crossed the Fairy Continent and overwhelmed the martial madman of an era?"

"Senior Tianwu is tall and stalwart and has made outstanding contributions to the Fairy Spirit Continent. How can he have such a slovenly image?"

There was a commotion among the monks of the Aolai country in the rear, and they couldn't believe that the old thing in front of them was a legendary mythical figure.

Everyone knows the name of the old man Tianwu, he has the demeanor of a peerless master, with an ethereal aura, how could he look like this?

"I didn't expect that after so many years, the juniors still remember me. It's really amazing. Time is indeed a butcher's knife."

"That's right, the old beggar is Tianwu old man, the existence that walks on the invincible road, the strongest in the fairy land, bar none!"

The old beggar said triumphantly, he didn't have the slightest reserve of being a powerful senior, he was completely a hob meat.

"Cough cough, dare to ask senior, what is the so-called reason for coming here today?"

Huahuo coughed lightly and asked.

"Of course I came here for Li Xiaobai. I heard there was a fight here, and half-step immortals are walking around. Is he all right? Why don't you see anyone else?"

The old beggar looked around, but Li Xiaobai was not seen in the crowd.

He came here on purpose to rescue, and it was Su Yunbing who returned to the frontier to ask him for help. Hearing that Li Xiaobai might be in danger in Aolai country, he rushed over without stopping.

"It's a long story. According to the younger generation's observation, Mr. Li should not be in any danger."

Huahuo said while facing the scalp.

"Is there a situation?"

"What's up with him?"

The old beggar asked with some doubts.

"He was taken away by the old Dragon King of the East China Sea, who said he wanted him to be the son-in-law of the East China Sea."

Huahuo said.

The old beggar "???"


At the same time, under the boundless East China Sea, Li Xiaobai sank at an extremely terrifying speed. Even under the water, the cyan dragon claws caused a series of sonic booms, and all creatures that approached exploded without exception. Turned into a pool of blood mist.

However, in the palm of the green dragon's giant claw, there are layers of streamers running, blocking all dangerous auras.

This made Li Xiaobai feel a little depressed. This old thing doesn't stop when it should stop, and protects itself when it shouldn't.

Flipping his wrist, he took out a Ye Ming pearl and swallowed it.

This is the mermaid of the East China Sea, which has the effect of avoiding water. Even ordinary people can survive underwater if swallowed. Li Xiaobai does not know how to practice and has no skills. It is best to eat this thing.

"Donghai Mermaid, boy, you still say that the thief in Linglong Tower is not you!"

"Dare to swallow it in front of me, you are not small!"

An old voice came, rumbled in Li Xiaobai's ears, and burst into bursts.

"Ahem, these were not stolen from the Linglong Tower."

Li Xiaobai said lightly that he had roughly figured out the temper of the old Dragon King. The other party wanted him to be Dong Hai's son-in-law, and because of Long Xue's face, he probably wouldn't kill him.

"Then tell me, where did the Eastern Sea Mermaid come from?"

"I stole it before entering the Linglong Tower."

Li Xiaobai said seriously, and besides, could that be called stealing? Rows of Ye Ming beads were randomly placed on the ground, and he just picked up a few.

The old Dragon King was silent for a moment and said, "Do you think you are very humorous?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't like you. Xue'er has made a baby kiss since she was a child, but now you are suddenly disrupting the situation. My family will set a checkpoint for you. If you pass it, you will be safe and sound. My son-in-law who rides a dragon in the East China Sea, but if he fails, he will die at the bottom of the sea and sleep forever!"

A strong killing intent suddenly swept over, making Li Xiaobai's hairs stand on end again in shock.

This was the first time he felt such a sense of powerlessness, playing all his cards but being unable to do anything to the opponent.

"Ahem, this junior knows, so please be merciful, senior."

Li Xiaobai said slowly, now that he has fallen into someone's palm, he can only take one step at a time.

"Hehe, it's useless to seek connections through the back door."

"But having said that, you are the most talented young monk I have ever seen. You are only in your early twenties, and you have entered the ranks of the Mahayana period, and you have tamed a group of monsters at the peak of the Mahayana period."

"Not to mention the present, none of the amazingly talented people in the past era can surpass you. If you come to be Xue'er's Taoist companion, although you have no power or power, it is still pleasing to the eye."

The old Dragon King talked a lot, and he never stopped along the way.

Li Xiaobai wanted to take a look at the whole picture of the dragon king, but the bottom of the sea was too deep, there was only darkness in front of him, he couldn't see anything, he could only feel the touch of the surrounding ocean currents brushing against his skin.

I do not know how long it has been.

In the darkness, Li Xiaobai saw a faint light, which was composed of a large area of ​​lights, penetrating up from a deeper place.

East China Sea Dragon Palace, here we come!

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