The prisoners booed in front of the door, and looked at the two figures in the distance from far to near, but soon, they realized that something was wrong.

The rookie behind Zhang Dabao looks like he is wearing a red prison uniform?

"Brothers, I don't have eyesight, why is the newcomer wearing a red prison uniform?"

"Fuck, that thing is a death row prisoner!"

"Zhang Dabao, the broom star, brought the condemned prisoners here!"

"Why didn't the condemned prisoner hear the news beforehand when he entered the dungeon? Could it be that the newcomer is a big shot?"

The smiles on the faces of the group froze. The prisoners in red prison uniforms were not something they could offend.

My boss probably kicked the iron plate today.

"Ahem, well, I'll be able to go out in two months. I understand this, so I won't stay here. Brothers, you can do it yourself."

"Me too. Although it's half a year before I can go out, my daughter-in-law who hasn't passed the family has been waiting for me. She can't die here. You resist me and leave first."

"Slip away and tell the boss that I won't be with him anymore."

The legs of several prisoners in the crowd were a little weak, and they turned around to run away, but their calves twisted unconsciously, as if they had been poured with lead, and they couldn't move.

While speaking, Li Xiaobai had already followed Zhang Dabao to the gate of the cave. In front of him were all prisoners in yellow prison uniforms, and there were no dangerous people.

"Where is Dao Zu, let him come out!"

"My lord has something to say!"

Zhang Dabao was full of air, bossing around, pointing Jiang Shan, calling the name of the former boss as soon as he opened his mouth to speak.

The prisoners naturally knew that the other party was a villain, so they followed the big guy in the red prison uniform and climbed to the top.

At the moment, he didn't dare to offend, so he glanced at Li Xiaobai a little timidly, and hurriedly replied, "The boss is in the cave, I'll call him out soon!"

"What's the noise?"

"Where is Dabao, did you bring it back?"

"Why did it take so long to find a newcomer? If I find out that you are playing tricks secretly, you will die!"

At this time, the gate of the cave opened, and a fat man in gray prison uniform came out staggeringly, his face was full of flesh and oil, and he looked at the people outside the door with some displeasure.

"Daozu, come here!"

"How dare you speak disrespectfully to an adult, do you want to die!"

Zhang Dabao raised his eyebrows, angrily scolded, and interrupted Dao Zu's words.

"Zhang Dabao, you are courting death!"

The fat man named Daozu was furious, he is the boss in this area, no one has ever dared to disobey him, never thought that this little brother under his command took the wrong medicine today, and dared to call him by his first name, as if he was about to slap him. But the next second he was stunned.

Only at this moment did he realize that there was a strange young man standing beside Zhang Dabao, dressed in a red prison uniform, looking at him with a half-smile.

"Red prison uniform!"

Dao Zu's pupils contracted for a while, and the hairs all over his body stood on end. He finally understood why Zhang Dabao was so arrogant, and he was looking for the boss.

The newcomer who just came in today is a death row prisoner, and Zhang Dabao brought him here at this moment. He feels that his position as the boss will soon be lost.

"Hehe, Daozu, you don't have the right to be presumptuous in front of my lord!"

"Stand back to the side honestly, and wait to be dealt with!"

Zhang Dabao said coldly, that appearance is full of style, those who don't know think he is a big boss.

"You are Daozu, the boss of this area?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"That's right, the little Daozu is temporarily in charge of uniting the prisoners in our area. Now that the adults are here, the little one should abdicate."

Dao Zu immediately said that he would give way as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Let me ask you, how much territory and how many people do you have under your control?"

Li Xiaobai ignored his flattery and continued to ask.

"There are a total of 110 people. The land is not big. There are only 110 caves under the jurisdiction of the small ones. They can only be regarded as small forces in this dungeon."

Dao Zu said honestly, as soon as he came up, he asked about the size of his territory. This is to take over his plate.

"You are so small, how can you be the boss?"

"The strength of the small is low, and we cannot compete with other forces, but now that there are adults, we will definitely become a big gang in the dungeon!"

Dao Zu's brow was covered with cold sweat.

Li Xiaobai frowned and said, "Okay, I'm not interested in your position as the boss. From now on, this area will be under your control, but you have to serve me, understand?"

"As long as you perform well, I will give you the treasure to improve your cultivation, but if you secretly engage in tricks and tricks, then don't blame me for being ruthless."


"Don't worry, you will be our boss from now on!"

"Yeah, I feel very kind to you when I see you. Now that I think about it, you are so similar to my old father whom I haven't seen for many years. I will treat you as my biological father from now on!"

Daozu's eyes were moist, "I am the eldest son!"

Zhang Dabao followed closely behind and said, "I am the second son!"

"Then I will be the third son..."

"Father, please be respected by the child!"

A group of prisoners bowed down, kowtow like smashing garlic, Li Xiaobai once again saw the shamelessness of the prisoners, and confessed to his father at the slightest disagreement. son.


at the same time.

East China Sea Dragon Palace, inside the Great Hall of the Imperial City.

The old dragon king sat on the high platform, and the civil and military officials below him lined up on both sides, bowing their heads and obeying orders.

The atmosphere was terribly serious.

"Have you heard everything?"

The old Dragon King broke the silence and spoke slowly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister heard that Your Majesty intends to let that junior of the human race be my son-in-law of the East Sea Dragon Palace. Is this true?"

In front of the queue of civil servants, an old turtle with long beard stepped forward and asked. As soon as he said this, all the people present pricked up their ears, waiting for the answer from the old dragon king.

"Xue'er has taken a fancy to that kid, and I also feel that there is something extraordinary about that kid, so I want to test it. If he can pass the test, it's not a bad idea to let him be my son-in-law in Donghai."

"What does Prime Minister Turtle think?"

The old dragon king nodded and asked.

"Your Majesty, this matter must not be done. If it is not my race, it must be determined. Has Your Majesty forgotten the catastrophe that the human monks slaughtered our Sea Clan hundreds of years ago?"

"Even if I am a sea monk, I will never marry a human monk!"

Prime Minister Gui's complexion changed, and he spoke righteously, and the civil servants behind him also nodded frequently.

"Then what does General Long think?"

The old dragon king looked towards the general and asked.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I believe that Xue'er should marry a real strong man. If the human monk is strong and has an unlimited future, so what if she marries him?"

"Marrying with a strong man will bring no harm to my East China Sea!"

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