Hua Danniang threw the page with Li Xiaobai's information on it outside the door.


Outside the hut, a hunchbacked old man walked in, limping in with a cane in his hand, and said to Li Xiaobai, "Little friend, this way please."

"It's time to work."

Li Xiaobai nodded in response, he felt a lot more relaxed after seeing the warden.

The strength of a prison can be roughly judged from the strength of the warden. The commander in chief who suppressed the entire dungeon was only at the Mahayana stage. Presumably, there will be no masters who have half-step human immortality in this prison.

As long as you think about it, you can break out of the cage and leave here at any time.

However, considering the deterrent power of the old dragon king, it is still necessary to be calm now and find out the ten blood sacrifice fragments first.

"Who is Mr. Li, what happened to come in?"

Old Gui led Li Xiaobai out, asking as he walked.

"Nothing, the old Dragon King asked me to be his son-in-law, but I didn't agree, so I was thrown in."

Li Xiaobai shrugged and said absently.

"Ahem...Young master really knows how to joke."

The old turtle was so choked that he couldn't speak, he didn't dare to answer these words casually, it would be a crime of losing his head if it got out.

Looking down at the blank paper that Hua Danniang handed him just now, he couldn't help but tremble all over.

Name Li Xiaobai.

Race Terran.

Unknown background.

The cultivation base is unknown.

The charges are unknown.

Sentenced to death.

None of the key information was filled in, but the word "death penalty" was written in the final judgment. It is self-evident what this means. The young man with a peaceful face beside him belongs to the most dangerous group of prisoners in the dungeon!

Ordinary monks are just committing crimes, and if they are caught up, they will only be locked up for a few days so that they can reflect, and if they are serious, they will be locked up for a year or so.

Those who endanger the common people and disturb the normal people have been imprisoned for more than a few years. Even the murderers are observed first before deciding whether to be sentenced to death.

Only true murderers will be directly sentenced to death, and these people, except for their strong cultivation, are all bloodthirsty and violent people without exception, and even killing people has become a hobby.

This seemingly gentle monk is actually such a terrifying existence?

And just now, he communicated with him naturally?

Old Gui shuddered unconsciously, his steps became heavy, his breathing was a little short, and he didn't dare to talk to Li Xiaobai anymore.

It's just that he didn't want to talk anymore, but Li Xiaobai opened his mouth on his own initiative.

"How many years has Mr. Turtle stayed in this dungeon?"

Li Xiaobai asked softly, his voice was calm.

"Ten... More than ten years."

Lao Gui panicked a lot in his heart. The last condemned prisoner who came in seemed to have asked him this question as well. This was to warn him not to talk nonsense, otherwise it would be difficult to gain a foothold in the prison in the future.

"Oh, then do you know what the cultivation level of the strongest person in this dungeon is now?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"This old turtle is not very clear, it should be in the Mahayana period."

"Is there anyone better than the warden?"

"All the prisoners who came in were given the Imprisonment Pill, and it was difficult to mobilize the spiritual power in their bodies. In the prison, the warden must be the strongest!"

"I see."

Li Xiaobai nodded, imprisoning pills are no strangers to him, he has eaten this thing several times, but he did not expect that the old Dragon King would also eat this thing for himself.

It's a pity that I don't need to practice at all, and I don't have any spiritual power in my body, so this pill is unlikely to work.

The old turtle on the side was sweating profusely at this moment. He deserved to be a prisoner on death row. As soon as he came up, he asked about the strength of the strongest prisoner in the dungeon. He wanted to be the boss!

He could foresee that in the near future, there might be a scuffle in the prison.

The jailers in the dungeon never interfered with the fights between the prisoners, and internal fighting was also a part of reducing strength. The harder the prisoners fought, the less likely they were to escape.

And it was quiet after the beating, so the jailers were also happy to see this situation.

"Master Li, your room is here."

"This cave will be the son's residence in the future, and there are prisoners' clothes inside. This is the identity token used to open the cave. Of course, if you don't like the prison uniform, you don't have to wear it."

Old Gui handed Li Xiaobai a small token, and said tremblingly, forced a smile on his face, forced a smile.

Li Xiaobai took the token and weighed it. It was light and fluffy. The front side was engraved with three big characters Li Xiaobai, while the back side was blank.

This cave is very nice, the whole body is carved from white jade, it looks very delicate, although there is no aura in it, but if it is placed in the mortal world, it is also a precious jade with great bonus, it should be a special product of the sea.

But what attracted Li Xiaobai the most was the Ye Ming pearl hanging high above the stone gate of the cave, shining brightly.

If you have this Ye Mingzhu in your own cave, it means that other people's caves should also have it. If you collect all of them and add up to a lot, it should be able to add a little color to the hellfire.

"Well, I'm sorry, I will find you if there is a situation."

Li Xiaobai looked at the cave in front of him, nodded in satisfaction and said.

"Old Gui still has work to do, so let's say goodbye first!"

Never see you again!

The old turtle added this sentence in his mind, stepped on his half-limped old Han legs, and trotted away swaying from side to side.

He was so panicked that the condemned prisoner said that he would come to him if there was a situation. Isn't this just targeting him?

In the future, if the other party has something unsatisfactory, ask yourself?

His old arms and legs can't stand the toss, he still wants to hug his grandson!

Seeing the old tortoise leaving in a hurry, Li Xiaobai couldn't help but sigh in his heart, what a dedicated tortoise, he can obviously come out to let the wind go, but he is strict with himself and never relaxes. This kind of spirit is worthy of admiration.

Opening the stone gate with a token, Li Xiaobai walked in slowly.

The room was also bright, but because of this, Li Xiaobai was even more shocked by the wealth of the East China Sea. The room was as bright as day at the moment, with twenty or thirty small Ye Ming pearls shining.

Wisps of spiritual power overflowed, and business was brimming.

Li Xiaobai counted carefully, and there are twenty-three Ye Ming pearls in total. This should be a set, exactly matching the number of twenty-three mermaids in the East China Sea.

"My dear, the old dragon king is really rich. There are twenty-four Ye Ming pearls in just one cave. If all the caves are looted, tens of thousands of pearls will not be a problem, right?"

In addition to finding ten blood sacrifice fragments, Li Xiaobai once again had another goal in mind.

Burn it, must burn it!

It would be a pity not to burn such a large number of treasures in this dungeon!

At this time, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Hey, the newcomer inside, don't dawdle, put on your prison uniform, and come out to see Big Brother!"

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