Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 626: The Death Penalty Starts, Uncapped

Only the upper body of this beauty spider is definitely a peerless beauty, but the ten compound eyes on the lower body, plus the eight hairy and ferocious legs, no matter how you look at it, it is scary.

But for a race like Shrimp Bing who doesn't care about being human, the opponent is a stunner.

"Hua Danniang, I brought you the prisoner."

"This one is amazing. Guess who sent it, the prisoner handed over to me by the king himself!"

"I don't need to say more about the stakes. After I go in, I will entertain you. After two days, Mr. Li will be released. I will not forget your benefits."

Xia Bing winked and said.

However, the face of the beauty spider is still an iceberg, and there is no abnormality at all because of the word "king".

"I see, people stay, you can go."

Hua Danniang said.

"Ahem, this, Daniang, do you have time to have a cup of tea together recently?"

Shrimp soldiers asked.

"What tea?"

Hua Danniang asked.

"Dragon Palace Special Gong, Longjing, the king gave me a pot last year when he was rewarded at the end of the year. I have been reluctant to drink it. Maybe I am waiting for Dan Niang!"

Xia Bing said with a smile, his two beards were trembling, and his heart was agitated. Hearing what he said, the other party also wanted to drink tea with him!

"What bowl do you use?"

Hua Danniang continued to ask.

"The spiritual weapon of the Tribulation Period, the Bronze Bowl!"

"Where did the bowl come from?"

"Naturally, it was cast in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea."

"Where is the most important level of the East China Sea Dragon Palace?"

"Naturally at the city gate."

"Who needs a handle at the city gate?"

"Of course we need someone!"

"Then why don't you go soon?"

Hua Danniang narrowed her eyes and said coldly.

"Ah... yes, yes, I'm going!"

Xia Bing hurriedly said repeatedly, and ran away with a few short legs.

Li Xiaobai was speechless in his heart, this shrimp soldier's brain was indeed not working, as he had seen from playing rock-paper-scissors at the city gate before.

But this beautiful spider named Huadanniang in front of her doesn't seem to be so easy to fool, she needs to be treated with caution, and things like bribes with spirit stones may not work.

Moreover, I had spent 100 million before, and now I am a little shy in my pocket. I need to keep the spirit stone in case of accidents, so I can't squander it.

"What's your name?"

Hua Danniang turned her eyes to Li Xiaobai, and asked with great interest, the monk who can be captured by the old dragon king himself is definitely not an ordinary character. It is reasonable to say that it would not be surprising even if he was forced into the sky prison, but at this moment, he is just placed in the prison. Inside the dungeon.

Whether this means that some secret information cannot be disclosed to outsiders, even she has to carefully guess the story behind it.

More importantly, as a monk in the Mahayana period, she couldn't see the cultivation level of this junior of the human race at this moment. The terrifying breath is aware of one or two.

But in front of Li Xiaobai, there was nothing special about him, he seemed like an ordinary person, which was unbelievable.

Could it be that the opponent's strength and cultivation base are stronger than those of the so-called big men, and has reached the point of returning to nature, so people can't detect it under the restrained breath?

Impossible, absolutely impossible, the young man in front of him is only in his twenties, how could he get to that point, there must be something strange about him.

"My name is Li Xiaobai."

Li Xiaobai grinned, showing a smile that he thought was kind.

"Well, Li Xiaobai, a human monk, what did he do to come in?"

Hua Danniang suppressed the doubts in her heart, took out a small book, wrote and drew on it, and asked about Li Xiaobai's basic information.

"It's nothing, but the old Dragon King of the East China Sea insisted on making me his prospective son-in-law. I didn't want to, so I was caught."

"My lord, what kind of crime should I be sentenced to in this situation? Is it serious?"

Li Xiaobai looked around, leaned forward and said mysteriously.

"Your Majesty wants you to be your son-in-law?"

"You still refused?"

Hua Danniang's complexion was strange, she never expected that Li Xiaobai is not very old, but his tone is not small, a mere human monk, how can He De make the old Dragon King look at you?

And you refused to be your son-in-law, isn't that the same as nonsense?

Being able to marry Long Xue, the pearl of the East China Sea, is the dream of so many young talents, but you still refuse, this is not too obvious a lie.

"That's right, I was in Aolai country at the time, and a giant green dragon claw fell from the sky, snapped, and quickly grabbed me to the bottom of the sea."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said seriously.


Hua Danniang couldn't hold back, she laughed so hard that her branches trembled wildly.

"Why are you laughing, don't you believe it?"

"It's nothing, I just remembered something happy, by the way, what is your cultivation level?"


Li Xiaobai said proudly with his hands behind his back and chest out.

"Young master, can you tell me in detail, what is the invincible method?"

Hua Danniang frowned, she felt that the person in front of her had a brain problem, even worse than the guards.

"Hero dominates the world!"

"A master like me is destined to live as long as the sky. In the long river of history, he will compete with the prehistoric horrors of endless years ago. With a pure heart, he will feel the nature in the world. The word invincible is enough."

Li Xiaobai said with a serious face.

"Puchi hahaha..."

Hua Danniang laughed and trembled all over, if it wasn't for her own image, she would even have the heart to roll on the ground.

"Aren't your lords making fun of me?"

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and asked with some displeasure.

"No, it's just that it's been a long time since I met such an interesting person as Young Master."

"Don't worry, son, I have received strict professional training, no matter how funny things are, I will not laugh unless I can't help it."

Hua Danniang forced a straight face and asked.

"So that's the case. According to the adults, is the young one's situation serious?"

Li Xiaobai asked tentatively.

"The death penalty starts with no ceiling."

Hua Danniang deliberately teased the person in front of her, said coldly, and wrote down the three characters of the death row prisoner in the small book in front of Li Xiaobai.

"What the hell am I..."

Li Xiaobai was startled, this is not the same as what Xia Bing said, didn't he say that he would be released in two days?

Why did he get into the hands of the prison warden, and immediately sentenced himself to death?

I faintly felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't tell.

Didn't the old Dragon King say he wanted to test himself?

Could this death penalty be a test for himself?

"Well, that's it. Enjoy the last scene. Your master shrimp has already explained that no one will make things difficult for you in this dungeon. Live here with peace of mind."

"Old Turtle, take him to change his prison uniform, assign him a room and residence, and get his number plate!"

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