Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 628: The Frightening Death Row Inmate

There were knocks on the door one after another, and the voice of the person outside was very impatient, urging Li Xiaobai to come out quickly.

"Why is there no movement?"

"Are you afraid, so you dare not come out?"

"Let me tell you, it's useless. You will come out one day. Now that we come out, we are just making friends. It's no big deal. If we don't give our elder brother face, it will not be as simple as making friends when we see you in the future." Already!"

Seeing that there was no movement inside the door, the voice threatened.

Li Xiaobai knew in his heart that he was here to find fault.

The dungeon is very large and divided into many areas. In each area, there is a boss-like figure who has hundreds of younger brothers. He has just been imprisoned today, which obviously alarmed the elder brothers in this area. Liwei, beat the newcomer.

In prisons, such tactics are not uncommon.

Recalling what Xia Bing had said to him, Li Xiaobai decided to check the situation first.

He quickly picked up the red prison uniform on the bed and changed into it.

Then he opened the door and walked out.

As soon as the door opened, Li Xiaobai felt a huge force coming, which directly pulled him out of the room.

"My good boy, you've made my uncle wait for so long, do you know that my uncle's time is precious..."

There was a roar in the ear, full of anger, but the roar weakened instantly in the back, and finally fell into a strange silence outside the room.

Li Xiaobai looked at the person in front of him quietly. He was a bald man with a fleshy face and a scar on his eye. The cold sweat couldn't stop seeping down.

"Huh? What's the matter with you, weren't you very arrogant just now?"

Li Xiaobai asked a little strangely.

"Red... red prison uniform!"

"You... are you a death row prisoner?"

The bald man's lips were trembling, and he asked tremblingly, his eyes were full of horror, as if he had seen some kind of great terror.


"Actually, I didn't do anything bad. It's all written by that spider spirit. I can't count it."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said calmly.

"Boss, I understand the rules!"

"Don't talk too much, don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked, let the young one pretend that he has never met the big brother today, and ask the big brother to show kindness, and let the young one be a fart!"

The bald man plopped and knelt down to beg for mercy. Who would have thought that the newcomer who came here today would be a death row prisoner?

Fortunately, he took the initiative to ask Ying to come and arrest people. Now he wished he could slap both of himself, but why did he become obsessed and accepted this.

The red prison uniform is a status symbol. He is definitely a big boss who dominates one side. A super ruthless person who lays down millions of corpses at every turn is not something a small shrimp like him can provoke.

"'s okay, I just want to find the boss in this area, so I'll trouble you to lead the way."

A thoughtful look flashed in Li Xiaobai's eyes, and he said to the bald head.

He probably understood what was going on in his heart. Prisoners here seemed to be the only prisoners on death row who wore red prison uniforms. The bald man in front of him was wearing a yellow prison uniform. The other party seemed to be particularly afraid of prisoners on death row. There is a certain saying that makes him fearful.

But that's good too. Originally, he wanted to find more prisoners to find the whereabouts of the fragments and loot the cave together.

After all, the interior space of this dungeon is too vast, and it would take a lot of effort to search it all by yourself, so it would be good to recruit a group of younger brothers.

"Understood, the little one will lead the way!"

The bald man hurriedly got up, patted the dust off his body, and respectfully gestured a please gesture to Li Xiaobai.

"What's your name?"

Li Xiaobai asked as he walked, his eyes kept looking at the surrounding scene, the surrounding was bare, not even a single seaweed, but it was no wonder, after all, it was a prison, and there would be no other items except accommodation.

"My lord, the little Zhang Dabao is a monk under Daozu!"

The bald man said.

"You seem to be afraid of me, why?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Because you are a death row prisoner, all the death row prisoners in the dungeon without exception are strong men who have emerged from the sea of ​​corpses and blood. I admire you very much!"

The bald man's voice has changed.

Li Xiaobai pouted, what a strong man, didn't he just want to say that he is a murderer?

But now he also fully understands that those who wear red prison uniforms in the dungeon are all ruthless people, and the cultivation level of a real murderer should not be lower than that of Mahayana.

"What happened to come in?"

"Stole a Ye Ming pearl and was imprisoned for three years."

"One Ye Ming pearl will imprison you for three years?"

Li Xiaobai frowned. Although Ye Mingzhu is indeed a good cultivation resource, it can be seen everywhere in the East China Sea. It seems that they are not so valuable, right?

"Yes, Ye Mingzhu is the body of the monks of the Hai clan after death. It is not only a resource for cultivation, but also the remains of the ancestors of the Hai clan. Therefore, once the theft is found out, it will be severely punished immediately."

"My lord, the younger one will be released after serving his sentence in one month. As long as the adult doesn't kill the younger one, the younger one is willing to serve as a cow and a horse for the adult!"

The bald man took out a token from his waist. The word Zhang Dabao was engraved on the front, and a one-month deadline was printed on the back, which indicated that he would be released from prison in one month.

"Well, why are there words on your token?"

Li Xiaobai took out his token strangely, but the back was empty and there was only a white board.

"Master Keke, you are a death row prisoner with a noble status, so naturally you won't be the same as ordinary people like us."

Zhang Dabao shrank his neck and said cautiously.

"so what?"

"So you are a prisoner on death row, which means that you don't have to go out."

Brother Zhang whispered, his calves trembled unconsciously when he said this, for fear that Li Xiaobai would kill him if he got upset.

"From what you said just now, that Daozu is the boss of this area?"

"That's right."

"Is he also a death row prisoner?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Of course not. He used to be a killer from the evil sect. He was arrested and suppressed during the assassination in Donghai, and he has been locked in the dungeon."

The bald head explained.

"What is his cultivation?"

"The peak of the tribulation period."

A weak chicken, Li Xiaobai made an instant judgment in his mind, the cultivators in this area should generally not be strong, the weaker ones, it seems that it is difficult for them to help him complete the task of searching, and he has to go outside expansion.

While speaking, Li Xiaobai came to a cave, which looked like it had been re-expanded, and it was several times wider than the usual cave, just like a local emperor.

At this moment, a group of monks were standing in front of the door, as if they were waiting for something, their expressions were a little irritable.

"Tell me, why did Dabao go there? Why is it so troublesome to find a newcomer?"

"Yeah, shouldn't you be taking the opportunity to collect protection fees to fill your own pocket?"

"Shh, people are here, they are coming!"

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