Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 624 Shrimp Soldiers And Crab Generals

Inside the Undersea Dragon Palace, the lights are bright.

A huge space isolated from seawater has been opened up here. It is not a small world or a secret place, but a seawater is isolated by the power of formations, a large amount of land is created, and an underwater world is built.

A Ye Pearl is placed on top of each building, emitting light and illuminating the darkness.

Looking down from the top, Li Xiaobai saw the huge imperial city building in the center at a glance, with a huge Ye Ming Pearl on top, which was bigger than the one he stole from the Linglong Tower. It is more than several times larger.

This Dragon Palace is really rich, there are treasures everywhere, I really want to burn them all with a fire, and contribute to the promotion of Hellfire.

But right now, there is no chance. If he really did that, not to mention whether Hellfire could really improve, the old dragon king would definitely slap himself to death.

"Boy, go down."

The cyan dragon claw threw Li Xiaobai into the underwater world, and transformed into a white-haired old man in a flash, striding towards the gate of the city.

This was the first time that Li Xiaobai got a glimpse of the whole picture of the other party. This is an old man with a firm face, exuding an aura of calmness and self-prestige. It can be seen that he has been in a high position all year round, and he has developed the aura of a superior.

His temples are grizzled, his eyes are like torches, and his movements are lively and lively, without the stiffness of an elderly person at all.

"Old man, in fact, the younger generation still thinks that baby kissing is better. This is fate, a match made in heaven, and there is absolutely no room for foreign monks to intervene."

"Why don't you let this junior go, and this junior will persuade Miss Long to accept this baby kiss?"

Li Xiaobai asked tentatively, and was still struggling for the last time.

"Do you want to live or die?"

The old man paused, looked at Li Xiaobai and asked casually.


Li Xiaobai said without hesitation.

"Then shut up and just be obedient."


"Eat it!"

The old Dragon King shook his hand, threw out a pill, and said lightly.


Li Xiaobai didn't smear any ink, he didn't care that it was a pill, and he swallowed it with his neck raised.

Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and it still understands this truth. Besides, with the system in place, a mere pill is nothing.

Attribute points +3000...

From the perspective of medicinal effect, it is quite general.

"It's good to have courage."

The old Dragon King glanced at Li Xiaobai approvingly. What he threw just now was the Imprisonment Pill. After taking it, the spiritual power will be blocked, like a swamp that is difficult to mobilize. In this way, even if Li Xiaobai has the ability to reach the sky, he can't even think of it. flee under the roof.

"so so."

Li Xiaobai touched his nose, and followed the old Dragon King into the city gate obediently.

It really doesn't look like an underwater world here, it's completely bright as day, and the allocation of city planners is no different from that on land. If he couldn't look up and see the unfathomable sea, he would almost forget that this is the underwater dragon palace up.

The city gate is as high as 100 meters, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going. There are monks but most of them are ordinary people.

The left and right sides were heavily guarded, meticulously checking the passing pedestrians.

Li Xiaobai carefully observes the surrounding environment. The guard on the left is a giant shrimp, and the guard on the right is a crab. The two guards are monsters without transformation. One on the left and the other on the right guard the Dragon Palace under the sea like two door gods. entrance.

Isn't this a typical shrimp soldier and crab general?

However, judging from the aura they emitted, it was clear that neither of the two guards was weak.

Seeing the return of the old Dragon King, the two monsters said respectfully, "Welcome to the Dragon King!"

"Take him to the dungeon, take good care of him, remember to ignore whatever he says, if something goes wrong, I'll ask you!"

The old man said lightly, waved his sleeves casually, and left, leaving only the bewildered Li Xiaobai and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals looking at each other.

What does it mean?

Didn't you want him to be Donghai's son-in-law?

What are you doing in the dungeon? This is not the way you should treat your son-in-law!

However, before Li Xiaobai could ask any further questions, the old figure disappeared without a trace the instant he took a step forward.

"Which of us will send him to the dungeon?"

Shrimp soldiers asked.

"Of course I sent it."

Crab General said lightly.

"Why, you have already been there last time, it's time for me to go this time!"

The two long whiskers of the shrimp soldier trembled, and said with some annoyance.

"Then let's stick to the old rules, rock-paper-scissors, win people."

The Crab General thought for a while and said.





One crab and one shrimp played rock-paper-scissors in front of Li Xiaobai in this way, and both sides played only scissors in successive rounds, making it hard to tell the winner.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, you should have more important things to do, is it really okay to keep playing like this?

"Ahem, Mr. Shrimp, try putting two pliers together?"

Li Xiaobai said.


This time, the shrimp soldier put the two pincers together and turned into a hammer, while the crab general was still a pair of scissors, and the winner was already decided.

"Boy, you are very discerning. Mr. Xia appreciates it very much. I won't embarrass you in a while."

The two long beards of the shrimp soldier were trembling, obviously Li Xiaobai's words of Mr. Shrimp had caught its heart, this is a monster that likes to be complimented by others, Li Xiaobai judged this in his heart, and said excitedly, "Thank you, Mr. Shrimp! "


"Go, Master Xia will take you to the dungeon, don't worry, Master Xia will tell them not to embarrass you!"

Shrimp Bing is in a good mood, he has found a sure way to deal with the Crab General, and he will not lose in the future rock-paper-scissors.

Looking at the arrogant shrimp soldiers in front of him, General Crab's expression was a little gloomy, and he muttered to himself, "I didn't expect this new kid from the human race to be quite smart. He actually knows that putting the pliers together is a hammer. Next time, Grandpa Crab will also use this." With one move, we can definitely win!"

Looking at the two silly monsters, Li Xiaobai laughed in his heart, if all the bosses in the bottom of the sea had this kind of IQ, he would be able to show off the sky.

"Old Crab, watch the door carefully."

The shrimp soldiers took Li Xiaobai away.

Walking on the street, Li Xiaobai feels more and more back on the land. There are various shops on the left and right sides of the street, and the shouts come and go one after another, making him very popular.

Most of them are selling monster materials, relying on the sea to eat the sea, the monsters in the sea are inexhaustible, and you can often come across valuable stocks.

It is hard to imagine that in the underwater world, people here can actually be self-sufficient.

"Master Xia, may I ask what kind of place the dungeon we are going to is, can we come out after entering?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

The shrimp soldier smashed his mouth and said slowly, "This dungeon is the place where prisoners are held. What did you do to let the Dragon King personally take you?"

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